

You, your wife and many different guests

Chapter 1 by LastPandaOnEarth LastPandaOnEarth

The entire story is inspired by the work of "NTRMAN". The images are from his visual novel "Adelaide Inn Remake", the rights to which are also his. If you are interested in the original story and want to see the fully animated scenes, please support the artist on his Patreon.

The story has to be read in GAME MODE to count the money you earn and spend.

You and your wife Mira have worked very hard for your dream. But with a lot of effort and sweat, you made it after many years of hard work. Your own inn on the outskirts of the city.

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As always, you make your rounds to check everywhere and prepare everything for the guests who were coming mainly in the evening.

First the main hall.

The wine and beer barrels were full and the tables had already been cleaned by your wife. The candles were burning and everything was in its place. Very good.

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You went up the stairs and into the bedroom.

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A closet, a chair, a table, and an old chest. Your bedroom was... simple. You just don't have the money for more glitter and silk. But you also didn't need to. You and your wife lead a simple life and yet you were happy because you had each other. The bed is freshly made. One can hardly recognize how wildly you and Mira fucked here yesterday.

Even after several years of marriage, your sex life is still like at the beginning. You can't keep your hands off your wife and she can't keep her hands off you. You both come from poor households and it was your cohesion that got you to this point.

You walk down the hall to inspect the bathroom.

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Here, too, everything is clean. Your Inn is mainly frequented by travelers, merchants, and adventurers. The washroom is available for guests who want to freshen up after a long journey. Besides ****, you also offer a simple meal and a bed. Everything at its price, of course.

Speaking of bed. You'll have another quick look in one of the guest rooms. Here, too, your wife has been busy. The bed is freshly made and she had also swept. This room is also kept simple in terms of furniture. But most adventurers would also be happy with a simple mattress. And it is not as if you were receiving nobles here. It is simple but serves its purpose.

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That concludes your tour for now. You go back down the stairs and meet your wife in the main hall.

Her beautiful red hair was tied back in a ponytail and she was wearing her usual robe.

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"Hey honey, I've already warmed up the food in the cauldron so it won't take so long if someone orders our usual meal," said Mira and smiled.

Man, she still looks as beautiful as when you kidnapped her from her father's farm. Well, kidnapped is such a harsh word. You wanted it, she wanted it. Still doesn't change the fact that you had to climb through windows in the middle of the night and her father almost impaled you with a pitchfork when he discovered you in her room with your pants down. Man, those were the days...

"Are you done with your preparations, too?" asks Mira, snapping you out of your thoughts.

"Um, yeah, sure," you reply.

"Great. It's getting dark outside. About time we opened, don't you think?"

"Sure, to a successful evening!"

Mira walks up to you and you both kiss each other gently.

"And an even more awesome night!" she says, winking at you.

What's next?

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