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Chapter 2 by Mihyel Mihyel

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Go see Abby (Femdom)

I wonder how Abby is settling in…

I grab my key card and cell phone and head out to building D. The apartment complex is much nicer than it was when they kicked me out last year. Vibrant plants, new paint job that actually looks good rather than the baby-poop-green they used to have. In the center of buildings A-G, the larger of the two swimming pools of the complex sprawls out. With a new two-story waterslide, diving boards and a twenty-foot depth, they must have ripped out the old pool to put all that in.

Just as I’m walking up to building D, Abby and another woman step out of the apartment. The other woman is just a touch shorter than Abby and only slightly slimmer. She ties her black hair into a ponytail that reaches her mid back but one of the sides is shaven to the scalp. She has several piercings, including two over her brow, two on her bottom lip, and one in the middle of her nose. Blue eyes of ice regard me.

Abby sees me and a big smile bursts acrost her face. “Oh, Rachel, this is him, this is Jack!”

The ice in Rachel’s eyes warms, but only slightly. She extends a tattooed hand at the bottom of a fully sleeved arm full of skulls, smoke, demons and naked women. “Nice to meet you.”

“You too,” I say as I shake her hand.

I let go but she doesn’t.

Her grip starts to crush my hand as she yanks me forward into her bountiful chest. “You aren’t supposed to shake hands anymore, remember, male?”

“I- I’m sorry. Please. My hand.” Tears well in my eyes that I fight back but she’s only a fraction away from breaking my hand.

“On your knees,” she growls.

I drop to my knees and she throws my hand away.

“Looks like your friend needs some training.” Her painted black lips spread into a wicked grin.

Abby frowns. Sympathy plays along her face for a moment but then she squeezes her eyes and when they open, they burst with fire. “You’re right. He most certainly does.” She walks over to their door and swipes her card. “In.” She holds the door open as I quickly obey. “Stay here until we get back from our run. You can drink water but do nothing else. No tv. No games. You sit on the floor, and you wait.”

I nod and the words, “Yes, Ma’am,” pour from my mouth without me even thinking about it.

“His phone,” Rachel says.

“Bring us your phone,” Abby orders.

I pull it from my pocket and hand it over.

The two women pull out their phones and tap a few times, then Rachel holds my phone out to me, not to take, only to touch. “Tap accept and look at the camera. You’ll do it twice.”

I look at the screen and read: Do you want to accept Abigale Strouse as your inhouse owner?

I accept.

The second message reads: Do you want to accept Rachel Cusp as your inhouse owner?

I accept and Rachel hands me the phone.

Abby points me back into the apartment. “Now wait. If you use your phone at all, we’ll know.”

Rachel’s victorious smile slaps me across the face before the door shuts and I plop onto the floor.

Fucking owners? I thought I wasn’t supposed to be bound for the first week. I sit there and think about what this could possibly mean but none of this makes sense.

Two hours roll by and I get up to get a drink of water. I open the fridge to see a mass of fresh fruit and vegetables along with about ten bottles of slightly opaque water. I turn the front bottle around to read the label. Futa H2O. Should have guessed they’d have their own water. I search some more but don’t see any other water. I look back at the sink and consider tap water but my head turns back around to the Futa H2O. What could they have done to water to enhance it? Electrolytes? Minerals? I pull out a half empty bottle. They won’t notice if I take a taste from this one.

I unscrew the lid and smell check first. It’s more than just water, there’s a nice, almost flowery, aroma to it.

Fuck it, what the hell?

I take a swig and the taste runs over my tongue like a soft wave, washing up on the beach. The flowery aroma seeps into my taste buds and I laugh a little. Not sure why, nothing is funny exactly, but I just feel like laughing a little. Odd.

The door opens and the two women come through drenched in sweat.

“Water,” Rachel says as she catches her breath.

I grab her a full bottle and rush it over to her, twisting the cap off for her before she snatches it from my hands. She drinks deeply before handing it to Abby.

“Shoes.” Rachel puts a foot forward and waits.

I quickly drop to the ground and untie her shoes followed by Abby’s.

“We didn’t plan to be gone for so long,” Abby says as she hands the water bottle back to Rachel. “But we met the Madam of the district.”

I’ve read about Madams. Family members to the Empress that ruled the cities and the territories inside. Madams are responsible for schools, large businesses, or in this case, housing districts.

“Oh, wow. That’s great.” I struggle with the last bow knot. “Does she live in the houses behind the apartments or something?”

Rachel smiles that victorious smile once again, mocking me for some reason. “Oh, no. She lives in floors one and two of building A. They had it remodeled for her.”

“Building A?” The last knot slides free as my mind spins. I live over the Madam of the district? “I thought they lived in big houses or some shit.”

Both women free themselves of their shoes and then their little ankle socks.

Rachel pulls out two of the dinning room chairs and they both take seats in front of me. They look at each other with satisfied grins as they pass the water back and forth.

Rachel’s victor’s smile creeps across her face again as her cold blue eyes dance with delight. “We’ll tell you everything she has planned for you, if you lick the sweat from our feet.”

They both extend their feet out towards me, heels on the floor, wiggling toes pointed up.

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