Hung Kingdom

Ascend to your Throne

Chapter 1 by Dominosaur Dominosaur

(Author's note, the story is not done, or even really ready to publish. It's only visible so I can share it for review. Sorry if anything seems to cut off early or awkwardly.)

It is your 20th birthday, and you are torn. On the one hand you've become the king. You have access to near endless resources; food, land, luxury items, women, men...But of course, for a new king to rise, an old king had to fall. While it is indeed your coronation, it also feels like a funeral. Your Father passed under mysterious, tragic circumstances, leaving you as the new leader of your people, and of your country Olaria.

Olaria is perhaps too prosperous a nation. You are blessed with fertile fields, deep mines, a peaceful coast and Lush forests with all manor of herbs, lumber, and game. If any country could be called paradise, surely it must be Olaria. However, this prosperity has caused a shift in values. With abundance came peace and with peace came development. Your country has the largest, and best outfitted military of any in the world. If you thought it worth it, you could take over every country around you, though you may cause unrest and resentment to do so for no reason. You also have the most advanced scientific and magical academies. Every nation that knows of you is envious, and **** to form alliances. The noble houses of your land receive frequent gifts and bribes to ensure trade and well relationships are maintained. Other countries come to you to learn of the way the world works, and to sample your natural blessings.

Truly, Olaria is a paradise...which has lead to an unusual quirk. As people do not need to compete for things like money or power, as their needs and desires are all met, there is one trait which is held sacred, among all others-Sexual Fitness. The quality of one's sexual assets, as well as their proficiency with their equipment is far more important to most people than things like "strength" or "intelligence" or trivialities like "wealth" or "status." While things such as that are appreciated, as anyone can develop their strength, or knowledge, or marry into wealth, the true measure of a man is the measure of his cock, while women's curves can reshape the path their lives may take. As a result, the most beautiful, handsome, and endowed have made their way to the 'top' of society.

That said, things are not dour for those at the bottom, for even a woman as flat as a door might find love with a man whose penis is hidden by his belly. And they may be happy, and safe, and educated, and have wonderful children who know no shame or hardship. Truly, Olaria is a paradise even for its least physically desirable. However, for those of status, the quickest way to lose that status is to be known as deficient. The nobility always pass on the bulk of their estates to their most desirable children. The most beautiful women, the hunkiest men, the fairest Thems are the ones that carry their family names on their shoulders.

Which leads back to you the noblest noble of the land. The Crown Prince, now crowned King. As king, there is an expectation that you are the pinnacle of desirability. While there may be men with larger cocks, none are quite so handsome. While some men may have more potent seed, surely you can satisfy your partner far more effectively. While another may boast of his sexual skill, his body pales to yours. Of course, *SOME* lenience is given. There are few so bold as to challenge a King on his throne, especially one such as you. Though you are an only child, you are by far the most gorgeous of anyone in your kingdom. Male attractiveness is defined by your features, not the other way around. Your physique is well rounded, and adaptable. Any weakness you might have is buried in the shadow of your eminent strengths. And then,, I'll let you answer it.

The all important question...How big is it?

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