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Chapter 4 by Cyberweasel89 Cyberweasel89

What's the first thing to go wrong?

Caught sleeping naked?!

It's a long road trip. My sisters are loud and rowdy and seem to enjoy bantering with Natasha while Amy mediates between them and Emma just sit there in awkward silence, probably nervous being surrounded by people she doesn't know (Amy being the exception).

Since it's a heat wave summer, we dressed light. My mom insisted we save gas by just cracking the windows instead of blasting the air conditioner. The result is that I'm wearing a simple ratty pair of swim trunks, a pair of black men's sandals (mandals) and a plain white muscle T (without the muscle). I don't actually intend to swim in these trunks. The inner lining is gone, there's a few minor tears, and the draw string is loose no matter how tight you tie it, not to mention it's a size or two too small. But for getting sweaty in a long car ride? It'll suffice. This pair are just a back-up that I would wear when doing sweaty work around the house. I haven't used them to swim in years. My actual swimsuit and a few changes of clothes are in my suitcase in the back.

Mom is wearing a pale pink sweatsuit. To my chagrin, she shed her bra partway through the ride, complaining about boobsweat. A pair of women's brown sandals adorn her feet.

My sisters are wearing camisoles, casual skirts, and sensible heels, all in clashing bright colors that match only when the two are standing next to each other. Figures.

Natasha is dressed in a buttoned denim vest and a pair of black spandex athletic shorts that hug the curve of her fat, delicious ass like a second skin. A pair of black sneakers with rolled-down black socks complete the outfit.

Amy is clearly beating the heat. She's just wearing a red and green watermelon-pattern bikini that barely contains nor supports her huge tits or ass, a white beach hat, and a pair of sunglasses. Occasionally she'll put her bare feet up on the back of my seat just to make me flustered.

Emma seems to be equalizing things with Amy. She's wearing a thin white hooded sweatshirt zipped tightly over the padded curves of her chest, with what looks to be a white sundress under it. At least, judging from the skirt coming out from the bottom hem of her hoodie. She's clearly sweating, but she always declines whenever my mom asks her if she wants to take it off. Her dainty little feet have a pair of white flip-flops on.

All in all, it's kind of exciting, though I manage to keep from getting overwhelmed by cranking up music on my earbuds, playing on my Nintendo Switch, reading a bit on my phone's Kindle app, and staring out at the passing horizon out of the shotgun window. I've always kinda been ****-fed my "respect women juice," so I feel that if I interject on the girls' antics I might impose on some girl talk that I had no real right to weigh in on. As an awkward introvert, I'm more keen to open up once I get used to the dynamics of the group combination. That, and since I was up before daybreak helping my sisters and step-mom pack and didn't sleep much the night before due to a rather intense date with Rosie Palms, I'm a bit too tired to be decent conversation.

As night falls we stop by a McDonalds drive in for dinner to go so that we'll make it to the motel in time. Right in the middle of the highway is a little combination motel, gas station, rest stop where we'll be staying the night before continuing on to the water park resort. Even with the food, I'm still dead tired. My mom sees me nodding off a bit just as the motel's lights appear in the distance.

"Georgie, honey. You look tired. Why don't you go ahead to the room and hit the hay early? I already made reservations online. It's room 204. Your sisters, friends, and I can bring the essential luggage to the rooms for the night," mom says.

I open my mouth to reply, only to yawn, causing the girls behind me to giggle.

"Awww, Georgie's such a sleepy-head!" Sarah teases, poking me on the head.

"Sounds like our baby brother needs a nap!" Jessica adds.

"None of that girls! You know he's only so tired because you made him get up early to help you pack!" mom reprimands.

"Yeah, have some class you two!" Natasha calls from the back seat, grinning at her chance to put the two in their place. I only catch my step-sisters glaring at the athletic Russian-American before I notice the engine turning off and realize we're parked. I waste no time stumbling out of the SUV.

Even in my groggy state, it's not hard to navigate to the front desk and give the man at the counter my last name for our reservation. He tosses me a key which I only barely catch, then I'm out of the front office and up the stairs to the rooms on the second floor. It's an L-shaped motel with an outdoor balcony for the rooms on the second floor. I can't help but notice there's a dinky little fenced-in pool next to the parking lot. I wonder if any of the girls will use it tonight? Too bad I'll be passed out and dead to the world.

It's as I stumble into the room that I immediately begin disrobing. I kick my mandals off at the door and pull my muscle T up and off as I walk to the bed in the center of the room, one of three. I always sleep naked. Pajamas just make me all sweaty since I have trouble sleeping without a blanket. The feeling of the bedsheets and mattress against my bare skin... it just feels good. Sometimes I'll even find myself waking up with my hands around my hard cock, which is kind of fun.

I collapse onto the bed face-down, sandwiching my flaccid member between the bedsheet and my stomach. With a groan, I realize I didn't bare the mattress first. Mustering up what willpower I have left, I sit up and flip the bedsheet aside, climbing under it and throwing it loosely over myself. I'm pretty sure I pass out the moment my face hits the pillow.

A truck going by wakes me. Groaning, I just shift onto my side on the bed, bit of air against my ass letting me know the bedsheet has shifted. Ah well, it's hot. I'll be asleep again in a few moments.

Or so I thought. A clacking from the door gets my attention, but in my half-asleep state I'm not conscious enough to fully register it. It's when the door swings open and the lights of the parking lot flood into the dark motel room that I become suddenly and acutely aware that I have a visitor.

An audible gasp comes from whoever it is. A female gasp.

Which of the girls is it?

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