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Chapter 5 by Oddballs Oddballs

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Cartoon Aaron comes back for a hot cum-back with Ian. Afterwards, Aaron attempts another swipe at the iPad, only to find that he should be more careful about touching the screen.


“You’re done!” Aaron suddenly charges.

“AH!” Ian flips around and shoves the pad to his chest as Aaron starts wrestling him from behind.

“Gimme the damn pad!” He growls and fights.

“Relax first!”

“No! You’ll just do some more weird shit!”

“Will not!”

“Will too!”

“GHHHGGH!” Ian hugs the iPad closer to his chest as Aaron forces onto his arms. His firm gasp and fingers trace harshly against screen, and he gasps as he hears the thing beep. “Oh no!”

“GHH! What nooowww…”

Ian gaps as he feels a pair of massive hot pillows against his head. A set of bubbly abs riddle along his back as Aaron’s height grows Ian even hears a hollow air hiss as he sees Aaron’s arms grow and puff out and bulge with muscle.

“Aaaooo… Oooooh… Ohhhhh” Aaron’s voice gets very deep again as his wrestling starts to turn into dry humping.

Ian starts to smile as Aaron’s large hands started to roam over him. Feeling safe enough to check, he looks at the iPad’s screen and sees Aaron is back to the ‘gay superhero mode’ again.

“Hoooooo baby~” Aaron guffaws as he dry humps against Ian’s nude butt. “You makin me go loooong~”

Ian furrows his brow as he hears a wooden cranking sound from below.

He looks down and sees a black and red plaid phallus push between his own thighs. Aaron’s cock grows longer and thicker by several feet before he was pressing up below Ian’s own genitals.

“Good to see YOU again.” Ian chuckles as he rubs that inflating manhood.

“Mmfff~” Aaron bites one of his juicy lips as he fondles Ian all over, “Think back when you were wearing me like underwear? Wooo baby!” He huffs with lust.

“W-Whooaa” Ian wobbles and almost trips as Aaron’s cock expands faster and bigger, widening his legs until he’s LIFTED by Aaron’s gigantic shaft! Aaron grins and chuckles stupidly as his cartoonish cock turns into the literal size of canoe, curling in the air and flexing as Ian holds onto it like he was riding a log.

“MMmmmmm…” Aaron blows steam out of his nostrils as his hyper cock bobs in the air, along with his round sac – which has ballooned to the size of a hippity-hop.

“So… Before anything else.” Ian puts the iPad aside on his bed and turns around on the huge penis and sits on it while facing his toon-like buff roommate “You are… Aaron, right? Like-”

“The roommate you’ve been living for 3 years?” Aaron answers with a grin, “Two bros, one Mom, one Dad, been straight as an arrow till today? Graduated school and college and now working an internship, and giving you a free ride on my ‘Titanic’?” He says with a sly smile while making his enormous phallus wag up and down.

“Ooh, whoa,” Ian laughs as he goes up and down from that manhood flagging up and down, “And you also remember the first time you were like this, and how mad you got when I turned you back to normal?”

“Then for the love of God herself,” Aaron smushes Ian’s face cheeks with his beefy hands while still sporting the heroic smirk “Don’t switch me back if ya don’t want me to get mad! BAhahahahaha!”

“Alright then, lets get weird~” Ian laughs as goes in and attacks that huge grinning mouth.

“MMMuuummoohhh” Aaron moans dramatically as he kisses Ian passionately. His ass flexes in his pajamas until both buns form a large heart-shape while is giant cock starts flexing and twirling happily. His left leg even hitches up and flexes behind him like a classic damsel kissing his prince charming.

In a moment later, Aaron’s cock shrinks back to a rational size, still the color of his sweatpants and fully erect, Ian pulls off his own shirt and strokes himself while Aaron strokes his own large meat as Ian gets himself ready on his bed. It really is a weird look – just like before, Aaron’s Christmas sweater and his pajamas look as if they are painted on his body like a shiny and thin latex suit.

“So what do ya think?” Aaron says with a waggle of his eyebrows and putting his fists on his hips. Ian looks and drops his jaw as Aaron’s cock shrinks down to a tiny nub on his pelvis, and then it juts forward to a massive rod! “Small? Or Big? Small? Or Big?” Aaron’s hard cock shrinks and grows over and over again.

“Fuck me, I like ALL cocks!” Ian says as his own meat gets harder.

“Let’s go JUMBO then!”


Aaron’s penis bounces and inflates to literally a foot long and as thick as a beercan! Ian is practically drooling as his asshole twitches. It’s been a very, VERY long time since he’s seen a cock like that up-close and personal.

“So, you a top?” Aaron whips around with his brick-like chin over his shoulder – his buttcheeks jiggling like jello and just as shiny. “Or a bottom?” Aaron whips back around, his massive dong swinging and hitting the air like a baseball bat.

“I’m verse.” Ian chuckles “Could you quit stalling and put it in me already??”

“Hurr hurr huuuurrrrr~” Aaron chuckles goofily as his manly eyebrows waggle seductively. His fingers snap, and his engorged penis suddenly points down directly at Ian’s rear end. “Thy wish is my command, you dirty birdy~” He approaches the bed, his fat meat stoic as it aims directly for Ian’s anus.

“Whoa, is it even gonna fit??!” Ian frets as his crack feels the firm, almost rubbery dick push towards. “I need lube!”

“Oh baby~” Aaron grins as the bloated muscle brute starts to schlorp is cartoon cock right in.

“H-HOOOHHHH!” Ian gasps as his mouth goes wide open. His pucker opens right up around that meat EASILY! Aaron pins down Ian’s shoulders as the enormous hero goes balls-deep into him. “OHHH! Hohhhh! MMHH!” Ian squirms harshly under Aaron’s weight, his dick throbbing and entirely hard. And he is loving every second of this.

“Ain’t no lube gonna be better than me~” Aaron blows a kiss at Ian and starts to roll his hips back and forth into Ian.

“OOOoooooohhh!” Ian’s head tosses as his legs squeeze around Aaron’s hips – while Aaron’s frame is wide and huge, his body is still squishy and bouncy in all the right places. “Oh God, oh God, oh God, yes, YES!” Ian moans out loud as his rigid member twitches constantly as it tosses itself on his pelvis, “MMMMMM” He bites into his blanket-covered hand as the toon brute fucks him.

“OOooo babeh~!” Aaron grins smugly as his manhood presses EVERYWHERE inside Ian’s anus. “Wanna go deep?”

“Fuck yes, deep, fuck me deep!” Ian moans outloud as he bounces and rails from Aaron’s body.

Then, Ian hears – and feels – a wooden growing sound. He furrows his brow and looks down. “Haawhhhh??!” His jaw drops AGAIN as his slender stomach forms a baseball-sized bulge on his lower abdomen. “What the… Ffffuck??” He deftly feels down at the lump and gaps as he feels it throb. His eyes follow down to Aaron’s 8-pack pelvis and his face goes red. “How… The fuck…”

“Am I ticklin’ ya inside?” Aaron grins as he stirs his pelvis into Ian’s butt, making the round bulge on Ian’s stomach roll in a circle, even making the lump wiggle around.

“OoOOoooOO!” Ian’s torso flexes and jumbles as his arms scramble on his bed, “ffffUUUuucckK that feEEeellS weeEIIRd!”

“Ya said ya wanted weird~” Aaron grins as Ian once again looks down at his gut. Ian squeals and moans as the bulge in his stomach makes the same wooden sound as the lump gets bigger and longer. “Awwwwwwyyyyeeeeaaaaaahhhhhh~!” Aaron pulls back and starts to hump into Ian again.

“A-AHH! OH! Oh my FUCK! AAAFFFF!” Ian thrashes with lust as Aaron starts to rail him like a jackhammer. Ian starts to see stars and bursting colors as Aaron’s lower body starts to become a blur “O-O-O-OOOOOHHHMMMM” The round dome inside Ian’s stomach races into a similar blur as Aaron goes into overdrive.

“O-Ooooh mama!” Aaron hunches as his eyes-cross and his thighs press together “I’mma… I’mma blow in a sec!”

“SoAmIFuuuuuck!!” Ian seethes as he gets red in the face from the hard and ridiculous fucking. Without even touching himself, Ian yells out loud as his cock just starts spewing and bursting with cum all over his jumbling body, “HOOHH! HOOOHH! HOOHHH!”

“Oh baby! Oh Baby! OH BABY!” Aaron clenches his eyes and bites his heroic lip, “THHAAAAR SHE BLOOOOOWS!”

Ian’s stomach gurgles and bulges as his lodged asshole squirts around that enormous, over-inflated member. Then Ian’s cheeks puff and he starts gagging and coughing. “Grrggkk! POU! Allgh! Aghem!” Ian covers his lips as his mouth starts gargling a huge amount of cum. He spits it out and coughs as he sits up.

“Hahahaha, whoops!” Aaron chuckles as he scratches the back of his head. He smiles and hovers himself up over his roommate, his hand landing on the iPad, “Guess I don’t know my own-”


In a flash of TV static, Ian irks as Aaron suddenly turns back to normal again. Aaron blinks and stares as Ian’s whole front body is soaked with jizz. “What- ULGH!!” Aaron jumps off, but not before snatching up the iPad!

“What- NO!” Ian swipes at it, but Aaron is already backing to the door.

“HAH!” Aaron hops back away with the iPad in hand. He pants and points it at Ian, while this thumb lands randomly on another icon… “Right. First thing, I’m smashing this damn thing with a hamme-”


“Wha??” Aaron looks to see his thumb on a randomized option on the iPad’s touchscreen. And his own virtual self on the iPad’s screen start to morph.


“Ah!!” Aaron yelps as his hands suddenly solidify into iron black hooves, dropping the iPad onto the carpet unharmed. “What theeeeeEEEEHAAAW!” Next thing he knows, his mouth juts forward and rounds into smooth and wet equine snout. Ian’s jaw drops as while two long ears yank and flop on top of Aaron’s head!


“Uuwaagh!” Aaron irks from the loud fat-drum sound again as his stomach balloons instantly and shrinks down to a tubby pot-belly In the process, his skin turns dark brown as his neck stiffens and lengthens immediately and his height shrinks down to Ian’s waist height.

“Fucking hell, what now??!” Aaron fumes as he looks over his shoulder. His rear arches as a tail shoots up above his jammies with a pink bow at the end, and his ass suddenly BOOMS in size behind him before shrinking down to a fat badonk-a-donk rump, sending his ‘hind-legs’ into the air and his body flopping down.


“OORRFFF!” Aaron bounces up as Ian watches Aaron’s crotch explode in a massive scrotum and a giant horse cock before his genitals shrink down to normal size… Well, normal for a donkey, bulging as his pajama pants fall to his ankles.

“Hahahahaha” Ian laughs as he comes and picks up his iPad, earning another glare from his hairy(er) and short pony roommate and a scowl from those huge buck teeth. “I am loving the fuck out of this thing.”

“Change me back, dammit!” The anthro Aaron points a hoof at Ian as he stands on his legs, “Before IiiiiiHHEEEEEHAAAAWWWW!” He looks down and sees his bubbling gut wobble from Ian pressing the screen.

“What was that? I didn’t catch that.” Ian taunted before he pressed the virtual stomach again, making Aaron bray again.

“Ian I said- HEEEEEHAAAAAAW!” Aaron yells before his lips shut and his hooves cover his snout. Ian grins as he presses the screen again. Aaron clenches his eyes as his furry cheeks balloon on his face, and he gulps down the impulse. “Oh no” He instantly regrets holding it in, as his stomach gurgles loudly before his tail flies up and his naked donkey ass arches proudly behind him.


A massive plume of pink smoke shoots from Aaron’s thick butthole.

“HAAAHAHAHahahahahahaaa!” Ian just looses it as the hallway and part of his room wisps the strawberry flavored fog.

“You fuggin asshole.” Aaron’s elongated ears whistle with steam as his whole face turns red, “When I get my hands on that thing, I’m gonna- HEEEEHAAWWWW!” He brays out of his control as Ian makes him shout again.

“Let’s do a replay, shall we?” Ian sneers evilly. He presses one finger onto the virtual Aaron’s mouth.

“Mmmpp!” Aaron’s mouth is glued shut and he glances at his roommate. “Mpp! Mrrmmpp!” His lips are literally sealed. Ian pressed on the screen’s stomach again, and Aaron’s cheeks consequently puff dramatically on either side like a pair of shiny globes. With no other choice, Aaron gulps down the ‘heehaw’ and his stomach gurgles loudly. This time, he braces himself as his back arches and presents his ass to the hallway before his tail flags to the ceiling.


His anus proclaims as another explosion of pink clouds flood the hallway “Buuwwaahhh…” Aaron’s mouth opens again and he pants as his donuthole tingles with a strangely pleasant sensation. “You are so going to get it- HEEHAAAAWWW!”

Ian smirks as he then walks back and runs forward!

“YIPE!” Aaron ducks and covers his head, snorting and grunting as Ian’s penis slaps him playfully on the snout before Ian lands on the other side and runs through the thick sweet vapor.

“Chase is still on, Mr Donkers!” Ian gloats.

“Daammiiiiiit!” Aaron scowls as he waddles after him, his fat and short body dashing as fast as he can.

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