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Chapter 2 by PhoenixAuthor PhoenixAuthor

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[Characters and Geography]

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Jace Benjamin Holland - 18 years old

Blond hair, blue-green eyes, lean build

Jace has lived his entire life in Amethyst Shore, and been best friends with Amy Blackson since kindergarten. He became friends with Matthew Chester in middle school when they were all playing on the football team, and Jace and Matthew really hit it off. Jace plays as the back-up quarterback on the Violet River High football team, which is how he gained the popularity to befriend girls like Skylar Wayne. Jace attends the D&D club fairly frequently thanks to his insistent best friend Amy Blackson, and consequently is good friends with Penelope Martinez. Jace lives in Quartz Fields and shares a backyard space with the Vane family, the Robinson family, and the Simmons family. Has an enormous crush on his neighbor, Olivia Vane, who’s also his former babysitter. Jace lost his virginity to his best friend’s older sister, Ariel Barnes, on his birthday.

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Amy June Blackson - 18 years old

Red hair, green eyes, very large breasts, curvy ass

Amy Blackson is a sweet girl with some nerdy passions, such as Dungeons and Dragons. She’s a part of Violet River High’s D&D team, and her best friend Jace Holland finds the game really fun, so she frequently drags him along with her to sessions. She flies under the radar of most guys at school, but those who do notice her are completely infatuated with her. Amy has recently been noticing some unusual attraction towards other females, including Jace’s sister Dana. She’s very easily manipulated, and sometimes submits very quickly to any guys trying to get with her… no matter who the guy is.

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David Daniel Johnson - 18 years old

David Johnson is a lifelong resident of Amethyst Shore, and grew up around Dana Holland, who was the daughter of one of his mother’s best friends. Has a preference towards women with large tits, meaning he’s very attracted to some of his neighbors, such as Emily Wilkins, who lives right next door. Became best friends with Dana Holland and her neighbor Brooklyn Robinson, and the three of them are inseparable now. He’s almost constantly erect around their generous bosoms, though. Was babysat by Olivia Vane, and she’s like a goddess to him. Has a really big cock, but he’s a little ashamed of it, considering himself an anomaly. Despite his attraction to all these different busty girls, though, he doesn’t have the confidence to even talk to most of them.

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Dana Rachael Holland - 18 years old

Blond hair, blue-green eyes, large breasts, perky ass

The younger twin sister of Jace Holland, Dana may only be a few minutes younger than Jace, but she adores her big brother, and definitely acts like his little sister. She’s short and petite, too, and extremely flexible due to her being a gymnast and cheerleader. Best friends with Brooklyn Robinson and David Johnson, and has a weird half-sibling, half-crush relationship with Evan Simmons, another of her neighbors. Her small stature makes her tits look pretty damn big on her.

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Brooklyn Annie Robinson - 18 years old

Brown hair, hazel eyes, very large breasts, round and sculpted ass

The bustiest girl on the cheer squad who also sports an incredible ass, it makes her extremely sexy and also gets in the way a bit during some routines, but she has the skill to pull them off despite that. Has a little brother she adores named Jayden, who plays on the JV football team, and she likes to show up and cheer for him. One of the sweetest girls you’re ever likely to meet. Best friends with Dana Holland and David Johnson.

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Skylar Gwendolyn Wayne - 18 years old

Blond hair, green eyes, medium-to-large round breasts, perky ass

Skylar Wayne is one of the sexiest girls at Violet River High, and knows it. She’s hardly conceited, but she would have to be stupid to miss the effect she has on boys. Skylar is on the Violet River cheer squad, and is one of the squad’s most popular members, even surpassing the cheer captain herself, Anastasia Prescott, who Skylar strongly dislikes. Her father died when she was four, and since then Skylar and her twin brother Sam have been raised by their mother, Sophia Wayne, who is an excellent mother, though she’s often distracted by the demand of running Wayne Incorporated. Skylar has a few years long rivalry with Jasmine Thompson, thanks to a dispute in their freshman year. She and Jace Holland are great friends, which led to Skylar meeting her best friend Isabelle Holland, Jace’s cousin. Skylar is bisexual, and has a bit of an exhibitionist kink.

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Isabelle Holland - 18 years old

Blond hair, blue eyes, large to very-large breasts, round ass

The cousin of Jace, Dana, and Daisy Holland and younger sister to Alexis Holland. She really misses her elder sister, who’s gone to college. Isabelle and Jace are very close, and Isabelle is on the volleyball team with Emily Wilkins. Enjoys teasing Jace, and can usually talk Emily into being her prank wing-woman. Isabelle is dry and sarcastic around most people, but is generally sweet and kind to her closest friends like Jace, her best friend Skylar Wayne, and the volleyball team. Isabelle has a massive submission kink, and gets a thrill whenever someone bosses her around, and is also a bit of a closeted pervert, with a huge crush on her cousin Jace, one she desperately tries to bury. Isabelle is a virgin.

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Evan Simmons - 18 years old

Black hair, vivid blue eyes, lean to muscled build, tall

A linebacker for the Violet River High football team, Evan is a rather well built young man, and turns many women’s heads. Used to be babysat by Olivia Vane, and he’d happily sleep with her, just like any other guy around would. Despite popular opinion, Evan’s actually not that bad of a guy. A bit of a smooth talker, sure, and he is remarkably good at seducing women, which pisses off a lot of guys, but he’s also not a total dick like Charlie Tower is. Some people have called Evan a dark version of Jace Holland, which he takes as a compliment. Very close with his mother Kaitlyn, but he and his sister Zoe are extremely combative.

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Gabrielle Claire Barnes - 18 years old

Very dark brown hair, bold blue eyes, large breasts, full ass

Gabrielle is close friends with Jace Holland and Amy Blackson, but best friends with Emily Wilkins. She grew apart from Jace and Amy in middle school, which is when she met Emily, but she regained that closeness with Jace and Amy in junior year, much to her happiness. She’s an artist who specializes in paintings, but also adores tattoo art. Her parents let her get loads of tattoos, in support of her art, and she works at the tattoo shop now, too. Gabby adores her best friend Emily, and wishes she would let loose a little bit more. Currently single, but has multiple guys trying their best to get with her, though they just don’t interest her. Loves being dominated in bed. Gabrielle is bisexual.

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Emily Wilkins - 18 years old

Brown hair, dark brown eyes, large breasts, toned ass

Emily met her best friend Gabrielle Barnes in middle school, and the girls have been inseparable since. Emily didn’t really become friends with Jace and Amy until junior year, but she is on great terms with both. Emily’s a confident, friendly girl who is highly sought after by the boys of Violet River High, though she’s a little oblivious of that. She plays on the volleyball team in high school too, and has a great physique because of it. Next door neighbors with David Johnson. Emily is a virgin and won’t drink ****.

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Matthew Chester - 18 years old

Brown hair, dark gray eyes, muscular build

Matthew and Jace have been good friends since middle school, when they played football together. They still do, and they remain good friends. Matthew’s fully aware he’s not Jace’s best friend, that’s Amy, but he likes to call himself Jace’s best male friend. Matthew is a very popular guy, and he also really enjoys sex. Several of Amethyst Shore’s loveliest ladies have been fucked by Matthew, and he is quite proud of that. Matthew has promised himself never to go after Amy, though, out of respect for Jace. Matthew and Jace’s moms are good friends, too, thanks to their son’s friendship. Has a big sister in her freshman year of college, Maple.

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James ‘Jimmy’ Winchester - 18 years old

Brand new to Amethyst Shore, having moved to town just a few days before senior year started. A pretty shy guy, he doesn’t have much confidence in himself, and tends to get nervous around intimidating females. Hates the nickname ‘Jimmy’, but his older sister Savannah almost exclusively calls him that, and his mother has been known to call him Jimmy on occasion as well. James was assigned Skylar Wayne as a tour guide, and the popular and sexy cheerleading captain is one of his only friends now. She is also, of course, his loyal tour guide. All James wants is to find love, and wishes he had the confidence to go after the girls of his dreams. James is neighbors with Amy Blackson, and is extremely attracted to her as well.

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Sam Wayne - 18 years old

Blond hair, dark green eyes, athletic build

Sam Wayne, as the slightly older of the Wayne twins, is heir to his late father’s company, and throws that around constantly. He is very spoiled by the incredible wealth of his family, and is doted upon by Sophia Wayne, his mother. Despite his jackass attitude, Sam sleeps with a lot of women. Friends with Charlie Tower and Cole Allen, who are fairly opposite personalities.

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Anastasia Prescott - 18 years old

Brown hair, dark green eyes, perky medium sized breasts, huge, toned ass

Anastasia Prescott is the cheer squad captain at Violet River High, and one of the most sought after girls in school. She’s a passionate, intense girl who enjoys sex, which unfortunately means that a lot of rumors have floated around the school that she’s easy to get in bed. Has a somewhat difficult personality to get along with, and clashes frequently with her second in command, Skylar Wayne. Skylar disliking her sometimes costs Ana some popularity, considering everyone loves Skylar. Befriended Jace Holland in her senior year. She’s not particularly happy with Jace’s friendship with Skylar, but greatly appreciates how he never judges her about the rumors. Best friends with Audrey King. Her mom Tiffany has a strong dislike for Jace’s best friend Amy Blackson because of some old rivalry with Amy’s mother.


College Age Characters and Young Adults

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Daisy Rose Holland - 20 years old

Blond hair, blue-green eyes, very large breasts, toned ass

The elder sister of Jace and Dana Holland, Daisy is one of Amethyst Shore’s most sought after ladies, and every man in town would die to fuck her. Daisy is secretly a huge fan of all the admirers, and she enjoys teasing some of her most attractive ones. Bisexual, Daisy loves threesomes with a guy and a girl, the girl usually being her best friend Ariel Barnes. Daisy loves her younger brother, and hopes he finds true love this year, like he’s wishing for. Has a tumultuous relationship with her little sister, and the two bicker constantly.

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Ariel Barnes - 20 years old

Black hair, bold blue eyes, huge breasts, very round ass

Ariel Barnes has been the best friend of Daisy Holland since she can remember, and the two girls are eerily alike. Both of them are huge-chested, sex-loving babes, and a threesome with them is every guy’s dream, a dream they have fulfilled for several guys. Ariel is bisexual, just like Daisy, and they were actually each other’s first kiss. Inherited her mother's huge tits, something she is very pleased about.

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Olivia Vane - 25 years old

Blond hair, light green eyes, enormous breasts, round and bouncy ass

Olivia Vane babysat Jace Holland, Evan Simmons, David Johnson, and Emily Wilkins all the time when she was in high school, along with a handful of other kids, and Jace, Evan, and David had and still have massive crushes on her. Unbeknownst to Jace, he was Olivia’s favorite kid to babysit. She lives in Quartz Fields, and has a backyard space that her family shares with the Simmons family, the Robinson family, and the Holland family. Has incredibly sensitive breasts, and she loves when her tits get played with during sex. Is entirely oblivious to her little brother’s pervertedness, or how much her former charges want to fuck her. Teaches art at the high school.

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Octavia “Tavi” Vane - 20 years old

Blond hair, green eyes, huge breasts, huge ass

An attendee of High Spires University who’s majoring in business. She has a close relationship with her sister Olivia, but isn’t half as tolerant of her younger brother Owen as Olivia is. She gets on great with Zoe Simmons, her neighbor, and they’re very close friends. Has an interest in older men.

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Savannah Winchester - 19 years old

Black hair, green eyes, small perky breasts, tight ass

The elder sister of James Winchester, Savannah is utterly beautiful. She is far from unwilling to expose her flawless body, with its’ long legs and tight, slender frame. She’s rather flat-chested compared to the stunning girls of Amethyst Shore, but she’s not bothered by that even remotely, almost taking it as a symbol of pride. Savannah has a genuine love for art, and really enjoys creating things of all kinds. She hopes that the new setting will inspire some brand new art pieces. Savannah is still in high school, as she was held back last year due to attendance issues involving her father’s ****.

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Celeste Blackson - 20 years old

Dark red hair, green eyes, huge breasts, perky ass

Amy’s elder sister, Celeste Blackson is the complete opposite of her little sister. A popular, wild girl with a serious appetite for sex and partying and ****, she is extremely popular with the boys at college. She has a heavy interest in getting her younger sister to liven up, and can’t understand why Amy wants to spend her nights playing make-believe with nerds. Celeste spends her summers working as a lifeguard at the beach. Finds Amy’s best friend Jace rather hot and likes teasing him with her big tits, which Jace loves, and Celeste also enjoys when Jace teases her back.

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Zoe Simmons - 21 years old

Black hair, dark blue eyes, large breasts, thick and bouncy ass

The elder sister of Evan Simmons. Puts on a good show of being the obedient daughter for her father, and reaps the benefits of that, such as the car she wanted. A clever, intelligent girl, she’s got a large interest in technology, but has yet to commit to going to college. Works in a low-level position at Onyx Technologies, but has yet to really climb the ladder much. Has a preference for anal sex. Doesn’t get on too well with her younger brother, but certainly likes her neighbor Jace, and only partly because it pisses off Evan. Best friends with Octavia Vane. Zoe is bisexual.

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