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Chapter 2 by sumedokin sumedokin

What's next?

So What Now? ( Dec 1st summary )

So November is over. My goal was to start writing a novel during that month, and write at least 50 000 before the month was over.
In that I succeeded. Thank you for everyone who has been with me for this entire journey.

This has been an exercise in discipline for most parts, which is why I set aside the month of November to write this story. During this time, all my other projects were on hold, and since I have adopted similar challenges in past months, they've been on hold for a while now.
Now, I know for a fact that I have a severe overwriting problem, and I know for a fact that this problem affects my ability to conclude a story within an alotted number of words. For the purposes of NaNoWriMo, overwriting is a much more convenient problem than underwriting. If I finished my story in 49 999 words I would've failed my goal, after all, but there are no rules that you have to finish your story before the month ends.

So how close am I to finishing my story?
Well, I don't know for sure, but when I first came up with this idea, the part we are on now was referred to as "the beginning."
That part was initiated, I would say, around Day 15 or Day 16.
A couple of the main characters, not to mention the main conflict, are yet to be introduced.

So yeah, the story ain't finished yet. Not even close.
What I can say is that even though I didn't plan out how the story was going to end, I had a few scenes I really wanted to write. Some of them are yet to be written as of now, or at least finished, but a few them were indeed. I hope you are able to tell which ones, but here's a hint: not all of them were set up very well.

All of this brings us to what happens next.
Well, even though I really like this story, the fact is that its main purpose was to provide material for the challenge, which in turn I undertook as a test to my endurance and discipline as a writer.
Right now I really want to go back and continue the projects I've already got underway before I started this. I also really want to write something seasonal, as I normally dedicate the month of November to that as well as December ('normally' in this case being the past two years). So it was pretty much set in stone that I was gonna pause this story once November was over.

Would I like to finish this story at some point? Kind of. I mean, I wouldn't object to seeing it finished, but it's hard work, and the last few chapters really don't seem to have reached a lot of people. Like I said, I don't have an ending planned, so there's no impetus to reach one as of now.
I really love the characters, and it delights me to no end that they can play part in a "serious" story like this, but I do wonder if it'll really be worth it. I've spoken with some people who say they would be disappointed if the story was aborted like this, and that alone is enough to make me reconsider.

If you, yes you, have followed the story up to this point, and have something to say about it and my writing in general, now would be an excellent time to voice your opinion. I will be reading every comment, and consider them deeply when I make a choice.
Any feedback is welcome, so don't hesitate to share what you think.

But whatever I end up doing with this story, I won't do it now. Or for the forseeable future.
Whether you enjoyed reading this or not, I thank you for your interest, and for following me on this journey.

I will be posting some extra stuff here as well, so stay tuned.


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