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Chapter 2 by TheLowKing TheLowKing

Uh, now what?

Poor guy. Let's help him out!

Lucas couldn't help but feel sorry for the embarrassed Elf. Plus, he had to admit, the dress rather suited him. He was small and thin, and his face was soft and feminine, even for an Elf. He wore his hair long and it fell loose to his shoulders, not braided like the men did. If they'd come across each other in the street, Lucas would never have given him a second glance--except maybe of interest. Most importantly, though, it was interesting, which was more than could be said for anything else that happened to him in the last couple of months.

He shrugged. "Hey, if you want to dress up in women's clothing, that's fine with me."

The Elf's hand froze on the way to the trousers he had left haphazardly on the ground.

"Wha...?" he said, his mouth half-open in surprise.

Lucas took a step to the side, creating room for the Elf to pass him. "It's hardly the strangest thing I've ever seen."

The Elf was totally confused right now, torn between wanting to dress in his normal clothes again, running away from his awkward situation as fast as his legs could carry him, and... probably half a dozen other options. "A-are you sure? You don't think it's... vulgar?"

"You're not hurting anyone, so if that's what makes you happy..." Lucas shrugged again. "In fact, I'll prove it. This isn't exactly the safest place in Holm, you know. If you still want to go out there, I'll keep an eye on you, keep you out of trouble."

"You mean... you'd walk with me? Like this?"

"Sure, why not? So, are you coming or not?"

The Elf hesitated for another moment, then drew himself up and nodded. He made one last adjustment to his dress, stuffed his clothing into his pack and moved to the entrance to the alley.

"I can do this," he heard the Elf mutter to himself. It sounded like a nervous mantra which he repeated a few more times. "I can do this, I can do this."

Then he stepped out of the alley into the street, anxiously clutching the strap of the pack on his back.

It was already late in the evening, so it was fairly quiet, but there were still a few people out, most of them on their way home, Lucas expected. Nearest to them was a young human couple who only had eyes for each other. They never even noticed Lucas and the Elf as they walked by, the man talking in low tones and the woman giggling softly.

Even so, the Elf seemed to shrink several inches, eyes on the ground and practically trembling.

When they were out of earshot, he looked over his shoulder at Lucas.

"Lead the way," Lucas said reassuringly. "I'll be right behind you."

The Elf took a deep breath to steady himself, then started walking.

He kept to the quieter parts of the district, abruptly changing course whenever they were about to approach a more densely packed street. Lucas followed a few steps behind, not close enough for it to look like they were walking together, but not too far to intervene if something happen. That was unlikely, but it gave him the chance to ogle the small body in front of him, which was rather pleasant, he had to admit.

As time went on, he noticed the Elf was becoming a little more confident. His gaze lifted from the ground in front of him, and he put a little swing in his step in a clear attempt to act feminine.

After maybe half a bell of this, a crowd of people rounded the corner ahead of them. The Elf immediately turned around to walk the other way, but found people were approaching from that side too.

He looked around panickedly, but couldn't find a way out. All the resolve he'd built up shattered in an instant. He stared pleadingly at Lucas, his eyes wide with terror.

"P-please..." he whimpered.

Lucas took a quick step forwards, coming to a halt right in front of the frightened Elf.

"You're fine," he said, using his best soothing tone. The Elf reminded him of a skittish horse; he was rubbish at those, too. "You're fine. Just stand here and they'll just pass by."


"Just look at me. It'll be fine."

He didn't think the Elf could look any more scared. He tried to give him a reassuring look, then the mass of people was upon them. It was the usual late night crowd: mostly men, mostly ****. He figured a couple of the larger bars or brothels closed its doors for the night. He kept his gaze on the terrified Elf in front of him as they passed them by. They flowed around them fairly smoothly, save for a couple of bumps against Lucas' arm. His broad shoulders kept them from staggering into the Elf, though, and a good thing it was, because he was one touch away from fleeing in terror.

Finally the throng dissipated, opening a way out for the Elf. He took it immediately, running away as if a hundred armed men were on his tail. Lucas realized racing after him might give the wrong impression, so instead he settled into a familiar quick march. Thankfully the Elf ducked into the first alley he spotted, and it wasn't long before Lucas joined him.

He looked around into the gloomy alley, finding the Elf against a wall, his bag on the ground next to him. The Elf himself was bent over, clutching at the front of his dress.

When he heard Lucas approach, his head shot up. Lucas almost takes a step back at his expression. He expected to see fear, embarrassment, regret, and saw them all. Underneath that, though, there was the unmistakable presence of lust. Though he tried to fight it, but the Elf was practically overwhelmed by his need. His eyes were fixed on Lucas, the desperation in them clear.

He obviously wanted--no, needed something, but try as he might Lucas found himself unable to find the right words. He raised an eyebrow instead, half-curious, half-encouraging. It was all the Elf needed.

He lifted the hem of his dress with one hand, exposing his thighs and his girly cotton panties. He yanked it down, causing his erection to spring to attention, a strand of pre-cum emerging from the tip. He wasn't large, but his cock looked just right on his thin body.

Lucas only had a moment to check it out before the Elf grasped it and rapidly started jerking himself off. His eyes closed and his head rolled back, coming to a rest against the cold brick wall. A whimper escaped from his lips.


It didn't take long for him to reach his climax. His hips jerked forwards, and semen shot out in short, powerful spurts. Most splattered on the ground, but one fell short and landed on his knee, slowly trickling down his calf. The rest dribbled down his hand as he recovered from his orgasm. He panted softly, then suddenly opened his eyes. With a mortified cry, he pulled his panties back up, grabbed his pack, and fled before Lucas could say a word.

Lucas chased after him, but when he emerged from the alley, the Elf was nowhere to be seen.


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