Goddess Tamed

Goddess Tamed

Not even Gods are above being controlled

Chapter 1 by Dogdog Dogdog

All Gods exist in a bubble of omnipotence. Domains where they rule, govern, and command with their every breath. To the eyes of us mortals, they are looming beacons of power. Power over our very realities. Power that we cannot even attempt to quantify...

Some Gods rule with an iron fist, others offer blessings. But whether they sit on their thrones or walk side by side with their mortals, Gods are still Gods. A step above the rest, their only rivals being each other. It is impossible to get one over on them. They are Gods. It's impossible to bring literal deities down a peg and dance to the whims of their own creations, right?

Well, unfortunately for some, it turns out that even Gods are susceptible to mind control if the situation presents itself. Overconfidence can often brew defeat. When a God creates all of existence and believes they are above being subjugated to something as weak as hypnosis, they might not care to avoid gazing into one's hypnotic eyes, the swinging pocket watch, magic artifact, or whatever form of control comes their way. After all, they are Gods.

These are the stories of those Gods. The Gods that become tamed.

Anyone is free to add to this story. ''Cannon'' or ''Official'' additions will be approved by me to be added to the lore of the Goddess Tamed universe and character sheet. That means Gods can be freely used in other stories as long as it fits in their character and situations/antics/changes from one ''cannon'' chapter and be referenced/mentioned/continued in others. Feel free to mention or do whatever, in reason, whether or not I approve of them. They just won't be considered cannon by me to the Goddess Tamed universe.

But if you have an idea for a God or Goddess, consider throwing your hat in the ring, and they might just pop up or be mentioned in an official chapter. Expanding this world with more Gods, relationships, rivalries, etc, is what makes this fun. As well as taming Gods, of course!

Which God do we explore first?

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