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Chapter 5 by Ellen Ellen

What does Neo do first?

She goes to the convenience store

Neo decides it would be best to start with a little cardio, stretch her legs before doing the wilder stuff. And so, with her umbrella as the only garment, the little murderer begins to jump from ceiling to ceiling. Each acrobatics demonstrates her excellent physical condition and athletic figure.

After a few jumps, she stops at her jump marathon while landing on a roof and observes her first target: a convenience store. The exercise was fine but it was time to start with the real fun. She looks down and see a few people near. A group of boys in this side of the streets, while there are a couple near the store.

Jumping off the roof, she landed softly in a back alley before stepping onto the street.

Neo walks calmly towards her target.Her calm and leisurely walk makes it seem like she was just a normal girl taking a normal walk. One of the boys sees Neo and not long in notifying his friends that they quickly turn around to watch the girl walking walking covered only by her umbrella.

"Wow is she naked?"

"Impossible, she must wear something behind the umbrella."

The boys take out their scrolls and start taking pictures.

Neo smiles to see that she has already begun to attract attention. She winks in the direction of the gang and continues on her way to the convecience store, giving the boys a good view of her butt.

"She is naked!"

Neo crosses the street and approaches the store. The couple soon notices her. They both turn to see her, the girl with disgust, the boy with lust in his eyes.

"She really so indecent do not you think John?" The girl asks.

"Oh yes ... so .."

"Are you looking at her breasts? Idiot!"

"No, of course not, honey.."

Neo smiles as she hears the man in trouble as she passes by and enters the store leaving the couple arguing outside.

She shudders to feel the cold air conditioning of the store hitting her as she enters, her nipples hardening by the sensation. Staying still, Neo spins her umbrella while inspecting the store. Quickly see the cashier, a blond girl with short hair that looks like her age. At this moment she is with her back to Neo since she is organizing merchandise.

Neo sees several people. There is a young man who seems a bit **** studying the cereal attentively. There is also an elderly couple walking through the aisles. And finally a young Faunus with a raccoon tail looking at her surprised with her tail moving slightly with emotion.

"Now, what could I do?" Neo thinks.

"I could talk to clients maybe. I could also buy something and go out. I could take a walk through the store until they kick me out or I could have a little fun bothering the cashier."

What does Neo?

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