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Chapter 4 by nick369 nick369

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The Mary-Sue of Maryland: Wardrobe Malfunction Victory

“Like this?”

Lily gasped out as her tiny white shirt scrunched, the poor sitting chest fly machine unable to properly press it’s bar against such major boobage. The machine may have been able to lift up to 300lbs, but it wasn’t built for such busty patrons. She could barely get the 25lbs weight a quarter way up before her oversized chest put up too much of a barrier to continue.

“Perfect.” Cameron put a thumbs up to his sister’s annoyed grunts, complimenting himself on his quick thinking. From what he had observed before, she could have put a hole in the treadmill with each step, or bent dumbbells in half, or even set the rowing machine ablaze with her pace. She seemed to be only one who could struggle against exercise machines and win. However here, her chest, advertising more space than many actual billboards, worked against any potential workout to be gained.

“Uuuuh!” Those soft cushions on the bar pressed against her softer chest pillows again, their circumference sticking past her legs, “I-I just don’t get how this could be serious exercise! I just feel like I’m pushing my boobs in and against each other again and again.” To demonstrate, she gripped both amazing buoyant tits and caused them to pool until they nearly popped out of the low collar. She let go and watched them wobble. “Am I really doing this right?”

”Well…” He shrugged, “you are, but it’s a…”

Your lies would be more convincing if you could take your eyes off those fleshy yoga-balls on her chest.

“Yup!” Cameron looked up to the ceiling, “You’ll be breaking a sweat in no time.”

”UHHH!” She grunted deeper still, most likely trying to imitate the sounds she expected to come from someone getting a workout. She blew air from her mouth, pushing back some hair behind her hat before pumping again. Her entire body tensed up, once again attempting to push the bars further out in front to no avail, breasts actually bumping into her chin as she squeezed those magnificent mammaries harder.

“Shit, man…” Cameron heard a not very subtle whisper behind him. “Do you see those big titties on that girl?” His head turned ever so slightly to see the two shirtless bros talking at rowing machines over his right shoulder.

They looked to be in college, the kind of jocks who lived at the gym in high school and only doubled their commitment since graduating. The one who had made the irritating comment was in a backwards hat as dark at his black bedhead mane. Like his friend, he had a ripped body nearly statue perfect, silky but hard looking biceps with the occasional bulging vein, mixed with a midsection studded with ab muscles as big as Cameron’s fist. His only rogue hairs were the chin strap which framed his firm jaw, and the way the lights cast down on his body made it look like he was ready for a cover shoot.

His friend with bigger amber helmet hair and somehow bigger, buffer body nodded. “Oh yeah, I spotted her when she first came in! They’ve gotta be fake, right? Those fat funbags are way too perky.”

The other bro brought his dark shorts to his defined pecs and cut abs as he pulled his knees in. “Naw. Look at them, they’re like, all soft and sexy. I’ve had my feel of both types many, many fucking times and they have those slight droop which means they’re real.”

“Shit man, she’s not even wearing a bra. Look at those fat nipples poking through the shirt. I’m telling yeah, if they’re not, ‘fake-fake’, they’re some kind of not natural thing.” The hatless friend was practically slobbering onto his bulge in grey shorts.

“How ‘bout this, dude.” The other bro dropped the handle of that machine. “We’ll find out together if they’re real, and if you’re right, I’ll give you first dibs on chicks for the next month.”

“Fine, but we’re doing her at the same time. I don’t want fucking sloppy seconds like the last time we checked that black babe’s ass.”

Cameron’s fists clenched. What he wouldn’t do right now to give them both a piece of his mind. They were talking about his sister as though she was nothing more than deli-meat! He would’ve marched right over and decked them if they hadn’t stood up and proven how much taller and bigger than they were than him.

“AAHHH!” Lily grunted a final time, shirt lifting enough to yet again pop out the bottom half of her breasts, hiding little more than a tiny strip across two tanned mountains of pillowy flesh, which could hide Cameron’s roaring cranium of conflicting emotions. “Is this really working?”

”Can you keep it down a bit, sis?” Cameron tried his best to keep his voice low as he waved his hands. “I think others are starting to notice.” He heard chuckling and high-fives from behind him, and he desperately begged that his sister was the one woman who wasn’t attracted to incredibly confident dude bros with great abs and smiles.

”Who cares?” She rested her arms out with another gutteral grunt. “I mean, if you’ve already forgotten, I’m kind of here to get noticed. Remember the whole sponsorship deal?” She looked down at her shirt, adjusting it out to stretch the logo as much as possible across her mind-numbing chest, pulling her hat off to wave her flowing blonde hair, and Cameron just pretending he wasn’t staring when she did whatever she was doing with her shorts’ bulge.

He gritted his teeth. “I know about that, Lily, but those guys over there. I heard them talking about you.” He had learned fifteen new words for incredibly large tits just from what he overheard in the last few seconds.

Tilting her head a tinge to the side, her eyes widened upon seeing the two guys ogling her. “Those two?” Her nails pointed over to the two shirtless men stretching their long buff torso left and right, eyes locked on her chest.

“Yeah so-”

“Those two hunky dudes?” Her lips curled into a smile. “The ones with super cut bodies, nice smiles, and killer sexy asses?”

”Well I didn’t check out their butts but-”

”And they’re-” She started to gasp a little bit, moaning as her legs wiggled a bit. “They’re staring at me?” She smiled and cooed, giving a wink back. “They really want to talk to me?”

Cameron face-palmed, knowing he had been far too optimistic before. “They were talking all about how hot your boobs were and saying really nasty-”

”Oh c’mon, Cameron. I know how flirting works.” Now she was practically rumbling in her seat. “My boobs are just a conversational piece to open the door, but then we get to talking. I betcha they know how to have a really good time though.” Her legs started to shake and rattle as her mind raced. “They probably know a lot of fun parties to go to, and probably have cute friends too!” She turned to Cameron with a smile, “do you think they have a boat? I betcha they have a boat!” The machine started to creak as her arms shook more.

Again, Cameron looked down at her crotch, the stirring beneath unavoidable. He had been amazed at her shorts’ ability to keep her decent so far, the descending bulge the size of her head coming half-way down her leg had been mostly settled besides the occasional twitch. But now, he saw that it was definitely rising, the material becoming unsustainably thin and stretched as tiny little tears appeared up the fattening dong. Cameron took a step back and cleared his throat. “Um maybe you should get up from-?”



The duel sounds of destruction hummed in distasteful harmony as all eyes were drawn to Lily. The chest fly machine was brutally slain, the grey metal bars hadn’t been disconnected as so much torn off like a chocolate bar, sharp jagged edges now of the floor as Lily quickly dropped them with a thunderous crash. Of course, most people really weren’t staring at the ripped metal, as they were more content on staring at the flesh beam now sticking out past her legs.

Immediately, Cameron’s nose was hit by his sister’s incredibly powerful musk, an uncharted scent of equal parts salty and sweet, but all consuming his senses. Thinking quick, he threw the towel around his shoulder between her legs, but this did little to solve the issue. Her shaft rose almost a foot above what the towel covered, and its girth guaranteed that what was covered was shown in impeccable detail, every vein, curve and pulse on display for the viewing public.

Seeing how little his towel was doing, Cameron jumped in front of his sister’s crotchless shorts with wide-arms and pointed in the opposite direction of Lily’s blushing face. “A-Alright guys. We’ve all had wardrobe malfunctions in the past and had some good laughs. N-Nothing to see here that we’ve-”

Cameron felt his body pushed to the side suddenly mid-speech, his sister pushing past him. She ripped off the remaining parts of her shorts to stand bottom-less in front of the two jocks who had been eyeing her up before. She was still a head above these ‘big-boys’ and posed with hands on her bare hips, all womanly wideness wiggling back and forth while something quite masculine bobbed pointing at their abs.

“I heard you were checking me out?” Lily’s smile was beaming, throwing some of that long sparkling blonde hair behind her head with some much stronger looking arms. “Do you like what you see, or something?”

”Uh…” Dark hat bro just gave the most intelligent grunt he could muster from his gaping mouth.

“How about you two? What are your names?”

“David.” Slowly the bigger friend said before pointing to his friend. “A-And this is Tanner.”

“Nice to meet you boys.” She actually patted them both on the head, mere puppies to her. “You two are pretty cute and I was wondering if I could buy you coffee tomorrow?”

“Uh, me or him?” David straightened his back, but his voice still shook with a lamb’s confidence.

“Both.” She smirked as she leaned over, flashing them a good look down her shirt, each head size teat moving close to their stunned faces. “Or maybe you think that I’m not womanly enough for you?” Her fingers danced up from her thighs, circling up some new abs on her stomach before ending right on her thick bulging nipples.

Cameron swore he heard two ‘pops’ coming from their brains as both bros vigorously shook their heads, a synchronised ‘duhs’ coming from their lips as they both got their phones out to jot down her number.

“Thanks, cuties.” She winked before turning around. “And by the way..” She smacked her bubbly otherside, a roar of jiggling asscheek echoing in the large gym space. “This is all real and all me, but you’re going to have to be real nice and impressive to find out for yourself…” She passed by her brother. “C’mon Cammy. I wanna shower and clean up.”

Her big boner bobbed all the way to the change rooms before Cameron unfroze himself from twitching and shivering. He had to reboot his brain to comprehend what he had just witnessed, smelling smoke come from his ears as conventional wisdom flew out the window.

“You know, bro… I’m not gay, but I’m totally going to try to hit that.” Tanner said with a blush.

“Seriously the prettiest dick I’ve ever seen.” David crossed his legs to cover his arousal. “A-Am I in love?”

If I just stare into this corner, everything will be fine.

Lily’s unbelievable body confidence aside, there was a problem with her getting into the change room now with her enormous male appendage bounding around sternum height. She knew full well that she would probably make some ladies uncomfortable with her evident monument to male arousal, so she stayed clear of the women’s changing room in respect to them. However, that didn’t exactly mean she’d be going to the boys changing room either, as her new throbbing meat caused a whole different kind of discomfort in males.

There was a solution however, as Jake’s Gym was kind enough to offer a third changing room for individuals who had some special needs, and his sister certainly was needing something special. The only problem was there was no divider inside. There was no walls to divide the room between the showers, and with his sister strongly insisting they change together, Cameron was stuck standing in the corner while his sister refreshed herself with a shower she didn’t need. She hadn’t broken a sweat after all.

“Ah!” She gasped as nice warm water poured onto her face, having to naturally duck under to actually fit, the water splashing from the nozzle around her mammoth-boob-height. “What are you doing in the corner, bro? Don’t you want to shower up?”

”I-I’m good.” He meekly waved back with a shake of his head. What he really needed was some time to process what was going on. He was starting to become fearful that if he didn’t do something soon, his sister would become something absolutely beyond mortal. Well, she already was kind of that, but he didn’t want her to get beyond-er than she already was. Passing a quick glance back again, he noted very well the outlines of strong biceps which trailed up both arms. Lily still had soft arms, but they were no longer delicate looking, and even unflexed they looked welcome on a woman’s fitness magazine. The way she had ripped that machine like cloth was honestly terrifying and made him fearful of her touch.

But her body’s just becoming sexier and sexier!

“Oh, don’t be a wet blanket!” She cupped her hands under the shower, before showing what felt like a bucket full over Cameron’s head, soaking him to the bone(r).

“Lily!!!! What the fuck!?!” He waved and slashed his hands of dripping warm water. “Now my clothes are all wet! What am I going to wear now?”

”Calm down, bro.” She pointed behind her shoulders to the bench of the gym bag she just got. “I’ve got enough clothing for about a month in there. So come over here and shower already. It’s not like we have to share a tap or anything…” She turned on the next shower just in arms reach and waved her hand.

She appeared to be one of her moods where she wouldn’t stop until she got what she wanted so he relented, though to be fair, she had been like that almost all day. He sighed and slopped off his sticky clothing to the floor, dragging his foot across the wet tiles with every step.

At least with the water, you got rid of your boner.

Like clockwork though, Cameron felt his cock return to full-humiliating-mast anew upon getting under the admittedly rejuvenating stream, his sister’s body once again in easy view of his peripherals.

“Man, I felt pretty damn cool back there.” She hummed as she massaged her scalp, wet blonde strands bouncing. “When I heard that those cute guys were eyeing me up, I got so excited and hot, feeling like the shy girl I was before. But the more I thought about it, and after overcoming my embarrassing outburst there, I realized what’s the worst that could happen. Then once I was talking,” she chuckled, “I was on a roll. By the time I patted my butt for them, I felt like the adult and them the little kіds!” She shone that grin over to her brother, her teeth effortlessly reflecting light. “That actually happen with a lot of things now that I think about it, I worry so much about it, but when I actually try, I’m better than I could even dream!”

Cameron took a step to the side, slopping some shower gel onto his palm. “I know.” He said blankly at the bronze drain on the floor. “I was there.”

“Right.” She chuckled again before slathering her tight stomach with more suds, tanned skin glistening over newly made subtle abs. “Anyways, I wanted you to shower with me for a reason bro!”

Here comes the humiliating size comparison. You’re the older brother, yet you have a dick of an ant compared to her elephant’s trunk.

Consciously he clenched his legs together and turned more to the side. “Why? To splash water on me?”

”No silly!” She laughed as she turned fully towards him, water splashing in all directions off her shoulder as she hid nothing between them. “I mean, I was just thinking how I have more to clean, if you know what I’m saying. It’s all new to me.”

”So?” He tried looking straight up, so her fat flesh pipe wasn’t in his sight, but it bobbed all the same in his peripheries.

“Well, could you wash it for me?” She gripped it firm at the base and ran a finger down it. “It’s just, like, I mean,” she blushed. “You know, it’s got foreskin and all, so what do I do?”

”N-N-NO!” Cameron took as step back on the sudsy floor, but slipped on his toes, falling to his round butt. To his great regret, that only got him a better view of the shlang he was trying to avoid. “Y-You wash your own dick and get it-”

”Cammy!” She stomped a foot and boomed her voice, Cammy shutting up real quick. “You’ve been acting super strange since this morning, stranger than normal!” She crossed her arms, water spluttering down from her towering form,“I’m starting to think that, like, you’re jealous of my dick or something weird like that!”

He got up from his wet bubbly butt and tried his best to deflect the comment. “I-I’m not jealous! I’m…” His lips buttoned up as his mind burst into a fury of thoughts.

Totally confused in the face of your new cock, the core basis of my sexuality is challenged not to mention my identity as a brother. I don’t want it on me, but I’m still questioning on whether I like it or love it.

He cleared his throat. “I’m j-just worried, is all, Lily.” He crossed his arms. “You look happy with it, but I can’t help but worry that it might be some side-effect of something.”

”Well, whatever it came from…” She shrugged before handing him some soap. “I think it should be cleaned properly. I know you’re my brother, but who else should I trust with this?”

Taking a deep breath, he nodded. He had to get a grips on his maniacal thoughts which kept putting images of him cleaning this thing with mouth. His sister would only be 100% correct if he failed to do this, so he had to try his best. If he thought of this as a medical thing, as something purely logical, maybe he could scrub that powerful musk off, the musk coming from his sister’s cock which was seriously fucking with his mind. The only question though was what he could imagine he was cleaning instead.

Concentrating, he put a hand on the underside, feeling her slow but forceful pulse immediately as he brought a bar to the cockhead. He was merely cleaning a large tanned squash though, so he didn’t mind in the least. It did seem a bit odd to wash it though, seeing how this squash seemed perfectly fine and healthy without a imperfection. Nevertheless, he gave really quick strokes from its base, the running water doing a fine job to obscure the sound of his sis moaning. He gave a shaking hum as he worked closer and closer to the tip, very aware of the growing smell of arousal filling his nostrils. Quickly, he rubbed the purple tip which caused a rumble up its entirety. Yet the scent continued to make him light-headed, so he pulled back the stretchy skin near the top and ran the bar around the mushroom like tip.

Yes, it was mushroom, a strange oversized mushroom twitching at him. He rubbed and twisted around trying to get that smell off, but every little movement just make it stronger, his mind telling him to work harder until his IQ reached zero. Cameron huffed as he slowly worked the bar of soap around the slit, white ooze now coming out with such a powerful whiff that he couldn’t even smell the soap, his sister’s moan so loud he couldn’t hear the water.

His eyes went wide. He was cleaning his sister’s dick and his face was right against the tip.

Suck it dude, she doesn’t seem to mind.

It was downright hypnotizing him, filling his mind with such devious thoughts.

Run your tongue all the way down to those big sexy balls. Get her growing dick real clean.

What curse had been placed on his sister to give her such a possessed beastly shaft?

Maybe you can put your hard cock into hers like a pussy, pumping until you cum in-

“A-And we’re done!” He practically bounced back, thankfully staying on his feet this time. Immediately after, he dipped his head under the shower nozzle, turning it to cold all the way and sighing as he shivered his dirty thoughts away.

Lily had been biting her lips the entire time, her blushed body shivering as well, but for very different reasons. “T-Thanks…” She cleared her throat, still doing some cleaning of the shaft of her own. “C-Can I have a little privacy now though? I need to do some… Uh feminine things which I-”

“Say no more!” He burst from his mouth, turning off the shower and grabbing some new clothing her gym bags in no time flat. “Y-You take your time! I’ll just be in the front.” He scurried out the door with sneakers in hand and the moment upon exiting, gripped his chest. It was actually becoming dangerous to be in the same room as her, the stale air of this gym actually refreshing compared to whatever he was breathing in there. He started thinking on how he could solve this issue, keep himself safe, when he heard noises from the other which kept his feet moving to the entrance.


“Oh yeah…”


“Fuck yeah…”




“Sh-Shit don’t clog the drain!”

Finally, Cameron settled on the best idea on how to handle things next, pondering his thoughts in the pink shirt he grabbed in a hurry. It may not be the absolutely perfect option, but he certainly couldn’t retain the status quo, he needed to find a way out of this extremely uncomfortable personal hell thrust upon his lap. He just wished Lily would come to the entrance already.

“Ready?” Lily jumped out in front of him with a smile, surprising her brother with her change of outfit. After all, it was actually not showing off an obscene amount of skin, her white t-shirt actually managing to go down to the hem of her blue sweatpants, obscene bulge gone. They were tight, certainly, but besides the her gym bag’s strap going between her enormous breasts emphasizing them more, it was actually the most conservative she had dressed in a while. “Let’s go now, as I kind of made a mess of that change room and I think I might get blamed.”

”Sure.” He felt as if things were looking up and optimistic until he realized the obvious. She had done the oldest boner hiding trick in the book, and although more subtle than a bulge, it certainly wasn’t hidden. He saw the outline up her white shirt, Lily merely pointing her arousal up to fruitlessly hide things in her shirt, but it was easy to make out each tanned detail of the dick he got to know so intimately by washing. What he had assumed was the bulge for her oversized wang was actually just her balls, a pair which looked positively full at how they twitched beneath the fabric.

“So what’s next?” Full of energy, Lily lifted her arms in the air the second they got outside, erection bobbing out the second her shirt was lifted, dong flopping free. “Whoops! I’ve got to get rid of this boner soon or else you’ll be cleaning it again, huh bro?!”

You should just accept you like it. You both could be so happy if you accepted your roll as brotherly dick cleaner

“I-I’ve got another idea actually!” He blurted out with waving hands.

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