Lousy Lawyer Looses a Lot


Chapter 1 by VLADVLAD666 VLADVLAD666

Deena Nichols was a hot new Lawyer at the most Prestigious Law firm in the city. But she as not happy still being assigned to Pro-bono work that makes the firm looks good, but doesn't let her build billable hours. the stunning redhead also felt that she was too good to be dealing with the crap cases she was doing for free.

Her current case being a prime example. A petite redheaded teenager, of 16 had gotten bullied by a taller, heavier, 18 year old who ended up getting a black eye in the redheads neighborhood. The case was open and shut, except for the fact that the blondes Parents decided that their little Princess had to have attacked. They also seemed to have some influence and so the Police charged the 16 year old with '****', '**** with intent to maim', '**** with to kill', 'causing deliberate harm', 'conspiracy'.

The case was obviously BS about two girls getting into a squabble, the only lawyer who'd make any money was the Blondes. It was obviously a slam dunk. The was until the day of the court date, Deena got a chance to bring in a big client, and so blew off the court appearance at the last minute. Her high profile firm sent a new Intern to represent the girl, but the guy was obviously out of his depth, he even told them his area was corporate law.

The end result was 16 year got two years in Juvenile Hall, till she was 18. The blonde was still her Parents Princess, they were quite rich and had arranged to have Deena's firm put her on their companies case; and their air-headed blonde daughter at 20 was going to marry one of the richest young men in the state.

But redheaded Lynn and her older sisters Laurie and Bobby; had both sworn to get even with redheaded Deena who they saw as having screwed over Lynn, by blowing off her case in favor the bitch who threw the first punch, because the blonde sluts parent's thew a big Job to her to her make her skip the trial!

Can Three City Girls Take a High Priced Lawyer Down

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