Jaime’s College Misadventure & More

Jaime’s College Misadventure & More

Jaime enjoys attention and nudity

Chapter 1 by Tyff Tyff

Hello my lovely people!

My name is Jaime and I absolutely love to be naked or showing off my waxed pussy and tits “accidentally.”

However, I was not always like this so I will give you a little bit of an introduction about myself. I am from some under 3000 population small town in the Midwest where I was a preacher's daughter and honestly for 17 years of my life I was the “good” daughter. I always made sure I had straight A’s and I even taught Sunday school once I was old enough. I wore very modest, conservative clothing and had zero interest in boys. Shortly after turning 18 and graduating from high school, my body went thru some drastic changes and ultimately, I transformed both physically and mentally into the Jaime that loved her new body and getting herself into naughty misadventures.

What's next?

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