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Chapter 3 by mr.z mr.z

What Happens Next?

Hungry Eyes

"MMMmmm. HHRrmmm. Erm!" The bandaged up mummy tries to talk but all you hear is mumbles through her thick bandages.

"Oh great. She's mute." Summer says crossing her arms. Winter looks up at her and rearranges the bandages around her mouth to move them out of the way.

"I'm not mute you simpleton. My mouth was just suppressed by these bandage wrappings." She tries to remove more but they are skin tight.

"Maybe that isn't a good idea." The shy ghost girl tries to interject. You can all see that behind the wraps, Winter's skin looks dried out. The pale gray skin looks like it is in major need of a moisturizer as dust particles spring up whenever she tries to remove more of the bandages.

"I suppose you are right. In my physical condition it is difficult to tell if these wrappings are keeping me together or not. Scientifically they shouldn't be but ancient Egyptian magic would most likely not follow the laws of reality." Everyone looks around at each other silently agreeing with her. After all, science cannot explain how a music box managed to split your fiance into five different versions of her. Nor can it explain why they all look like they came off the set of a Paramount movie lot.

"Can we get out of the attic?" You suggest. "It's just that, it's dark, and creepy, and I feel like we have spent more time in an attic than a person should spend in an attic." All of the other Aprils agreed with either a nod or a verbal 'yeah'. "Okay, lets regroup downstairs." As soon as you finished that sentence, you felt a furry creature grab your arm and hold on tight to it.

"Lead the way Honey." Spring says smiling at you with those big puppy dog eyes. You feel her tail wagging as it hits you while she stands side by side with you.

"God, stop smothering him you little attention whore." The tall, green skinned Summer says to Spring with a look of disgust on her face.

"Why don't you mind you own business. Grrrr." The affectionate werewolf literally growls back being very protective of you.

"Stop it you two. Don't make me spray water at you." Autumn snide comment comes from halfway down the stairs as she heads up the group. "Aaah." Autumn screams as she steps into sunlight beaming in through the window. Steam pours out of her skin before she steps back into the shade, Summer rushes up ahead and closes the blinds. "Ouch, that really burned."

"Hey, at least you weren't sparkling." Summer jokes. You all soon follow the tall, green, stitched up girl down to the second and then first floor where everyone meets up in the kitchen. When entering the kitchen, you'll find the sink and counter to the left side, the oven, microwave and refrigerator to the right side and past them is the kitchen table. The counter tops are made out of a black marble, with the walls painted a grayish blue and the floor made up of white squared tiles.Winter brings the music box to study it some more, sitting down at the kitchen table while you stand next to the sink with the other girls gathering in. The last person to enter is June, who isn't looking forward when the door closes in on her. Instead of walking into the door, she actually walks through the door. You look back to see her but then noticed that she is completely naked. June's clothes did not make it through the door and she fazed through them, her c-cup breasts jiggling in the wind with no garments covering them. You've seen April's boobs on numerous occasions but seeing them transparent and white is a new sight for you indeed. All of the other April's, minus Winter, look at her with Summer holding back laughter.

"What's wrong?" June asks as she notices the attention is on her. Looking down she quickly covers her breasts and privates yelling "AAH!" Then she vanishes from sight, the sounds of her feet stepping towards the door and it flinging open then close is followed after.

"June are you alright?" You ask.

"How embarrassing." The door opens again and you see June walking back in. Actually you don't see her at all, she is invisible but she put her clothes back on, making it look like the clothes were possessed which since they are being worn by a ghost, they are. Attention is taken off of her though as you hear Spring ravaging the refrigerator. Her lower half sticking out from the opened door as she digs in for something to eat.

"Where's all of the food. I'm starving." The werewolf girl says as she checks every drawer, only finding vegetables, dairy products condiments, and an assortment of different beverages. She pulls her head out and starts sniffing the air, her wet dog nose wiggling with each inhale as she goes down on all fours and sniffs the ground. She walks towards you, sniffing up your pants then shirt, having no respect for personal space. She then passes by you and goes into the drawer behind you, finding a bag of jerky. Instead of pulling out the jerky, she just dives her face into it, chowing down on the chewy, beefy product.

"I'm feeling very hungry too." Autumn says standing extremely close to you which you didn't notice until you turned to face her. Her red eyes making contact with yours, staring straight into your soul with enough intensity that you feel like you can't move. Her eyes transfix you as they look like they are getting deeper, the room around you darkens until the only thing visible is Autumn's pale white face with her red eyes and red lips. The gothic looking girl opens up her mouth and you see clearly her huge fangs for the first time. Her hand touches your forehead and tilts your head, her mouth gets closer to your exposed neck until...

"Cut that out." Summer says, slapping the back of Autumn's head, snapping you out of her hypnotic gaze. "Were you really going to eat Marty?" The angry love child of Frankenstein and his Bride says intimidatingly, her different colored blue and brown eyes narrow into a glare.

"No I wasn't ... Okay, maybe I was. I don't know, I just got really hungry."

"So, you were just gonna eat the soon to be hubby?"

"Sorry, Marty." Autumn apologizes to you. "I just felt really hungry and something took over me."

"I'm getting pretty hungry too." Summer says as her stomach makes a gurgling sound.

"Me three." Spring says after finishing the jerky. She then starts sniffing you and you notice she is salivating as she licks her sharp teeth.

"Hey, why don't I go and get us some food." You say with your voice cracking at the end, the hungry eyes surrounding you getting your nerves jumpy.

"That sounds good." June's wispy voice is heard as she reappears, no longer just floating clothes.

"All right, I'll grab some pizza." Everyone likes pizza you thought. You pull out your phone and make an order for three large pizzas.

"Be sure to get a meat lovers." Spring says happily, her tail wagging faster as she licks up more drool from her teeth.

"May I go with?" June asks

"Sure." You say before realizing that it might draw unwanted attention to have a real live ghost with you. Well, alive or un-alive ghost, you aren't sure.

"I'll go with you. Too" Says...

Who Will Tag Along With Marty And June?

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