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Chapter 26 by Almax Almax


Time to find out what you've got....

{if@ Gammod == False}Cameron slowly wakes up with the sun coming through the window. Admittedly, during the night you got up and opened the curtains all the way so that it would wake him up a bit earlier, which might seem selfish but in reality was an act of self-preservation. You are really, really tired right now.

Cameron sits up from where he lies, looks over to where you're glaring in sleep-deprived sourness from the corner of the room, and gives you a little wave before standing up to get ready for the day.

You tried to go back to sleep during the night after a little while, caving from your original resolution, but you actually weren't able to. It was like Lady Bonfire was holding you captive or something. So, instead, you've spent the last roughly four hours getting your things ready for first period and then checking and rechecking that your things are still ready for first period. You're probably a bit irritable because of it, but you don't care, because you've earned that right. You can almost feel the bags under your eyes....

Cameron gets his stuff ready a bit faster as you bark snappy commands to him in impatience, but eventually (too long for you) he's all ready and so you finally rise from your cramped position in the room's dark corner and get to your feet, back creaking eerily as you pick up your stuff. Alright then, time for the first period of the day.... woooooooo.........

{endif}{if@ CameronDreamTalk == 0}Alright, get those feet shuffling beneath you. Oh, man, this bag feels heavy. Please don't have Combat Class first, please don't have Combat Class first.....

You groggily move through the school's hallways, looking to find one of the wall-mounted timetables, but you keep going in the wrong directions and Cameron has to redirect you. Between you today and Miranda yesterday, he's really had his work cut out for him. At least it means he's got some experience and knows what he's doing.

You're not really there enough to respond to words, so he guides you through the halls by turn holding your shoulders and turning you in a direction, so you can keep shuffling forward. You appreciate it a little, but again, you're in a bit of a sour mood at the moment, so you don't even bother to tell him that it's appreciated. Evil.

Trodding along, you eventually realise that you must've already passed the timetable, because Cameron's guiding you towards a classroom now. When did that happen? Oh, anyway, it doesn't matter, because now you get to go inside and slump down into your usual chair with a bit of his help.

You feel like you're going to fall asleep, right exactly now. How is that fair? Where was this an hour ago, when it was dark and classes weren't about to happen? Well, sometimes life isn't fair. Because you very much do fall asleep, right now, with your forehead pressed against your desk, just like Miranda was yesterday. Drat. Foiled. Which classroom is this, anyway?

{else}You and Cameron get your stuff all packed and ready, then leave your room excitedly to find out what your first class is gonna be. Maybe it'll be something entirely new -- like Arts and Crafts! Oh, you'd love that so much. You'd definitely make a scrapbook, wouldn't you? Yeah, you would. It's the look in your eye.

You meet up with Miranda on your way, who's looking in a lot better shape than she was yesterday morning. She's muttering random stuff to herself as she walks, and squeaks when you and Cameron catch up to her, then doesn't contribute a whole lot to your three-way conversation. So she's pretty much back to normal.

With Miranda in tow, you don't even need to find one of those wall-mounted timetables -- because she's definitely the sort who looks at things like timetables before leaving in the morning. So, once again, you simply chat happily and follow her to your classroom. It's Monster Theory!

Ben's already set up at the front again, so you take your seats and chatter happily to him until Delilah and Jace arrive through the door. But that isn't all -- because, just before the bell rings, Lexi waltzes in through the classroom doorway as well, wearing casual clothes and with her backpack on, jamming and jiving to music playing in her headphones as she comes in.

"Lexi!" You and Cameron call out simultaneously to her, both wearing a happy face. You'll finally have the whole gang together again! She gives both of you a smile, and only you a little wink, before turning to Ben at the front.

"Hey Prof. The bus only just dropped me off, I hope it's no worries that I'm not in school uniform just yet, I've not been able to change." She says. Hey, wait, you know that's not true at all. She just wants to be in casual clothes again!

"That's fine, Lexi. Welcome back." Ben says as the bell goes off. "Alright, everybody say your hellos and then get to your seats. We've got a lot of content to get through today."

Hehe.... it'll never stop being funny to you, seeing Ben act all professional and teacher-like. It's very funny. Well, everybody fawns over Lexi for a little bit (except Delilah, but she doesn't do anything rude), and then you all sit down in your normal positions and get ready for class to begin.{endif}

Time for a teachin'.

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