

The Second Circle of Hell

Chapter 1 by Ulatoru Ulatoru

Warning: This game contains **** sex and fantasy creatures. It is only for people above 18 years old.

If you are younger than 18 or do not wish to play this game, exit immediately.

You are falling down in the darkness. It feels like you have been falling for hours, though, in reality, it was probably just a few minutes. You see a red glow underneath, growing closer by the second. Soon you can see that it is a landmass. You must be dreaming. You know you will wake up when you hit the bottom. That's what usually happens in your dreams.

You are proven wrong as you fall on the ground. As you scan your surroundings, you see a dark river flowing nearby. A sleek speed boat is tied to the river. Near the boat there is a desk with a board saying _Reception. _A man with red skin in a black suit stands behind it. Seeing nothing better to do, you approach the desk.

The man says, "Welcome to Hell, my name is Charon. If you fill out this form, I can ferry you across the river Styx, into hell. Any questions?"

You disbelievingly ask him "Am I dead?"

Charon says "Yes, of course. Why does everyone ask that question? Isn't it obvious that you're dead if you're in hell? Now fill out this form, I haven't got all day."

Charon hands you a paper to fill out and says " Parts of this form can be edited at the right of your screen under customize. Press start game on the right under score to begin. The higher the submission/dominance stat is, the more dominant you are."

You ask "What the hell does that mean?"

Charon says "No idea. It's just something my manager told me to tell everyone."

You fill out the form.

Name: Jane Doe
Gender: Female
Age at ****: 19
Cause of ****: Car accident
Body type: Lithe

You finish and turn it in to Charon. Charon leads you into the boat and drives you to the other side.

The Other Side

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