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Chapter 4 by sumedokin sumedokin

Where does Harry go?

Back to the road.

Harry turned around and followed the trail back towards the road, where he had encountered the felled tree trunk, which he had come to realize was placed there as an ambush. He managed to hide away behind some thick foliage from where he could monitor the road. The log was gone, thankfully, but the traffic was quite intense, with a new travelling party or cart appearing every twenty seconds or so. Just as he thought, this close to Grayford many travellers were unwilling to settle down and camp if they could make it to town before it got dark.

Harry wouldn't be able to make it to Engleholm in the span of one night's travel, but if he traced the road back a few paces he would end up at Lake Fuschia, which shores the road followed before diverging towards Grayford. Harry knew for a fact there were houses there currently unoccupied as it was out of season, but whch may well contain stocked wardrobes the owners most certainly would not mind lending him access, did they know about his predicament. It wasn't as if he was going to keep anything he took.

Harry could also try crossing the road. That side of the forest in fact contained an old fortress which served as a bastion against the enemies of the Kingdom for two centuries... until it was abandoned ninety years ago. Harry didn't know the reason it was abandoned, but he knew for a fact it was in a servicable state, and there may still be supplies he can use there from the soldiers that ran the fort. Food, water, weapons... and clothes.
Of course he'd have to sneak across the road before being spotted. If he was seen for even a second in this state... oh he couldn't possibly bear it!

Finally, he can try sneaking into a cart, and make his way into Grayford that way. Of course there would be more people there, but when he'd arrive it would already be dark and so the chances of him being spotted would be very small indeed. Besides, if he the cart he snuck into had men's clothing as its merchandise he could just arrange with the merchant to buy them on credit, and the problem would be solved once and for all.

Or he could simply go back into the forest an find somewhere else to go....

What does Harry do?

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