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Chapter 2 by RedEmpire RedEmpire

Choose your character...

Yoshino (The eager , asian)

You lay wide awake staring up at the ceiling reflecting on the last few weeks. It is finally happening, you think to yourself. Your body vibrates with an intense nervous energy of what is to come. Your entire life you had anticipated this moment. Like almost all women on this planet, you had two mothers. The mother who bore you into this world and the woman who raised you. You had never met your birth mother, but you adored her. As one of the highest members of your birth harem, she had given you your beautiful Asian features. Even as a little girl, your beauty had caused you to stand out in your community. You had always known it would be your path out of your humble community.

You knew your adopted mother was a good woman. She had cared for you and worked her meager job to provide what little you had, but your focus had always been towards your future. The week leading up to your 18th birthday, she had cried every night, but you walked eagerly into the custody of the female guards that had arrived at your front door that morning. For this planet's survival, it was custom that you be sold into another harem. You wanted a life more glamorous than the meager one of your adopted mother. You had been determined to look as attractive as possible, acquire a high price for your father's harem, and secure yourself a founding spot as a concubine within a neighboring Upper Harem. The Upper Harem would ensure you the high status of a breeding and pleasure concubine.

The auction stockades had been overwhelming. The guards had torn the clothing from your body, locked you in shackles, and paraded you through the market streets. Upon your entering the market you passed a particularly pathetic collection of girls your age. Their faces were green from hibernation sickness and they protested and fought their captures. These must have been captured females from other planets.

"Autosaidā..." You muttered in Japanese with disgust. Their behavior disgraced themselves. It should have been an honor fulfilling their duty to their new planet's society. Why didn't they eagerly accept their place? They had been selected for their beauty by the galactic slavers and, with their coveted outside genetics, they should fetch a high price from one of the smaller harems.

As you arrived at the auction stockade, you had been hopeful to see a man or two surveying you and the other prospective girls, but that was not to be. Men were incredibly rare and needed to be protected. They rarely left the safety of their fortresses and even buying new females was left to their most trusted lieutenants. These elite women from all over the planet, delegated that important responsibility for their male Masters, walked though the group of fresh 18 year old girls. Some of them would pause and you would eagerly answer their questions and accept their probing bodies as they tested your bodies firmness and pale soft skin.

Before all of you was a dark gate. Above it the words AUCTION: OUTER HAREM STOCK was spelled out in big bold letters. Every few minutes, one of the girls would be pushed up the stairs of the gate out of sight. Shortly, her sale price would be displayed before going dark and signaling for another girl to be pushed forward to follow her. At first, the order had seen random, but as the number of girls beside you dwindled you noticed that the announced prices was growing higher and the remaining girls were only the most beautiful.

When only a few girls remained, suddenly the words changed!


A smile had crossed your lips.

It was at that moment you realized you had already passed for first step to achieving your goal. Your beauty had made you eligible for a slot on the auction block for an Inner Harem. Provided you could attract the right bidder, you could be trained as a concubine just like your birth mother!

And you intended to fetch a high price!

The memory of your sale continues to play within your head...

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