Broken Vows

A Stormy Night

Chapter 1

The wind howled throughout the island as it was accompanied by descending torrents of rain that lashed mercilessly against the sodden ground. As the storm raged above, a shadow could be seen through a small stained glass window as the candle flickered wildly. Sister Alison was knelt down in front of the altar as she finished her evening prayers. Upon uttering her final words she stood up and began to diligently extinguish the candles.

Sister Alison wandered toward the door before grabbing her nearby raincoat and pulling it over her holy robes. Feeling slightly unnerved by the raging storm she parted her quivering lips to speak "Dear Father thou art in heaven please guide and protect me on my perilous journey back to the convent and into your loving arms." The howling winds seemed to momentarily subside as though the lord was indeed listening.

Reaching forward Sister Aison grabbed at the wrought iron lock and pulled the door inwards toward herself. A powerful gust of wind took her by surprise causing Sister Alison to take a step back before easing the heavy door closed once again. Once she was safely back in the chapel, she felt her luscious blonde locks fall about her delicate features before looking about for her fallen habit. After a few minutes, she picked up the habit and eased it atop her head once more. Once she had reassured herself Sister Alison stepped forward once more before wrenching the door open and heading out into the stormy weather.

Stood under the chapels archway Alison's bright blue eyes were filled with worry looked out into the murky darkness. Part of her knew it would be safer to take refuge in the chapel for the night before heading up to the convent in the morning. Alison seemed overconfident in her abilities as she heaved the wooden door shut before heading off into the darkness. Rain and wind whipped around her as she trudged slowly up the hill. Every so often she'd rapidly blink and make out the convents shadow in the distance.

Once she stood at the halfway point Alison knew she had made a deadly mistake. Lightning flashed up ahead briefly illuminating the path that was quickly being consumed by a torrent of rainwater. Alison stood eerily still for a few moments as her terrified eyes darted between the distant convent, the darkened chapel or a nearby looming mausoleum as she frantically decided where to take cover for the night...

Where Will Alison Take Cover?

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