Tales from Inryo

A collection of omorashi-centric stories, across multiple genres.

Chapter 1 by Tsuchigumo550 Tsuchigumo550

This page serves as a central root from which many one-shots, short stories, and adventures can branch from. The root itself is just to define a starting point, setting details, and main purpose for each tale tied to it. Effectively, this serves as a base-level introduction to the world- the stories themselves do not necessarily need to be read in order, or at all, to grasp what is happening within any given branch.

Before going any further, it's important to impart one piece of meta knowledge.

All of Inryo revolves around a singular fetish- "Omorashi". Put bluntly, this means enduring the feeling of a full bladder, dealing with the urgency and desperation that causes, and so on. Inryo is particularly geared for female-oriented desperation, but more on that later.

Although care is taken to ensure stories are compelling in their own regards, the core interest is baked into the setting at the very deepest level. Even in the event that a scene does not contain anything explicitly related, the story as a whole almost certainly will- allusions and references will also be frequent. Potential readers are advised to exercise caution and judgement before proceeding. At a base level, those readers who are neutral to it may be able to glean some enjoyment from the tales within, though they are written rather specifically for those who are amenable to it.

There is one other thing that you, as a reader, should know before pressing forward. "Omorashi" as a concept could be called a niche of a niche- in that it is related to, but does not include every aspect, of watersports in general. Even readers who are amenable to the following content should at least be aware of that focus, as some stories can and will end before "reaching" certain points or events, or may not go into the same deep and explicit detail when it does occur, depending on circumstances.

For those who have been here before, the following links will get you started. For newcomers who don't know what lies ahead, simply keep reading for an explanation.

The Age of Fantasy - Crown City

Inryo's fantasy setting, full of magic and adventure. Infinite wilderness filled with exotic resources and dangerous, hostile wildlife awaits to one side, and an infinite sea with wild islands, a mysterious antagonist fleet, and hidden valuables awaits to the other. In a world blessed by the Goddess, even **** is a temporary setback- but finding a functional restroom is a more eternal struggle.

The Age of Modernity - The Golden City

Inryo's section for both modern times and certain "grounded" science fiction elements (no space-travel yet, essentially). With no more endless horizons to explore, the people turn to various forms of entertainment and fiction- though however much they deny it, it is still every bit as steeped in the ancient ways and cultures. Now, people willingly endure for societal expectation and status, if not for a Goddess- though the effect is largely the same, and the restrooms have never been less available.

The Age of the Stars - Star of the City

Finally, this is the section for space-flight, connecting with other planets, and the sci-fi "deep end". It can also be thought of as "fantasy meets modern"- with cloning to replace Goddess intervention to get around ****, and unexplored planets functioning much like wild islands, alongside modernity's entertainment, social expectations, commerce, and so on. The greatest degree of individual freedom exists here, alongside the most dismal ratio of population to restroom.

Universal Truths

This section serves more as a reference guide or an almanac than anything, explaining things that are consistent between all of Inryo's ages, or other concepts that span across the otherwise disjointed sections of time. They are linked along a single timeline, but the whole of that timeline isn't explored.

For example, the average person in Inryo is much different than the average person in our world. Hips are wider, heights are shorter, and masculinity is in rare supply. The vast majority (80% or higher) of the population is female- and of the remainder, almost all are what we would refer to as androgynous. Having a huge ass and a flat chest is still a mark of androgyny on Inryo- in short, the guys look a whole lot like girls. Perhaps this is due to a higher gravity, or maybe some sort of natural selection- the specific reasons matter little.

There are also six different races that call Inryo home. In each era, these races work slightly differently and are represented to different degrees, but all six persist through all three ages. They are Humans, High Elves, Dark Elves, Kitsune, Draff, and Borgs. Further details can be found in the Almanac story branch.

Which era calls most to you?

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