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Chapter 3 by NecroPeridot NecroPeridot

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Raikage claims Hinata.

Ay, the Raikage, sighed as he walked through the gates of the Hidden Leaf Village. The Raikage was here because his secretary Mabui, and his right-hand man Darui both said that he was overworking himself. They told him that he needed to get away for a while and relax. Therefore, they practically **** him to go with Darui telling Ay that it wasn’t healthy and couldn’t hurt him if he kept going the way he was. Ay didn’t take much stock in that though. Mabui however made a much more compelling argument. Mabui had Darui step outside Ay’s office and once he left, she said if he didn’t take a vacation, she will do everything in her power to make sure he couldn’t get laid no matter how hard he tried. That threat did get through to Ay and he immediately called Darui back into his office, told him that he was the temporary Raikage, and rushed to his home in order to pack his clothes and weights.

All of that led to his current situation standing just passed the gates of the Hidden Leaf Village waiting on the gate guards to finish processing his entry request. They asked him basic things like who he was, why was he here, how long he was staying, and if he had any weapons on him. The whole process was tedious and only served to annoy the muscular Raikage. It took another five minutes before his entry was processed. ‘This whole process was a waste of my time’ thought the irritated Raikage. With entry approved Ay started to walk off however he only took a couple steps when he heard one of the gate guards shouted out to him,” Lord Raikage there is a note here that you need to immediately report to Lady Hokage should you ever visit the village.” The guard waited for some form of confirmation that the Raikage heard and got it a few seconds later in the form of a grunt from the Raikage.

The Raikage heard what the guard said and let out and let out a grunt to confirm he heard them. After that Ay figured that he had to go to the Hokage tower to meet with Tsunade. Ay just decided to walk to the tower like an average citizen would. It took nearly 30 minutes to get to the tower by walking. It was time consuming, but it was actually fairly peaceful to the Raikage and lowered the annoyance he had gained will waiting for the gate guards. He walked into the building and arrived in the lobby. He looked around for a moment then asked where he could find the Hokage’s office. One of the workers there told him it was on the top floor of the building. A gave the worker a nod of thanks and made his way to the Hokage’s office. He walked for another five minutes before he arrived outside the door to Tsunade’s office. He walked right up to the door and walked into the room not caring if Tsunade was actually free or not.

What Ay found was that Tsunade was sitting at her desk a mountain of paperwork surrounding her but one thing he noticed was that Tsunade doesn’t look like she aged at all since the war all those years ago. Ay decided to comment on this,” I see you still can’t face reality Tsunade.”

Tsunade looked up from her paperwork with tick mark on her eyebrow. She took a deep breath to calm herself before she spoke,” Ay it is a pleasure to see you as well,” Ay could practically taste the sarcasm, “what are you doing here?” Ay internally laughed at that. Tsunade could be as blunt as he could at time but he much preferred this to people that beat around the bush and wasted everyone’s time.

Ay decided to tell her a version the situation,” It has come to my attention that I was overworking myself, so I took an extended vacation.” He wouldn’t actually tell her that his subordinates made him take a vacation as that would make him look weak and that was something Ay detested. Tsunade just raised an eyebrow out that wondering who was in charge while he was here. She decided to voice this a moment later.

“If you’re here then who is in charge of Kumo” Tsunade’s tone was showing genuine curiosity. Ay expected this question thought and responded without missing a beat.

“Darui is in charge he is the strongest in the village after Bee and I” Ay knew that he could have just stopped by saying that Darui was in charge but added the last bit on as a show of ****. They may have been allies but at this point it was just an alliance of convenience. Tsunade just chuckled at this knowing why the Raikage added that last part.

“You do know we are allies correct Ay?” Tsunade asked with humor. Ay immediately responded to that.

“Are we because there are no guarantees in place to prove that. Also, you took one of my better Jonin so let me ask you are we really allies?” Ay’s tone grew increasingly more forceful as his statement continued on. Tsunade didn’t see disturbed by this as she knew the Raikage had a quick temper.

“Well Ay that is actually what I wanted to talk to you about you see….” that is as far as she got when the door to her office opened up and a woman walked in. Ay felt a sense of familiarity from the woman but couldn’t play where he knew her from. The woman in question was wearing light purple, almost lavender, short-sleeved jacket and seemed to be loose around her body. Underneath the jacket there was a white long-sleeved shirt that hid her arms from view. Moving downwards Ay could see that the woman was very endowed as he could see the shape of her breasts even though the jacket was fairly baggy. Going down further the woman was wearing a pair of light brown shorts that went down to just above her knees. His eyes wandered down her smooth creamy legs until they reached her boots. The boots were purple and open-toed. The boots reached up to middle of the woman’s calves. The woman walked to just a couple steps from Tsunade’s desk letting Ay get a view of her ass. He couldn’t see much due to her shorts being baggy just like her jacket but her could tell that it was perfectly formed.

The woman stopped just before Tsunade’s desk and stared to speak,” I’m sorry for interrupting Lady Tsunade but I was hoping I could discuss something with you.” The woman’s voice sounded angelic to Ay. Though Ay also noticed that it was full of naivety. Ay decided to listen in on this conversation while stealthily staring at the woman hoping no one would notice. However, Tsunade did notice but decided to file it away for later. Instead she focuses on the woman before her.

“Its not a problem Hinata.” Tsunade says pleasantly. Ay’s eyes visibly widened at learning how the woman was. Now that he thought about it though it made sense. The lavender tinted white eyes., smooth pale skin, and the dark blue hair. All of these were traits that were attributed to the Hyuga. Tsunade also caught this too filing it with him staring. “What did you want to talk about?”

“I wanted your help with training. I want to become a kunoichi again now that Boruto has turned 13 and Himawari almost eight they go to school now so they don’t need me as much. They don’t need me as much anymore, so I thought it was time to return to duty.” Hinata explained to Tsunade. Hearing this the gears in Tsunade’s head turned in a sinister way. She thought of a very cruel but profitable idea.

“Hmm Hinata I will need to think about this for a moment could you wait outside. I need to discuss somethings with the Raikage.” Hinata just gave a light bow and walked out the office. Ay seeing her leave turned to Tsunade with a raised eyebrow. “Alright Ay I have a deal for you.” This peaked Ay’s interest, so he motioned for her to go on.” You said earlier there was no guarantee we are allies well I have an idea about that. How about you train Hinata.”

Ay looked at her with confusion not seeing where she was going. “How will that change things Tsunade” He grunted this out as he didn’t have the patience for subtlety.

“Well Ay I seen you staring at her,” Ay looked like he was going to retort but Tsunade cut him off,” Look I seen you but that doesn’t really matter. Anyway, the deal is if you train Hinata that will make you really close to her.”

“I still don’t see where this is going Tsunade.” Ay was beginning to get annoyed since this conversation seemed to be going in circles.

“Fine Ay I will explain it so you can understand. You said that we didn’t send anyone to Kumo, when Karui came here correct?” Ay nodded at this. “Well how about in return you can have Hinata.” With that said Tsunade stood up and walked around her desk. Ay’s eyes immediately locked on to her legendary rack.

“I doubt the Hyuga girl would go for that.” Ay said this more calmly than his other responses. Though his eyeing of Tsunade’s rack probably helped.

“I doubt she would too in normal situations. However, say you were able to seduce her and make her divorce Naruto.” Tsunade had a sly grin on her face as she said this.” Maybe I will find a marriage contract between the Leaf and Cloud that said Hinata had to marry you to ensure peace. Do you see what I’m getting at now Ay?” As she finished saying this, she leaned forward giving Ay a better look at her cleavage.

Ay caught on to what she was saying but thought it was suspicious so he asked,” I get it but why would you do this to one of your own Ninja? Also how am I supposed to seduce her?” Ay’s voice definitely was filled with suspicion at the start and more questioning at the end.

Tsunade just chuckled,” The why is I’m tired of Naruto and his brat Boruto disrespecting me. The how well you could always use this,” as she said that Tsunade reached forward with her hand and grasped his cock. “It worked during the war on me didn’t it?” That brought back some memories for Ay as he fondly remembered whenever they would have a disagreement they would go to his office and fuck like rabbits. Whoever was still standing at the end their decision would be the one to go through. He remembered more times than not he was the one standing at the end. Ay felt his cock harden from the thoughts and Tsunade’s hand holding it.

“Very well Tsunade I agree with this plan. How am I going to get close to her though training can only go on for so long.” Ay asked with curiosity prevalent in his voice. Tsunade just smirked and returned to her seat at her desk.

“Leave that to me.” With that said Tsunade shouted, “You can come in now Hinata.” With that Hinata walked into the office. She returned to her position just in front of the desk.

“Did you figure it out Lady Tsunade?” Hinata questioned softly to her leader.

“I did Hinata and the Raikage here agreed to train you.” Hinata looked at Ay with surprise she turned back to Tsunade hearing her speaking again. “However, he doesn’t have a place to stay while he’s in the village so I wondered if he could stay with you and your family?” Hinata looked even more shocked at that but quickly regained her bearings.

Hinata thought on it for a moment before replying,” That should be fine. I’m sure Naruto would enjoy the company.” Hinata pleasantly said ending with a gentle smile on her face.

Tsunade also smiled, “very good then I will need you to be his guide in the village since he hasn’t been here before. Is this acceptable?” Hinata just nodded her head excited to finally get back to being a kunoichi.” Then if that is all you are dismissed just wait outside so I can talk to the Raikage for a moment.” With that Hinata bowed and walked out once again. “There everything is set up now its all on you and that big persuader of yours.”

“Thank you Tsunade just make sure you keep up your end of the deal. Have a good day.” As Ay said that he turned around and walked out of the office but not before quickly turning around and shooting Tsunade a smirk. Tsunade just laughed and got back to her paperwork. She just knew that however this worked out would be entertaining.

What happens next?

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