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Chapter 34

What Are The Other's Up Too?


Chloe walked out of the bedroom leaving Zack to deal with his little problem on his own as well as get dressed. She entered the kitchen and saw and took a seat and ran her fingers through her hair grinning ever so slightly as she could just imagine Zack's grumbles. Brandon walked over and set a plate of scrambled eggs in front of her, "Sorry for the simple breakfast but it's hangover food, those two got a hell of a hang over." Brandon said with a smirk as he pointed to Gavin and Victoria.

Chloe looked over and saw Gavin resting his head on his hand while Victoria laid her head against his arm, "What did you two get into last night?"

"Wine." Gavin said groggily,

Heather let out a little laugh, "Just wine? Light weights."

"Don't be mean, it was our first time really drinking." Victoria said not opening her eyes,

"And to be fair, we did finish the whole bottle." Gavin added on,

Just then Zack entered the kitchen and took a seat next to Chloe. She turned to him and let out a little coy smile, "About time you woke up, what took you?"

Zack gave a shrug, "Ah you know, I'm a lazy asshole." He said with a chuckle then leaned in a kissed her softly. Chloe pushed back in and gave him a kiss of her own helping ease his mind that everything was actually forgiven. However just across the table Ashley watched the pair and she for some reason, beyond her knowledge, got very agitated seeing Chloe kiss Zack, she tightened her grip on he fork and took a bite chewing it angrily.

Brandon peered over to her and put a hand on her back rubbing it, "You alright?"

"Fine." She said glaring at Chloe who was whispering in Zack's ear making him snicker.

A minute later Kurt walked into the kitchen with a grin, "Hey Gavi!"

Gavin let out a groan from his yell and looked over at him, "What?"

Kurt smirked and tossed him a bottle of aspirin, "I know how it feels all to well, that should make you two right as rain."

Gavin as well as everyone else looked at him in surprise at the kind gesture, "Thanks." Gavin said as he popped open the bottle and took out some aspirin then handed the bottle to Victoria.

Twenty minutes later as everyone was finishing breakfast Heather pipped up, "Let's head down to the lake today, sound fun?"

"The water would be nice." Chloe said with a nod,

"Yeah, sounds good." Zack replied with a nod,

"Whatever." Ashley said with a grumbled, Brandon let out a nod as he finished his eggs.

"As long as it's quiet, nice and quiet." Victoria said rubbing her temples,

"I second that." Gavin said raising his hand,

Kurt let out a shrug, "Bikinis, I ain't gonna argue with that."

"And there's the Kurt everyone knows." Heather said rolling her eyes. Everyone got up and headed to their rooms to change into their swim wear.

Anything Happen While They Do That?

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