Merfolk Diaries

Merfolk Diaries

Tales of passion in the oceans foam

Chapter 1 by mask mask

Beneath the ocean, untouched by the time and space of the surface-word, lies a vast landscape of Merfolk societies scattered across the ocean bed.

Whether the land-dwellers are struggling in mid-evil times, or competing with mythical creatures, a steampunk apocalyptic landscape, a scientific metropolitan world or a futuristic society populated alien, it matters not.

The ocean is a realm upon its own, pregnant with life and mysteries the surface dwellers can seldom glean at.

But you've only heard about that. What you know about are the your own folk!

Merfolk societies are as varied and divers as the fish in the sea. Whether social or solitary, aggressive or harmonious: it's an all you can eat buffet!

However, there are 3 important things they all have in common:

  • They're all telepathic and can communicate with all creatures of the sea on some level or other, including non-merfolk such as fish and other sea-creatures. You can even receive and understand faint signals from land-dwellers. Especially humans. Althout it is possible for merfolk to become fluent in any number of the human tongues, most young adults like yourself are not practiced as using your voice and tongues to speak at all. Therefore it might take some time for you to learn to speak a language. But, maybe you're the exception!
  • They're all open-minded towards sexuality. In the sea, you don't sweat about the small stuff. Gender can be such a complicated topic in the ocean kingdom, there's really no helping it. Whether you prefer boobs, cocks, both or something else entirely: that's all your own business. But watch out, there are some out there who won't care what you like and **** it upon you anyway!

Or at least, that is what you have heard, because there is one most important thing that all merfolk have in common and that is especially relevant to you right now which is:

    1. All merfolk become sexually mature at 18. Before then, they are sheltered from the promiscuous ocean world. You yourself have just turned 18 and are finally graduating from the kiddy-swinging pool to the real Ocean. You can't wait to get out there and face the music!

But before that, there's a whole lot more to learn about the the merfolk, although it is impossible to make any waves on the surface in such a short time, you are up for a crash course and you have your entire life ahead of you to learn! So why don't you head off to find The Librarian for one last cramming session before stepping into your adult fins!

Or maybe that's enough. Your head is spinning from all the information and your flaring your gills to get started already! But before that:

Are you mermaid or merman?

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