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Chapter 2 by Uh-Oh Uh-Oh

Which way should he go?

Go through the Meadow

Deciding that going to a village to eat roasted ham and drink wine would be better than trekking though the wilderness eating pinecones, Grey went on the path that was leading through the meadow. From what Grey could see from his decrepit traveling contraption, it was going to be a fairly easy trip. That is, if he didn’t run into any surprises along the way.

Grey shouldered his monstrosity he now called a backpack. His survival supplies consisted of chips, soda, and the most important, porno magazines. Grey would never leave these magazines behind, as they were his favorite that he brought from America with him. Besides, Grey believed that not taking them would be a hazard to his health; His head would blow up if he didn’t see a naked lady for a long period of time. It was still untested, but Grey would not want to prove his theory to be correct anytime soon.

So, Grey set out for his little adventure equipped with enough porn to let him survive for a couple of days… oh yea, food and water too. It was a nice day outside, which he had failed to notice while beating the crap out of his truck. The meadow added to this with all it's little flowers and birds in and around it. Grey always loved nature, and he especially liked plants. These little flowers dotted all over the landscape, beckoning to be held and smelled.

About half on hour into the trip, Grey climbed over a rather steep grassy hill. One of the many he had recently trekked over, as the land around him was covered in small hills. His backpack was heavier than he first thought. Since it was really an ill constructed bag he was carrying around, he was hunched over and walking like some sort of burglar with too much crap to carry.

"Gah... I gotta take a rest or I’ll drop dead soon…" Grey said as he sat down on top of the hill and laid his load beside him. Breaking out lunch, Grey made a kingly meal of a bag of salty chips and fizzy pop. Munching away happily on this food after containing the initial explosion of surgery beverage, Grey laid back against his bag an enjoyed the scenery.

Grey was amazed at what he saw in the field. Flowers everywhere! Not like the past fields where the flowers just dotted the grassy land. The flowers were outnumbering the grass easily. Even the hill he was on was covered in flowers in which he was laying in. It looked like someone took a green portrait and decided to spatter a rainbow randomly across it until it was nearly all covered.

Some of the flowers were really tall right next to Grey’s head. They were like pikes tipped with color and had flowing flags on them instead of sharp pointy metal heads. Others were small and to the ground, like multi-colored shields discarded by frustrated soldiers. Grey was lounging in a particularly dense area of blue and yellow tiny flowers surrounded by a thin wall of red-tipped spear flowers.

One particular flower caught Grey's eye. It had a violet stalk with deep purple leaves. The flower atop the odd colored plant looked like some sort of glittery multi-colored gem. It was standing right in front of him, only a few feet away. He didn’t notice it before, as all his concentration was on finding a spare chip in his bag. Grey had never seen such a plant before in all the books he had ever read. Propping himself on his elbows, Grey laid and stared at the flower. He suddenly had the urge to get closer to it and examine it further. ‘I don’t even know if it’s poisonous!’ he thought, but his actions decided more than if he would just smell a pretty flower or inhale toxic fumes.

Sniff-Sniff or Back Away?

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