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Chapter 2 by Caesar25 Caesar25

Let's begin!

Prologue: Your life so far...

(You) Lady Lily (20): You have been married off by your father to Lord Michael some years ago. You were well educated, you can read and write fluently and speak a few languages. Your upbringing was strict, you had to attend church masses daily and were taught to be a good wife and try to please your husband by whenever you can. But they didn't say a single word about sex... You have never had any and have no idea what it is or how it is done... Your estate has many serfs and servants, who are not technically slaves, they have some rights, but you have the right to do whatever you want with them (even kill or **** them).

Lord Michael, your husband (22): You didn't know each other before and haven't talked to each other too often. The marriage wasn't based on love, but at least he has never **** himself upon you like most nobles... He is gentle and handsome man. He works hard from morning until evening to run the manor you two live in, to be able to finance your well off, but not luxurious lifestyle. You have never had sex together, but he has some experience from before your marriage, but never cheated on you so far. He doesn't want to **** this upon you, but would be happy if he could be provided with a son.

Peter, the serf boy (18): He is young and well built serf boy, who works your fields. He has no interest in you though, as he has a girlfriend (Johanna), whom he is about to marry as soon as he has accumulated enough money for the ceremony. He would never defy his lord or lady, that would mean he would be killed or exiled, far away from his girlfriend, who happens to be a servant at your estate. They have had a lot of sexperience in the last years.

Father Constantinus, the local priest (50): An older humble servant of god, who looks kindly upon those who visit his house of god frequently.

Erik, the bodyguard (35): He is the strongest bodyguard of you and your husband. He has been in your husband's service as a mercenary for more than a decade now. He is the best swordsman of the land and he swore to protect you two with his life. He saved him many times from all sort of trouble and would sooner die at his own hands than to break his oath of protection.

Johanna, a servant girl (18): She is a servant girl at the manor, who fell in love with Peter, years ago, but they can't get married until they have enough wealth for the ceremony. She would never defy her lord or lady, that would mean she would be killed or exiled, far away from her boyfriend, who happens to be a serf at your estate. They have had a lot of sexperience in the last years.

The scores: As you make decisions, you gain/lose certain skills and items. They will influence your options as certain things happen to you. This is how each works:

Turn: Turn has limits on your actions, so use your turns wisely! You are warned if a turn limit starts, so you don't have to pay attention to that score mostly.

Virginity: I hope it is self explanatory. If you have sex with a man, you will lose virginity. Up to you, certain options will be excluded for virgins and others for non virgins.

Sexperience: The more you have sex or sexual actions, the better you get at them. You can use it to seduce others, but it could cause you to be too lustful. Affected by sex without penetration as well.

Total times fucked: The total number of times you have been fucked. Sex with girls or man without penetration do not count, though they raise your sexperience.

Piety: How religious you are. Sometimes it can save or doom you.

Wisdom: Cunning, basic knowledge and such things. With high wisdom you can get yourself out of sticky situations.

Strength: How well you wield a weapon. You can protect yourself from danger with high strength.

Elegance: Your outfits can improve or lower your elegance. It is essential to meet higher members of society but can put you in danger. 0 means no clothes, 1 means you only have what you wear right now, 5 is a basic amount of dresses, 8< are beautiful dresses and jewellery for balls.

Kindness: How well you handle people. <0 means cruelty, 0< means kindness. Both could be useful and dangerous in certain situations.

Honour: Shows how much you are respected. If it goes high, you might get help from others more easily, if it is too low, you won't be respected. With frequent and indecent sexual actions or trouble, your honour will decrease, but with good deeds and no scandals, you can improve it.

Gold: The amount of money you have. You can spend it to buy clothes, gamble, all sort of things. But don't spend it all, sometimes unexpected bills must be paid up in front...

Social hierarchy: Shows how far you have gotten in society so far. 0 means ****, 10 is serf or outlaw, 20 is free woman, 30-40 is small noble (lady), 50-60 means baroness, 70-80 is duchess, 90 is princess and 100 means you are the sovereign of the country, standing above all else (queen). As your adventure proceeds you might get higher or lower, depending on your actions.

How will you spend your time? (you can choose 3 of them, before the next incident happens)

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