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Chapter 10 by JimJoeBob JimJoeBob

Where is she stationed?

Vavius 5 the Nudist Planet

(Skipping here means you missed some blowjobs and naked mishaps and even an alien, lesbian threeway. Go back to see such sexual activities.)

"Excuse me?!," 13 asked as she stopped in her tracks.

"Well, it's not that bad. Very warm, nice atmosphere for most species, a very popular vacation spot in that quadrant...," the president rattled on describing the benefits.

"But everyone is naked?!"

"No no. It's technically optional, but there is a clothing maximum with strict nudist areas all over. So most are naked and you'll have a uniform of course. A second model reserved for business on that planet." 13 looked at her superior with a heavy glare. "Oh, you'll be fine," Hellaniah assured her doubtful underling.

Later, on the ship en route to the vacation hotspot, the president went over details of 13's assignment on Vavius. "How long will I be there?," she asked.

"Well...," Hellaniah hummed a pause, "That's more up to you than me. I'll check in with you sweetie, but you'll have to show that ass can work before I can give you better assignments. I can throw some missions your way once you've gotten your feet wet, but you have to bring in some big bounties or high profile operations. Then I can show you off to the public and get a boost in the polls."

"So, I'm just a tool for your political career?"

"If you wanna take it that way, sister! Cut me some slack for getting you out of that tube and making you a cop instead of a sex ****. You scratch my back, 13, and I'll give you a full body massage. Set you up for life as a bodyguard, personal assistant, or put you in some pointless high paying bureaucrat office. You look into a dream and I WILL make it happen."

Quite a big promise for something 13 had yet to even think of after being **** out into the world for everyone else's benefit. But the president was the one being in the galaxy who could make anything happen so long as she stayed elected. And 13 was starting to feel some motherly affection from the madam president who felt like a powerful role model she could rely on while still so new in this universe. The rest of the flight saw Hellaniah ask 13 some small talk questions between phone calls as they drew nearer to the GDF Quadrant HQ.

Touchdown on the private landing port near the GDF building in the capital of Vavius 5, Yalizee. The ship locks into place and spins around with the bay doors in the rear facing the wide, open street outside. Inside the building, two aliens hurried to greet the president and the new cadet for their arrival. The doors unlocked and buzzed open, flooding the interior with bright light and the warmth of the atmosphere. 13 and the Hellaniah gazed upon the bustling street filled with all kinds of life forms going about their day, no care for the VIP visitors.

Shapes, sizes, and colors were not uniform here and was clearly evident by the amount of nudist creatures walking about with a menagerie of genitals hanging and bouncing about. Still naive, 13's mind and eyes were flooded with the sheer variety of penises, breasts, and other indescribable genitalia out on display. The street itself was lined with eye-catching shops and signs and in the distance was a beach with rolling waves and bird calls from above the hot sand.

The president picked 13's jaw from the floor, "It's not polite to stare."

"Why did you put me here?," she asked while still overwhelmed by the bestiary's worth of naked organisms.

"I didn't. I would have put you in a nice spot in the capital where I can watch you. But that asshole candidate from the BDP paid off the GDF senior officers in case you made it through the test. So you're here until I can get you out. Try to have fun!"

13 looked back at her mentor as she whistled goodbye and waved before the doors shut and her shuttle began to launch. The two grey xenos from HQ waved goodbye to the ship just as 13 caught them standing before her, "Ahhh!" She jumped back from the two lookalikes as they reached out for a handshake. "What the fuck do you want?," still backing away from the strangers.

"Maybe this lifeform does not comprehend our gesture of greeting, brother? Shall we try a second form more to her liking?," one asked his twin.

"I understand a handshake! You just startled me is all. Now, what do you want," 13 barked.

"I am Uth," said the second gray mass.

"And I am Iorp," followed the other.

"We greet you with welcome to the GDF Quadrant HQ," they spoke in unison.

"Hi," 13 said awkwardly, followed by bending down for a handshake. The two brothers were short legged with stalk-like necks and bulbous heads adorned with black eyes. A traditional alien form thought common by Earthlings, but their appearance made 13 feel uncomfortable along with their emotionless tones and creepy twin vibe. It didn't make it better when they explained that she would report directly to them while she was stationed on Vavius.

What followed next was a quick tour of the facility starting with the reception where citizens could report crimes or trouble in person. Next were cells and offices with the former being in the basement and the latter having an open design with no offices. The higher ranking officers have private offices on another floor with conference rooms for strategy and planning. A hangar bay for vehicles and ships, warehouse for evidence and an armory, and the last spot being the dorms. Most GDF personnel live on site in the two bunk dorms that come with a common area and a sex neutral locker room.

As 13 thought about the lack of privacy this room provided, the twins poked her from behind and held out some folded garments. "Your uniforms. The president's staff stated you would require a more standard design alongside our minimum nudity requirement one," stated Iorp.

13 picked up the two outfits and asked, "So...where are your uniforms?"

"Similar to any fabric, uniforms are not a requirement here on Vavius 5. My brother and I choose not to apply such things for the sake of convenience," Uth answered.

"Oh...," she blushed from not realizing they were naked until now, "And why do I only get one of each?"

"The central office in the capitol has stated that there is a shortage of materials for recruits. Do not fall prey to worry, our station has a functioning fabricator that can maintain your uniforms should they be damaged," Iorp explained. They pushed 13 further into the locker room as they explained she already had a bevy of reports to take care of before the day was over. So she quickly put on her Vavius uniform to get a good start on her first day as a GDF officer.

But the uniform made 13 stare angrily in the mirror, unable to appreciate the skimpy costume. The main part of the uniform was a single piece that, by way of sci-fi magic, clung to her spine with two "arms" wrapping around her breasts up to the nipples with the rest going further down between her ass cheeks and covering her taint and up past her vagina to her navel. A tall pointless "C" shaped collar adorned the top and a gaudy badge was pinned over her pussy. Besides the one piece was a tiny garrison hat, a pair of fingerless gloves, and some open toed strapped flats for her feet. The whole outfit was a solitary dull sky blue, a standard for all GDF uniforms often with white accents and all metal with a shiny brass sheen.

13 had little time to dawdle and just thought about blowing off steam on any punk that tried to touch her sexy bod. Iorp and Uth waited near the front door with a device that would allow 13 to communicate with them and had an interactive screen for displaying outgoing reports from HQ. As she walked out, eyes glued to the screen, 13 gazed over her options.

What does 13 do first?

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