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Chapter 6 by RpCy0r RpCy0r

What choice will Summer make?

Just deal with it tomorrow

As Summer stood there and weighed out her options, she was tired and didn't want to deal with Raven at the moment. Another thought also came to her. 'Why would Raven try to advertise that I could get my panties back and tell me that taking a punishment now is worse?' It became much more apparent to her. 'It seems like she wants me to take the current punishment for some reason'

"I just want to go to sleep. I'll take whatever you have in mind tomorrow" She groaned sadly

"Alright, but you'll have to wake up earlier than usual. Also, you won't be publicly exposed to everyone anymore if you take it now" She announced. After a few seconds, she continued "Last chance to step up now"

Immediately Summer realized that she was dodging a bullet and she should take tomorrow's punishment. "I'm sure. Just let me go to bed" She said in defeat.

"OK. If you insist" Raven said, before another thought occurred. "Oh. Just so you know, I'm confiscating these" She said, as Summer turned around to see her holding the shorts. She cringed at being reminded of her idea like that.

"And remember. If you make any attempt to undermine my authority like that again, it will end much worse for you than it is now" Raven threatened.

Summer nodded and got ready for bed, being careful to avoid agitating her sore butt. It was extremely early for her, but she also knew that she'd need the extra sleep. "I'm looking forward to tomorrow already" She groaned quietly.

Despite her sore butt, Summer had a surprisingly easy time getting to sleep. The next day started off normal, only with her needing to wake up an hour earlier for whatever Raven was planning.

While Summer was in the shower, preparing for the day, she was so nervous about what Raven would do to her. As she thought about that, she reached back to massage her rear, which surprisingly didn't hurt a lot anymore. 'I don't know what I'd do without my aura' She thought to herself.

Once she got out of the shower, Raven entered the bathroom, carrying a large bag with something in it. "Oh good, you're ready for-"

"Eeep!" She was quickly cut off by the screaming "Do you knock!?" Summer shouted in embarrassment, trying to cover herself with the towel.

"Normally, yes. But this is an exception" Raven smirked. "Now please be quieter while you freak out. We have roommates that are still asleep"

Summer got a horrified look at the thought of the rest of team STRQ catching them like this. She tried to cover herself more thoroughly with the towel, while glaring at Raven, who rolled simply her eyes.

"Oh quit freaking out. It's not like it matters. I've already seen everything you're trying to hide" She told Summer, looking at her crotch. "And, if I'm being honest, so has the whole school" She smirked, watching Summer's embarrassment at that reminder.

Having accepted defeat, Summer looked up in embarrassment. "Can you just get to the point of why you're here?" She asked in anger and embarrassment, and clearly just wanting to get it over with.

“Yes yes, I know that you’re very excited to see what I have planned” Raven cooed. "But, just finish what you're doing and then give me your towel" She instructed.

Summer slowly removed the towel from her body and gave it to Raven, who took it and threw it aside.

"Wow. You're even more excited than I am" Raven laughed, while Summer blushed and stood awkwardly in the bathroom, trying to cover her breasts and crotch with her hands.

"And now" Raven said, reaching into the bag "This is your punishment" she finished, holding up a black leather corset.

Summer stared at it apprehensively. "A corset? What do I need a corset for?" She asked. Her breasts a decent size. And she had a thin figure as well. Most huntresses wouldn't need a corset because their figures would need to be perfect as a result of the physical exertion they have to apply. So, her waist looked fine. She didn't need anything to help her in those areas. Not that Raven would care. So, why would she make her wear that? Would Raven **** her to wear only that corset and leave her exposed and humiliated? What was she planning? What especially scared Summer was that in addition to the laces that were to be expected, this one also had a set of straps. She quickly became very nervous as to their purpose.

“You don’t, honestly. But I think it’ll help you look better. And, you know, as a punishment for wearing those shorts. Now, turn around and lift your arms so that I can put this on you” Raven demanded, while she removed the laces and opened the back.

Summer slowly turned around. She felt extremely embarrassed lifting her arms as she exposed her boobs. However, she knew there was little point in resisting. She tried to tilt her head to look behind her as Raven approached from behind. "When did you even get that?" She asked.

"While you were out getting dinner for me the other day" she responded, wrapping the corset around Summer’s torso. "Can you hold up your breasts to keep them out of the way?" She asked

Summer was immediately bothered by the request "You want me to do what?" She asked angrily.

"Well, my hands are busy. But if you refuse, I'll just have to find a way to hold them up myself while I put this on" Raven responded with an enormous eye roll.

Summer instantly realized what the alternative option was. She assumed the corset's breast support wound need to go below her breasts, and she knew she didn't want Raven fondling her boobs. So, she'd have to lift them herself.

Having realized her options, Summer relented. "Ugh. Fine" She complained. She reached to her breasts and lifted them up, allowing Raven to put the corset on under them. The entire time she felt embarrassed at the experience.

“Much better. You can let go now” Raven told her as she began pulling the laces closed. “I think we're done here” she said as she finished with the final laces and pulled the corset tight.

Summer gasped as the breath was breath **** out of her. She felt like she was being crushed by the small corset. She wobbled in place from the shock and fought air back into her, but could only manage a small wheeze. Raven pulled the laces as tight as possible. With the corset as tight as Summer's body could tolerate, Raven tied the laces in place.

"There. We're almost done" Raven announced, as she finished double knotting the laces.

"Almost?" Summer asked. The corset was horrible. She could only draw in small breaths. She looked down at herself in disbelief and saw that her boobs looked bigger and were pushed up and outwards. It looked like she was trying to present them outwardly to anyone. It was extremely uncomfortable and she felt herself struggling just to breath. And there was still more?

"Well, we still need to apply the straps as well" She answered, to Summer's horror.

She had completely forgotten about the straps. She closed her eyes and braced herself for the worst in regards to those.

Raven quickly pulled the three straps over Summer's body. The first one going below her arms up over her cleavage. The second one going across her waist. The third one going over her hips. Thankfully, they didn't add too much discomfort or humiliation. At least relative to the corset itself. Still, she didn't like them.

"Please. Can't you-" She stopped and took in a large breath before continuing "-loosen this thing?"

"Sorry. No" Raven smirked. "If I did that, then it would be visible under your clothes. And that would be bad, wouldn't it?" She grinned, to Summer's anger.

"You will wear this under your clothes today, and for as long as I desire really"

"I can feel my lungs trying to kill me" Summer wheezed out between shallow breaths

Raven almost laughed at her misery. "Quit being a drama queen. You have an aura. I could make that thing twice as tight and you'd still be fine"

Summer rolled her eyes. "Oh, how noble of-" She stopped to take a deep breath. "of you there" She finished. It hurt. She could barely get a full sentence out with her limited breathing capacity. Was it going to be like this every time she talked? She was heavily dreading wearing this for a month. She didn't even want to go to class with this thing on.

"Don't push your luck" Raven warned "I could actually tighten it even more if you get on my bad side. Also, it has an attachment for a crotch strap. If I see to it, I will absolutely pull it between your legs and you won't like it. So, don't give me reason"

Summer paled at the thought. Meanwhile, Raven walked up behind her.

"Now. I need to get ready. So, get out so that I can use the shower" She violently shoved Summer out of the room.

Summer squealed as she landed on all fours on the floor. As soon as she turned around she saw that Raven had already shut and locked the door.

Summer knew that Raven had left her clothes inside. She got up and covered her breasts and crotch with her arms while she rushed to get dressed before Qrow or Tai noticed her.

Once Raven got dressed and left the bathroom, she laughed to herself at the state Summer was in.

Aside from her embarrassment, it was apparent that her uniform had become tight in the chest area. And if one looked close enough, they could just barely see her nipples poking out. She looked completely mortified.

'Thank god Raven at least let me wear my bra. Otherwise my nipples would be poking out of my shirt. I just hope no one notices' Summer thought to herself.

Raven had the bright idea to mess with her even more. "Summer" She announced, getting her attention. "Can you lift your skirt for me?"

Summer glared at her, clearly not happy about it. "No" She answered

"You tried to lie to me once before. Now do it before I make a few more alterations to your corset, or make you lose your bra. We both know you wouldn't like that" She responded

Sighing in defeat, Summer lifted her skirt again and showed her uncovered womanhood.

Raven smirked and came up to her "Good girl" She said patronizingly and patted her head. "Now, let's go to class. I think I'm more excited for school right now than I have ever been"

Summer couldn't say she felt the same excitement. One thought went through her head as she dropped her skirt back down.

'Could this day get any worse?'

Could the day get any worse?

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