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Chapter 2 by brevdravis brevdravis

Which Story will you be Starting?

Ketsueki the Oni Girl

Ketsueki adjusted the band in her hair for the fourteenth time. No matter how many times she was certain that the updo fully concealed her gorgeous horn, the thing would pop out at the worst moments. Today, she did not want to be one of those moments. Momentarily, she pulled the hair back and let her hand linger on the curved ridge that protruded from her naturally high forehead. The Blonde in her hair was a lovely offset to the deep ruddy tint of her skin. She breathed deeply as she looked into the glass, willing the strength to hide for now. This is how you live...

Her gaze roamed over her form, ensuring that no trace of the color was anywhere. What was left looked pale, far paler than she would want. What she wanted was to fully grasp that fool boy by the neck and woe to any who stand in her...

Breath... Ketsueki reminded herself... breathe. The red tint that was beginning to show again faded, leaving only the creamy skin atop her tall and athletic body. Of course, if she wasn't capable of holding back, she wouldn't be alive. Far too many Oni Girls couldn't take the subtle approach at all, and would march into town in a loincloth, attempt to grab the nearest man by the hair and march right back out. Sometimes not even bothering with the third part before attempting to claim him as a mate. While it worked, occasionally... Ketsueki's mother had made it very clear that it was not their way.

For a moment she thought of her mother, the Oyabun of Hia Mui. It was rather funny actually how her mother had hit on the plan of hiding in plain sight. Every large city had crime. People needed protection from it. Nobles paid guards and thieves paid each other, but the common people needed somebody. Who better to step into that role than somebody that the average person could understand? Somebody who could easily toss a bully out not only on his ear, but further than the other ear which she had previously ripped off.

Course, her mom had told her many extremely funny stories about learning to enjoy meat cooked, and how to not immediately bash open an idiot with her kanbo, even though he was just asking for it...

Dad was fun.

Be sure to send Brevdravis, author of Ketsueki, some love and comments and check out his own work, it is wonderful to read up on especially if you are a fan of polyamorous romance!

What's the big day?

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