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Chapter 4 by Ziggu45 Ziggu45

What's next?


“Aargh!” Jafar, the evil genie of unimaginable power roared as he felt his black lamp be struck again by the wretched Keyblade wielder, Sora.

Sora leapt up and tore the lamp from Iago’s talons. “I Got It!”

Jafar could feel the pull of the lamp, the prison he had subjected himself to by wishing for his powers. He could not resist the pull of his... Master. Yes, that could work. With a small flex of his unlimited power, justified as ‘to better serve the holder of the lamp’, Jafar froze time.

“BOY.” Jafar boomed. “WE NEED NOT BE ENEMIES.”

“What- I’m not listening to you Jafar! You’re going right in this lamp!”


“You can... do that?”


“...No, I want to gain the power on my own.”


“I never lie!”


“I’ll prove it to you!”


“I- I- I’ll wish I can’t lie, to anyone!”


Sora took a deep breath in. “I wish... I couldn’t tell a lie!”

“SO YOU HAVE WISHED IT, NEVER AGAIN SHALL YOU UTTER ANYTHING BUT THE TRUTH.” And we shall see how long it takes your Heart to fall to Darkness once you realize your new power.

-:-Aladdin’s House-:-

“I can’t believe that Jasmine’s... gone.” Aladdin hung his head in defeat, before tightening his fists. “Sora, I want to come with you to save Jasmine!”

Sora opened his mouth, but Donald jumped in front of him. “No way! We can’t risk the World Order!”


Genie sighed. “He’s right Al, a bit too dangerous to be galavanting the Worlds. But don’t worry, just say the word and she’s right back in your arms!”

“But Genie what about your freedom?”

“Eh, I can wait a few thousand years. This is true love we’re talking about here!”

Sora hung his head. “Aladdin, I promise. We WILL save Jasmine.” Genie shivered a little. “You don’t need to use your wish to bring her back.”

Aladdin smiled. “You’re right Sora. Genie, I’m ready to make my final wish.” He grabbed the lamp and held it tightly. “Genie, I wish for your freedom!”

Genie pushed up some of his arms like sleeves. “Okay, one Princesses Package coming up!” Then he blinked. “Wait... seriously?” His armbands vanished and his tail smoke became two legs.

“Genie, I know you don’t need to take orders from me, but can you go with Sora to help Jasmine?”

Genie turned his back and crossed his arms. “Sorry Al, but I’m done granting wishes.” He smiled and turned his head back around slightly. “But a favor for a friend? That I can do!”

Sora, Donald, and Goofy got ready to leave with Genie passing on a crystal charm to Sora for when he needed help. “Sora, I know you will save her. Just bring her back to me.”

Sora smiled and patter Aladdin on the back. “Don’t worry, I know how much she means to you.” Genie and Sora shivered this time, but only Sora felt a surge of... arousal and affection. Combined with his puberty it made for a powerful image, of Jasmine with him and not Aladdin. He suddenly reflected on meeting Jasmine the first time in the alley, now noticing how attractive she was. Aladdin would be a problem unless he had a different reason to want Jasmine saved. “I mean... brothers like you always look out for their sisters like her!” Sora joked, wishing it were true.

Another shiver rocked Genie’s body. “What is going on? I keep getting the willies!” Genie said looking around frantically. Donald, Goofy, Abu and Carpet all shrugged.

Aladdin shook his head ruefully. “Sora, I may be a pretty bad prince but Jasmine is my little sister. Keep her safe once you find her.”

Sora blinked in surprise, waiting for the street rat to pull a ‘gotcha!’, but it never came. “I promise.”

Aladdin smiled, but then jammed a finger into Sora’s chest. “But don’t get any ideas about her.”

“Like... marrying her because she’s in love with me?” Sora smiled slyly as he ‘recalled’ a kiss Jasmine gave him when they first met.

“You’re not a prince, Sora.” Aladdin’s glare switched from joking to serious.

“But you said once you were sultan you’d be okay with it!” Sora decided to roll with whatever was happening right now.

Aladdin sighed. “Just give me some time to get father to abdicate. Then you can marry Jasmine.”

“Thanks Aladdin.”

Donald and Goofy grabbed Sora and they left for the Gummi Ship. “Should you really be bothering Aladdin about courting Jasmine before we save her, Sora?” Donald asked.

Sora thought to himself about how odd everything has been. Aladdin is a prince and Jasmine is his sister. But how? It wasn’t like that before. It isn’t tru- It is TRUE. Jafar made everything I said true. I wonder if... “Jasmine’s just in the Gummi ship bathroom Donald. You know we rescued her and Aladdin sent her with us for her protection.”

As if on cue, Jasmine’s voice came over the intercom. “Um, Sora? Honey? I don’t know how to use this.”

“Be right there!” Sora raised an eyebrow at Donald. “Seriously Donald, you need to trust me more.” Sora got up from his chair and stepped on the teleporter, appearing outside the bathroom. He knocked on the door.


“Right here Jaz. You okay?”

“Just... confused. What is this scroll for?”

I do not want to have to explain everything to her. “There’s a hologram instruction manual in there and I know you read it and understood it.”

Jasmine chuckled and opened the door, drying her hands perfectly under the air-dryer while a suction sound finished. “Well, I just wanted a little privacy with my betrothed.” She leaned down slightly and captured Sora’s lips with her own in a chaste but passionate kiss.

This is nice, but... Sora felt like Kairi was angry with him and when Jasmine broke the kiss, Sora thought he saw Kairi glaring at the two. “Uh, Jasmine? Can we talk about something?”

“Anything. What’s wrong?”

“I just...” Need something to have them both! “I’m glad you agreed to share me with multiple women!” The feeling of Kairi’s anger grew like a volcano reaching eruption and Sora’s chest began to feel tight like a heart attack. Gotta make it easier! “Because my first wife Kairi wanted me to have many women!” The feeling in his chest vanished and Kairi felt... salacious. The hallucination in the corner of Sora’s eye was looking Jasmine up and down while licking her lips.

Jasmine put her hands on her hips and laughed. “I didn’t start wearing the outfit of a harem girl for no reason, Sora. All of our lovers will share your bed.”

Holy crap, this really works! Maybe I can add others too. “Like Aerith and Yuffie waiting for us in Traverse Town, where we are going right now. Or my other best friend, Riku, a girl who has been trying to be my rival forever but has never beaten me in anything!”

In a castle, training under the watchful eye of a green fairy in dark clothes, a young man felt his balance shift. The girl ignored it as it was just a need for a new sports bra, and focused on training. Maleficent wasn’t happy she hadn’t gotten the Princess... one who was already interested in HER (Riku’s) man.

Back with Sora and Jasmine, the couple was making out against the corridor wall. Sora reached up and palmed Jasmine’s breast and the princess immediately slapped it away. “Not until we are married Sora.” She commqnded with a glare.

Sora grimaced, his erection straining against the zipper of his jumpsuit. “But when we were betrothed, you knew we would be allowed to do whatever we wanted.”

Jasmine pushed Sora away. “Yes, and I don’t want to continue to continue like this.”

“But I thought you dreamed of finally finding someone you wanted to fully submit to, which is what you agreed to when we were betrothed.”

Jasmine wrung her hands shyly, not able to look Sora in the eye. “I know but I just... I don’t know if I’m ready.”

Sora rolled his eyes where Jasmine couldn’t see. “But you dragged me into my bedroom.” The area around them shifted. “You said this was your duty.” Jasmine gripped the sheets on the bed where she was laying. “...You’re just playing with me, aren’t you? You want this as much as I do.”

Jasmine grinned slyly, rolling her shoulders so her top fell off and exposing her beautiful brown breasts. “Sorry for making you upset honey.”

Sora smirked and unzipped himself from his outfit, leaving him naked. “I’ll forgive you if you bring those big boobs of yours over here and give me a titjob. I know you looked up all the ways to pleasure people when you came aboard.”

Jasmine got on her knees and seductively crawled across the bed to her betrothed. She reached down and grabbed Sora’s dick, pulling him on to the bed as she placed his erection between her breasts. It was completely enveloped- “Glad my dick is large enough to poke through.” Sora said, enjoying the sudden sensation of his crown appearing at the top of Jasmine’s cleavage.

Jasmine squished her breasts together around her lover’s penis and massaged them up and down the length. “Oh Sora~” Jasmine cooed. “I can feel it pulsing~” She leaned her neck down and licked the tip of the cock. “I’m waiting for my reward~”

Sora started thrusting against Jasmine’s ministrations, poking more than the crown out of her cleavage and trying to move past her lips. It was , he could feel it building and was ready to erupt. “Swallow it all!” Jasmine engulfed the top of his dick with her mouth, just in time for Sora to let loose down her throat. “You loved that.” He idly said, as much to himself as Jasmine.

“Oh, you bet I did!” Jasmine licked her lips. “The tastiest treat in the world, from the man I love!” Jasmine pulled Sora on to the bed and shucked off her harem pants and slippers. She daintily pulled at Sora’s cock with her hand, easing him back to mast. “I hope that wasn’t the only treat you have for me... and the others come to think of it.”

Sora grinned. “Nope! I can always satisfy!” With a meaty thwap, the dick bounced into Jasmine’s hand.

“So I see~” Jasmine cooed.

“I don’t mean to in-ta-rupt.” Goofy said over the intercom. “But we’re coming up on Traverse Town now. Better get ready.”

“And don’t make a mess you two!” Donald screeched.

Jasmine started jerking her hand to get Sora ready to release. “I can’t believe those two! Bothering us in out moment!” She shoved the dick deep into her throat, past her tongue and hummed. Within seconds, Sora let loose down into her stomach. Jasmine smacked her lips in satisfaction. “That will do for now, but we better have time without them soon.”

Sora stared up at the ceiling as Jasmine put on her clothes again, then zipped up his own and joined his lover in the cockpit. He sat in his chair and Jasmine plopped right down on his lap, wiggling her bottom to rouse a reaction.

“You need to be focused!” Donald groused. “We’ll drop Jasmine off with the others, then we’ll get going! The King needs us!”

Sora glared at Donald before grinning maliciously. “You know who you remind me of right now Donald?”

The wizard rolled his eyes. “No, who?” He asked sarcastically.

Who indeed?

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