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Chapter 4 by nick369 nick369

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The Mary-Sue of Maryland: Speedy Lumber Lily

The two siblings walked down the pavement. Cameron not even bothering to turn around to keep an eye on his sister as he could literally feel her heavy steps on the ground every time it shook, along with that humming of hers that. Despite it being pleasant to the ears, was rather annoying and irritating to him as it practically danced in his senses, reverberating throughout his entire being, making it hard to focus.

He tried keeping his distance from her to feel less of the shaking and humming but her long legs and skipping motions quickly closed the gap in seconds, making him more annoyed and Lily giggling, thinking it was some sort of game.

Speaking of Lily, she continued to skip right behind her dear brother, oblivious to the fact that she was being a nuisance to him and each of her steps shook the ground around her. Her golden hair flowing behind her and pumpkin cheeks, bouncing and flexing with each step like fresh dough. Her breasts pulling the tight, tank top to its very limits as the two flesh bags bounced with her steps. Youthful, tanned flesh slapping into each other as it teased mouthwatering underboob to any passerby.

Camron just had about enough. “Lily could you stop that!” He said, stopping and turning all of a sudden to talk to her.

She failed to register this as her tits made first contact with his face, hard. Knocking him onto his butt like he got hit with a pair of soft pillows.

“Oops. Sorry, bro. Didn’t hear you that time.” She laughed, bending at the hip as she reached down for her brother, some pedestrians taking some quick photos of her ‘heart-butt’. She grabbed him around the collar before hoisting him up too quickly for him to adjust, his feet dangling a few inches above the ground before she unceremoniously dropped him onto his wobbly legs.

It took him a few seconds to register what just happened before glaring at her. “Really Lily?! You could have just kept your distance a bit or at least pay attention.”

Lily crossed her arms under her breasts, pushing them closer to Cameron’s face as he reared back a bit, nipples dangerously close to his eyes. “Well excuuuuuuusssse me mister ‘let-me-stop-all-of-a-sudden-in-the-middle-of-the-pavement’. I thought we were going to the forest for a walk, hence the non-stop walking TOWARDS our destination.” She said puffing her cheeks in a cute but angry manner.

“Yes we are but that’s not the point. I simply wanted to tell you to stop skipping and humming. It’s very distracting.” Lily simply rolled her eyes at this.

“Sure, whatever. Let me just stop the one thing keeping us entertained. It doesn’t matter really cause we are close to the forest.” She said walking to stand right beside him.

Cameron looked at her confused. “And how do you know it’s close?”

She looked at her brother with a smirk. “Because you can hear the birds are close silly.” Cameron tried to focus his ears but got nothing back. Lily giggled. “It’s because you’ve been listening to that loud music of yours with your headphone volume set to max. It’s bound to make you lose a bit of hearing which is why you can’t hear them as well as I do.”

Cameron rolled his eyes at this as he began to walk but Lily stayed put. “Aren’t you coming?”

She looked up to the sky, her ocean blue eyes reflecting it like a clear mirror as she tapped her plush lips with her manicured fingers. “Hm, let me think. It’s still going to be quite a boring trek from here. Oh, I know! How bout a race? Last one there gets a noogie. 3,2,1 GO!”

Before he could even utter a word she blasted off at blistering speed, the air whizzing right past Cameron. His hoodie flapping from the powerful current as Lily’s long legs carried her far like powerful pistons. Her bare feet slamming against the ground with the faintest cracks appearing from the heavy impact as she assumed and maintained a perfect runners form. Covering several meters at once in a single leap as her calf and thigh muscles flexed with each motion, barely being exerted to its fullest potential yet producing enough power to rival a horse.

Cameron steadied himself before seeing his sister rapidly shrink in the distance. Without thinking he tried to run and catch up with her but it is futile as he was quickly running out of breath since he hadn’t actually ran in a long time since high-school. Still, he pressed on in the hopes that she wouldn’t get herself into trouble, his muscles already aching as he was breathing hard.

Meanwhile, Lily is taking in slow and controlled breaths. In through the nose and out through the mouth in perfect rhythm with her leaping-run, practically jumping several meters before her foot made contact with the ground with a heavy THUD-CRACK, before leaping again. Leaving behind a slightly deeper footprint with more cracks in the pavement then when she started out, only getting noticeably deeper with more cracks as she rapidly closed the distance between herself and the forest appearing on the horizon.

What Lily didn’t notice when she was running is that when she breathed in, she continued to breathe in for five continuous seconds which was enough air for three male athletes. Practically sucking in the air, creating a temporary vacuum as her hyper-developed lungs processed the oxygen at near 100% efficiency before pumping it throughout her entire body as she breathed out, the **** of the air exiting enough to push a man over.

She saw the entrance to the forest rapidly closing in. With determined eyes and a focused will, she brought both feet in front of her, bending them so her knees pressed against her breasts and her ass was close to the ground, her legs winding up for the big finale like powerful pistons in a construction vehicle before she LEAPED with a BOOM! Cracks and a crater forming around her launch area as she produced a shockwave of air from her sudden and powerful jump as she rose into the air. 1 meter, 2 meters, 5 meters! Rising higher than the majority of 1 story residential buildings in the area. She tucks herself in as began to flip forward, her hair flowing behind her making her look like a golden human hedgehog. 1 spin, 2 spins, 3 spins, 4 spins, 5 whole spins before she untucked herself, extending her legs, landing, and sliding with her feet with a high pitched screech equivalent to tire skidding on the road as she left behind black marks and a trail of smoke before coming to a full stop right where the road ends and dirt path begins.

Lily looked behind her and noticed a particularly human-shaped skid mark on the pavement that still gave off white smoke. Confused, she turned her leg at the knee in an almost comical 180-degree fashion to see the bottom of her barefoot. It was perfectly clean! No dirt, no rubble, pebble, rocks, no black marks, no nothing. It didn’t even feel sore or hurt a bit. Smooth, soft skin like feathers and smelled of the shampoo she used in her previous bubble bath. She smiled, bringing her face close to breathe in the scent of lavender as she noticed her foot is almost as long as her face. She giggled, patting it before slowly putting her foot back down on the ground.

As she put her foot on the ground she noticed that her calves and thighs were noticeably more toned from the run. Bigger than usual, smooth and hard yet still gave off that feminine look. She flexed one thigh, seeing it produce a respectably deep crevice and large mound before returning to its new normal. Her yoga pants were now stretched to its very limits, already tears are forming at the calf. Any more and they would be torn asunder. She tested out her new muscles a bit more, raising and flexing one leg, seeing the tear widen before bringing it back down. Overall her legs have developed to rival that of a female athlete yet it didn’t look too shredded to look out of place on her smooth and developed body. Just enough to make the lines and bumps more clearly visible with an extra few inches in size yet still maintain their smooth, feminine quality. Still, it held more power behind it then it showed.

“Huh, I guess working out in the track really paid off in the end. I should thank mom and dad for pushing me to do it.” She said as she ran a hand over the new mounds, rubbing and groping it a bit, eliciting a moan from her, her girlcock twitching a bit before she snapped out of it. “Wait. Wheres Cammy?!” She looked around her yet saw no sign of her brother. “Strange, we are always close together when we run, him beating me most of the time but this is new. He couldn’t have sneaked into a shop now could he?”

She looked back down the path she came from, noticing a familiar figure coming in the far distance. Squinting her eyes a bit she could make out the faintest outline of a hoodie and…

“No way is that him?!” Lily exclaimed, a wide smile appearing on her face. Her teeth glittering in the sunlight that just showed up as her hair waved behind her from the gentle wind that also showed up. “I can’t believe it. I beat him…” She said, slowly bring her hands up to her mouth. “I beat him… I BEAT HIM!” She shouted, jumping high into the air as she pumped her arms up. Celebrating as she did a little impromptu dance with swinging her wide hips and pumping her arms up and down, singing a singalong tune.

“I beat him, I beat him, I really really beat him. Who’s the girl? I’m the girl. Who’s the girl? I’m the girl. Years of having you beat me in every race with a close call and I finally left you in the dust.” She said as she put her hands on her hips and swung it from side to side. She did this for a few more minutes before noticing that his still a bit far off. “Huh, his sure taking his sweet time. I guess it gets kind of boring if you finish first early. Oh well.” She shrugged as she leaned against a tree, it creaking a bit from the **** and pressure of her hidden weight and power.

Not too long she noticed a bluejay up by the branch looking at her. “Oh, why hello there little guy. Haven’t seen you before, are you new around here? Its been a while since I’ve been to the forest, and I’ve made lots of friends here.” She said, speaking to it in a calm and friendly manner. The bluejay began to chirp a tune. Lily gasped. “You can sing? Well, why didn’t you say so? I can sing too, let me help you.” Lily began to whistle in a harmonic that could easily be confused for the bluejay because of how similar it is. Only it is more clear and focused with a pleasant tune.

The bluejay sang alongside her, although her tune is much better than its primitive chirps, as it flew away with Lily following close behind. Her large feet making deep imprints in the dirt yet her feet not becoming dirty itself, keeping it perfectly clean like she had a fresh bath. She followed the bird along the path, not even registering the low hanging branches she was snapping with ease as she passed through. More birds appearing in the branches, also singing along with her tune, working to complement and empower her own sound instead of working together. Her strong throat and lungs making her whistle louder, raising it high above the chorus of the increasing number of colorful birds, like a dancing rainbow with her at the center, her golden main flowing behind her as her wide, ocean blue eyes sparkled with wonder.

She noticed a large log in front of her, coming to just above her stomach. She didn’t care as she simply turned around and laid her cushiony ass down on the dirt ground and leaned her back against the log, continuing to whistle increasingly complex tunes that the birds were trying, and failing, to keep up.

More animals were appearing, deer, doe, squirrels, hedgehogs, butterflies, and more. The squirrels jumped onto her bouncy tits and deposited their nuts into her cleavage, the doe nibbled at her ear as she scratched the doe behind its own ear, the butterflies were circling around her and producing a wonderful, cascading show of colors from their wings, the few smaller birds and bugs landed in her flock of hair as they started dotting and adding to it intrinsic, naturally and beautifully formed pebbles, twigs, leaves, and flowers as the bugs produced silk to complement and beautify her hair, going around her neck to form a necklace made from soft and strong silk. With a simple yet elegant design with flowers, pebbles, twigs, and the shiny carapace of beetles.

She was starting to look like a proper forest spirit as more and more animals and insects flocked around her, adding more and more things unto her.

While Lily was getting special treatment, Cameron on the other hand…

“ (huff) How (huff) is (huff) she (huff) so (huff) FA-?!” Before he could even complete his sentence, Cameron tripped and fell into a puddle. Groaning, he slowly pushed himself up, now soaked. “Great, as if my day can’t get any worse. What did I trip on anyway?” He turned to see what he tripped on only to be confused. “What the- a footprint?”

A footprint, that was embedded into the pavement, with cracks around it. Slowing walking towards it he placed his shoe inside to compare sizes. It was larger than his, the tip of his shoe barely reaching at least ¾ of the size of the foot. The footprint itself also looked rather detailed, mostly smooth but he did notice the small crevices and gaps they tend to make.

He shook his head. “Please don’t tell me this is Lily’s doing. The townsfolk will have our heads.” He said, feeling a bit sick in the stomach and rather light-headed, not only from the potential outcry of angry people but also Lily. He knew she was strong, stronger than him definitely, and a bit heavy. But he never would have guessed she was so strong to literally press her feet INTO the pavement.

“Okay focus Cameron focus. Just find Lily and get this all over with. Hopefully, she’d be cooperative.” He said, steeling himself as he marched forward towards the forest, only to be stopped by another deep footprint a couple of meters further from the previous one, and it’s slightly deeper with more cracks then the other. “What the- you got to be kidding me. That’s… that’s at least two or two and a half meters, and it’s more damaged? What the hell.”

And as Cameron moved along, the more steps he found, the more worried he came, and the lower his stomach dropped. Each step is deeper and more damaged than the last, a web of cracks appearing around it alongside a small crater, permanently damaging the side-walk, and each step is slightly further than the previous one. 2 meters, 2 and a half, 3 meters, 4 meters, 4 and a half…

At this point, it looked like she was trying to see how far she could jump instead of run but he feared that may not be the case. He feared that she actually was running and her legs really did carry her far, very far.

He kept walking until he was closing in on the forest but before he did, he saw something that really made him dread. A large and deep crater at the end with two large footprints in the center. He slowly walked around it, fearful of what has caused such great damage despite already knowing the answer. As he walked he saw strange, black skid marks that dragged all the way to the entrance, where he saw the beginnings of the same large footprints going deeper into the forest as he heard a strange yet melodic tune coming from deep within.

Cameron simply shook his head. “Lily, what are you doing? You always used to wander off into the forest only to be scared by some random bug. Wait… SHE’S IN THERE ALONE?!” The realization hitting him like a bag of bricks, he took off in the direction of the footprints, the singing getting louder.

The deeper he ran into the forest, the darker it became. At first, the singing he heard was but a gentle hum in the wind, a simple hymn to calm the nerves and make you relaxed. But as he got deeper, it became louder, more dominant and primal, the sounds of birds and animals working to empower and raise the once simple and calm note into a loud, booming, dominating chorus of power, strength and primal urge. It made his body shake like the shaking of the trees from the increasingly powerful song as he gritted his teeth, unable to hear himself breathe or think, the song dominating his mind.

He was starting to become light-headed again, his vision blurring but he saw something, at the end. A gathering of wildlife of all kinds, deers, birds, bugs, and the likes, and at the center of it all was…

“LILY!” Cameron shouted at the top of his lungs. The music came to a sudden and unsatisfying stop. The animals standing to attention, looking around confused before rapidly dispersing, leaving only the two siblings.

Cameron stopped just a few meters away from her, bending over as he tried to catch his breath. Lily looked at him, shocked to see him so tired and… wet?

“Cammy I…” Before she could finish he held up a finger.

“Just (huff) give me (huff) a second.” He said as he took in a big gulp of air, straightening up again to see a slightly different Lily.

She looked about the same, other than her slightly more toned calves and thighs, straining the yoga pants to its limits, small dirty pawprints on her clothing, her hair done into a ‘twisted crown braid’ style with a few bits of leaves, twigs pebbles and other knick-knacks dotting it, a necklace made of silk with the same things in her hair also in it and her cleavage filled with…

“Nuts?” Cameron said, pointing at her chest.

Lily looked down and smiled nervously. “Yea, the squirrels thought I’d make a good hideout. Kind of embarrassing actually now that I think about it. Give me a sec.” She said as she leaned forward, Cameron averting his eyes just as Lily gave her big boobs a good shake, taking all the nuts out just as she caught one. “Hey, want to see something cool?” She said as she turned around and pushed her ass out.

Cameron’s breath getting hitched in his throat as he was presented with his sister’s hearty posterior. She placed the nut in between the crack and with a single flex,


It crumbled to dust. “Ta-da!” She presented. Cameron simply rolled his eyes. He noticed the log blocking their path.

“So what’s with the log?”

“Oh, that? Yea its been there a while. It wasn’t here before when we used to come. Guess that’s why there are not many people around since they don’t like to take the long way.”

“Well, guess we are going home then,” Cameron said as he turns to leave but Lily whined.

“What?! Oh come on, we just got here. Besides didn’t you say a walk will help me with this.” She said thrusting her hips out, presenting her throbbing bulge.

“And what do you plan to do? Lift the log out of the way?” Cameron said sarcastically, motioning at the piece of wood half of Lily’s size. Oddly enough, Lily had a wide smile on her face as her eyes glittered.

“Of course! Why didn’t I think of that? You’re the best bro.” She said as she marched towards the log, squatting low to the ground, wiggling her jiggly butt as she sunk her fingers near the bottom of the log.

“WHAT? Lily don’t that’s dangerous!” He exclaimed as he came closer but stop as she gave him a reassuring smile.

“Don’t worry Cammy, I know how to lift stuff. You bend the knees and let the body do the rest. Now stand back, you helped me with all the heavy lifting when we were young, let me repay you!” She said as she grunted, her muscles flexing and the log groaning loudly.

Cameron kept his distance, not wanting to get close in fear of getting hurt even though he should be thinking about his sister’s safety, though he didn’t have to worry about that for long. As Lily grunted the log just lift up a tiny bit off the ground but that’s not what caught his attention. He couldn’t help but keep his eyes glued to those firm, globular mounds he calls an ass. Each round flesh sending a ripple across its form from the tiniest exertion Lily gave. What really caught his eyes were her legs and the fact that they seem to be growing.

First, her calf muscles grew, going from just a subtle bump on the legs, to a large and respectable, athletic mound, ballooning out in size as the yoga pants tore up its length to reveal the large, upside-down heart shape mound which Cameron was sure he won’t be able to cover half of it with an open hand. It looked larger than his own diminutive calf and his been trying to exercise ever since and here’s Lily gaining inches in seconds with each mound containing more power than his entire lower half.

Next, her thighs practically exploded, the yoga pants bursting outwards, tuning it into yoga shorts as her muscular thighs pressed into each other, and her cock hanging low between her legs along with her balls, only held up by a tiny string as it touched the ground from how low she squatted. One of her thighs was large then both of his put together and more than capable of crushing watermelon between it, or a coconut.

Next, her ass simply ballooned outward, becoming so large it almost touched the ground. Forget bubblebutt, this was a basketball butt, riveling the size of her own jello tits. From how large her ass gurgled outwards, it turned her yoga shorts into a yoga thong, although it can easily be identified as a simple piece of string, consumed by her dark and cavernous ass crack and almost invisible as it tried so damn hard to uphold her girlcock by a singular thread.

Something he did not expect was her already wide hips to widen some more, creating more breathing space for her thunder thighs and bulging calves, probably being wider than his own shoulders. Up along her back, he saw ridges and mounds forming as the muscles on her back developed and grew, giving her a back to rivel a lightweight, muscular women. Her traps rose and her back expanded outwards, pulling the already tight tank top into a very tight and thin as it tore along the front and her nipples pressed into it.

Next, her stomach crunched as abbs became to take on more definition, going from just a faint outline to a rock hard six-pack and her shoulders bulged out and biceps grew to the size of a cantaloupe, about half the size of his head but with more power than a normal muscle.

Lily, to his surprise, actually started to lift the log! Slowly, she straightened her knees, her muscles growing just a tad bit more, straining her tank top as he heard the tears. Rising straight, she brought the log to her chest and slowly lift it upwards. He couldn’t tell if his eyes deceived him but he could have sworn Lily just grew a few extra inches, adding it to her already imposing figure. With a shout, she tossed the log deep into the forest, where he heard a loud CRASH!

Lily turned to face her nervous brother with a smile as she walked closer to him. He could FEEL the heat radiating off her body as she got close yet no sign of sweat, and his fear of being even shorter came back to bite him as Lily stood in front of him. His head brushed against the bottom of her underboob, making her moan as he stared straight ahead at the top section of her hard, six-pack, pulsing with power.

“That was AMAZING bro! And I got a good workout from it.” She said, flexing her bicep, the mound growing another inch from its exertion. Cameron took a step back to look over his even bigger little sister. Her skin tanned just a tad more, making her bluer eyes and shinier hair stand out more. Her cock is completely exposed as it hung low to her knee, only held up by a strand of a thread of what remains of the yoga pants. Her white tank top tore itself into a string bikini, covering only her nipples, leaving her areola and the rest of her breast flesh completely exposed to the elements. Her hips AND her thighs were both wider than his shoulders as if he didn’t have enough to feel inadequate to her.

“Well… aren’t you going to thank your little sister for clearing the path? I used to do it for you, you know.” She teased with a smirk.

Cameron, closing his eyes and gripping his fists mumbled. “Thank… you… Lily.” Although it felt a bit ****.

Lily, however, was elated. “Awwwww, thank you, Cammy!” She half-shouted, grabbing his face and grinding it into her abbs, oblivious to the fact it’s much harder then she thought. Cameron felt like his face was being rubbed against smooth, warm stone as he tried to push himself off.

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