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Chapter 2 by Alibara Alibara

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Age: 18

Gender: Male

Race: Homunculus

Appearance: Caleb is a feminine looking green skinned boy with chest length glossy black hair with white streaks on each side. He has a sizeable penis.

Caleb is the story's protagonist. He is a guy from our world who reincarnated as a Homunculus created by Dr. Victoria Frankenstein and has a good knowledge of Victorian literature.

Arsene Lupin

Age: 23

Gender: Female

Race: Human

Appearance: Arsene is a fair skinned young woman with black hair. She has a tall and slender body with a nice build.

Arsene Lupin's mother was the chambermaid to a cruel and spiteful Count and Countess in France. When her mother fell ill, Arsene, at age 6, committed her first theft, a priceless historically significant diamond belonging to the count and countess, to pay for medicine. Between the thrill of the crime, the significant reward of the prize and the lack of sympathy she felt for those particular marks, Lupin realised she'd found her calling.

However, the employers never found out how the theft was made or who did, so they assumed it was Arsene's mother and fired her for it. Since then, Arsene studied under A.J. Raffles, becoming a master thief and mistress of disguise, though only steals from those that deserve it. In order to prevent anymore innocents from being blamed, Arsene began to send her victims a calling card.

At some point, she became acquainted with Captain Nemo.

She is an optimistic and cheerful woman who dislikes .

Captain Nemo

Age: 18

Gender: Female

Race: Human

Appearance: Nemo is a reasonably short, dark skinned girl. She has long white hair that is braided into a ponytail and highlighted with a fews trips of soft pink.

Nemo is the daughter of an Indian raja. After the loss of her family and kingdom, she devoted herself to scientific research, studying throughout Europe and ultimately building the Nautilus.

At some point, she became acquainted with Arsene Lupin.

Having a very excitable and childish demeanour, Nemo is mocked by others. Despite this, she is very self-confident.

Victoria Frankenstein

Age: 18

Gender: Female

Race: Human

Appearance: Victoria is a cute girl with copper hair, fair skin, and overall a slightly disheveled appearance. She always wears round glasses and a white lab coat.

Dr. Victoria Frankenstein is the daughter of Alphonse and Caroline Frankenstein, who died of scarlet fever.

At university, she developed a fondness for alchemy, and became obsessed with the idea of creating life in inanimate matter through artificial means, pursuing this goal for two years.

Eventually, she reanimated a corpse, turning it into a homunculus named Caleb. Though her knowledge and intelligence are unrivalled, she is generally humble and self-deprecating. In addition to being very sociable, she is easily swayed by others.

Dorian/Doreen Gray

Age: Unknown

Gender: Changes between male and female.

Race: Human

Appearance: Dorian is an androgynous person with blonde hair.

Nobody really knows much about Gray. They change genders, which is the reason for the gender neutral pronouns.

Supposedly they have a painting of themself hidden around somewhere.

They finds most dangerous things amusing, even when others would not. They often jokes about whether they come off as "old". It's hard to read their emotions because they're always smiling. They're even-tempered, but when angered, they're incredibly intimidating. The fastest way to anger them is to threaten to steal or destroy their beloved art collection.

They are very fond of the gang, and get lonely whenever their mansion sits empty for too long.

Abigail Van Helsing

Age: 27

Gender: Female

Race: Human

Appearance: Van Helsing is a beautiful woman of medium height with long red hair, fair skin and small rectangle glasses.

Abigail Van Helsing is from a dutch family descended from the Belmendo Clan of vampire hunters and served as a member of the Royal Order of Knights and Progenitor. In 1886, she helped fight a vampire known as the Bloofer Lady.


Age: 18

Gender: Female

Race: Chimera

Appearance: Elliot is a cute dog girl with short brown hair that has white stripes. She has a heart shaped mark on her left thigh. Her left arm is mechanical.

Elliot is a Chimera created by Dr. Moreau's experiments with merging a dog with a human. She was trained as an attack dog until she escaped, losing an arm in the process, and was saved by Nemo.

Elliot is very particular about people she shows affection to. Despite Nemo being the one to save her and build a mechanical arm to replace the one who lost, she is aggressive towards her, and she doesn't care for any of the other women, either. However, she behaves in a more friendly way to Caleb.


Age: 18

Gender: Female

Race: Homunculus

Appearance: Evelyn is a girl with yellow skin with shoulder length black hair. Her eyes are pure white.

Evelyn was Victoria Frankenstein's first creation. Unfortunately, Victoria abandoned her creation who ended up in the hands of Septima Pretorius.

Sebastiana Moran

Age: 30

Gender: Female

Race: Human

Appearance: She is a tall woman with long black hair and a scar across her left eye.

She works for Septima Pretorius.

King Alexander Victor

Age: 32

Gender: Male

Race" Human

Appearance: He is a man with white hair. He wears a yellow suit with black stripes.

He is the reigning King of Britain. Despite his overly-grandiose and extravagant appearance and behaviour, he is an incredibly effective monarch who puts the well-being of his subjects and the growth of his nation above all else.

Captain Agrona

Age: 20

Gender: Female

Race: Human

Appearance: Agrona is a tall and beautiful woman with long, light blue hair. Her breasts are quite large.

Agrona was born in Scandinavia. After her family was killed, Agrona was taken in by the British Royal Family where she became a playmate of Prince Alexander Victor. She later joined the British Empire's military and rose to the position of captain of the Royal Guard. She was provided with an ancient relic created through alchemy that can instantly freeze anything.

She treats her subordinates well, which inspires their intense loyalty and devotion to her.

Agrona loves to fight and has a disturbing habit of unconsciously removing her clothes.

Sherlock 'Sherry' Holmes

Age: 28

Gender: Female

Race: Human

Appearance: She is tall and slender with shoulder-length dark hair.

Sherlock Holmes was born in London, as the younger sister of a government official. Sherry chose to become a consulting detective. Financial difficulties led her and Watson to share rooms together at 221B Baker Street. She is currently pursuing Arsene Lupin.

Carmilla Karnstein/Dracula II

Age: Unknown

Gender: Female

Race: Vampire

Appearance: She is a brunette with fair skin. She wears a white dress.

Carmilla is the daughter of Dracula. She has a grudge against Van Helsing for killing Dracula I.

Septima Pretorius

Age: Unknown

Gender: Female

Race: Human

Appearance: An old woman with an unusually large nose and pointed ears, looking like something from a 1930s gothic horror movie.

Septima Pretorius is the leader of Progenitor. She was Victoria Frankenstein's mentor and helped create Caleb.

Catherine Moriarty

Age: 31

Gender: Female

Race: Human

Appearance: Catherine Moriarty is a tall, beautiful woman with upper-back length brown hair that is symmetrically parted on the left right side.

Catherine Moriarty is a member of the Moriarty Crime Family. Despite being older, she was passed over to succeed the power to succeed her father, in favour of her younger sister. Catherine serves as an underboss to her younger sister, through only has nominal power.

Captain Ahab

Age: Unknown

Gender: Female

Race: Human

Appearance: Ahab is a tall woman with white hair and a leg made of whalebone. She has a scar on the left side of her face, running down her eye and her cheek, reaching her chin.

Ahab was 18 years old when she became a harpooner. At some point, she lost her leg, which was replaced with whalebone, and suffered scarring to her face. She eventually became captain of a ship and seeks on Moby Dick, an albino whale she blames her woes on.


Age: Unknown

Gender: Female

Race: Human

Appearance: Fedallah is a Persee woman with braided white hair coiled under a white turban. The rest of her clothes are black.

A woman Ahab hires as her personal harpooner.


Age: 30

Gender: Female

Race: Human

Captain Ahab's first mate.


Age: Unknown

Gender: Female

Race: Human

Appearance; a bald Polynesian woman with a lot of tattoos, who is assume is Queerqueg. Her only hair is a small scalp-knot twisted on her forehead.

A native from the island of Rokovoko.

Although, she was the daughter of the chief, she chose to leave her island out of curiosity to see more of the world.

She met with Ishmael and was convinced to join her on Captain Ahab's expedition to hunt Moby Dick, where she became the harpooner of Starbuck.


Age: Unknown

Gender: Female

Race: Human

Appearance; she is short.

Captain Ahab's third mate.


Age: Unknown

Gender: Female

Race: Human

Appearance; a tall black woman.

A member of Captain Ahab's crew who serves as Flask's harpooner.


Age: 21

Gender: Female

Race: Human

Ishmael was an illegitimate daughter born from an affair her father had. Her stepmother had her and her mother exiled from the family. After her mother died, the girl took the name "Ishmael", named after the biblical figure, and began serving on merchants vessels. Eventually, she met Queequeg and together, they joined Captain Ahab's crew.


Age: 18

Gender: Female

Race: Human

An African-American cabin girl on Captain Ahab's ship.

Jonathan Small

Age: 49

Gender: Male

Race: Human

Appearance; he has a peg leg.

Jonathan Small came from a poor family in England. He joined the army, and served in India. During that time, he was swimming in a river when a crocodile bit his leg off, leaving him crippled. Later Small worked on a plantation as an overseer, and during the Indian mutiny of 1857 his friends were killed and he was to flee to Agra to save himself, where he was charged as a guard.

Three Sikhs, on duty with him, took him hostage and him to assist them in their plan to kill a merchant of Raja, who was to arrive shortly carrying a treasure box full of jewels.

They killed the merchant, hid the treasure, and drew a map with the four signing as the Sign of Four, and pledging an alliance to always act in the best interests of the four.

Their plan was ruined when the body of the victim was discovered although the treasure was not found. The three Sikhs were sentenced to serve life in jail, while Small was sentenced to hard labor for life in the Andaman Islands.

In the prison, Small overheard two officers of guard, Arthur Morstan and John Sholto talking about their gambling losses and offered them a deal. If they helped him recover there treasure, they could have equal share amounting to £50,000 each, but Sholto double-crossed both Small and Morstan, taking the treasure for himself.

Small would later save an Aborigine pigmy from , who then became loyal to him. Small called him Tonga, and with him escaped the prison and travelled the world, earning money by Tonga's performances, including him eating raw flesh.

He would learn that Sholto had died but his son Bartholomew had recovered the treasure. The two attempted to steal there treasure but ended up killing Bartholomew by accident.

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