Sarah starts again.

Sarah starts again.

Things get better.

Chapter 1 by bigtrain. bigtrain.

(This one is planned to be a bit or a lot slower with much different tones then my other stories. I suggest reading my rant thread if you are confused.)

"It was Sextortion!” Sarah tilted her head back and let the hot water rush over her face, feeling the sticky aftermath of her vigorous morning wash away, finally allowing the poor tawny haired woman to open her left eye again. “Except he wasn’t extorting me , not really at all.”

The soapy loofah felt amazing as Sarah scraped it against her bronzed skin. Starting from her feet Sarah scrubbed her way up, working her way up to her if not large, shapely bottom that was big enough to fill and shelf any type of pants she wore to her taught abdomen. Sarah sighed then started to scrub her chest recalling last night when her man smirked complementing her breasts as she road him. “Her man, ridiculous.” The woman snorted turning around and letting the water rinse off her soapy body. Sarah wasn’t even his woman, at least not in the traditional sense. It was her after all that crawled into his bed and started this whole mess.

She wasn’t drunk she wasn’t ****, she was just horny and he was there. At the very least it wasn’t her fault, she had agreed to all these rules last night was it? She was the victim after all, she had to be.

Stepping out of the tub Sarah dried off, wrapping a towel around her slight hour glass figure and gave her wet hair one final squeeze over the tub. Sarah enveloped her long hair in a towel and wiped the condensation from the mirror.

Staring back at her was still the dumb and beautiful twenty year old who Jason had fallen in love with. Though now only thirty, Sarah had felt much older and worse with her current living situation. Picking up her phone Sarah scrolled to her picture album and pulled up Jason’s smiling face. It hurt less now, looking at those deep blue eyes and bright smile. She still missed the smell of his flaxen hair and comforting embrace as they slept but, it had been two long years and it was time to move on.

Sarah’s hazel eyes looked back at her and she smiled wistfully, at least she didn’t have to worry about getting laid anymore.

(Small edit the tags I have added may not be in the story at the time but are planned and I hope shows the possible theme for interested authors. I do want to stress that you can add what you want how you want it into your arcs/threads.)

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