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Chapter 26 by Thronx Thronx


Akali is heading back to her room

Akali was in a much better mood as she left Sett’s apartment and went back into her own little domicile.

If that’s not enough, to make him really show who is in charge now, I don’t know what else I could do, she thought to herself with a sort of grim satisfaction.

Her thoughts dwelled on Kayn of course. Kayn, who had acted so childishly and egoistic. Kayn, who had thought he had the right to go to any woman in this mansion and expected sex immediately. Kayn, who had been so jealous as Akali just had said, she would enjoy other partners…

Kayn who had presumed that their relationship was more than just sex.

Akali made a face and hated herself for the sudden thoughts that intruded her brain like Zz’rotlings. Had she been to harsh? Had she been to mean? Was he truly emotionally invested in their relationship? And what about her? Sett and Nidalee had been fun, but after that one orgasm, she didn’t spend more time with him. In fact, she literally ran off as soon as she could, right?

She reached the door to her room, completely lost in thoughts and sat down on her chair, ignoring the security-footage of the cameras she had full access to. Vayne once had given her the privilege to move into this room on every vacation, because of the accidents that happened during the previous years and she needed someone who had an eye on the cameras. Akali mostly kept an eye on them to watch her fellow colleagues have sex, because mostly that was the thing they did. Sure, she had seen some things that belonged in the ‘real-accident’-category, but for the most part Akali could just lean back and enjoy the shows.

But right now, she wasn’t in the mood. She still was thinking about Kayn and if she had been maybe a bit to harsh too him as well.

You just wanted to prove a point, a strong voice in her head told her resolutely. He was an asshole at your first time this year and you were not even close to climax. He threatened Ahri to stalk her and have sex with her later. He threatened Sett he should leave every woman untouched. He is an ignorant child, who probably got himself back together with this red demon in his scythe once again.

But he is still hot, a second very prominent voice in Akali’s head said softly. And if he wants, he can be very good to you.

Akali sighed frustrated and her eyes went back to the live footage of the cameras. Right now they only showed an empty room at the first floor on the west side. The name of the camera in the right corner of the screen said that it was Room 114 – Garen.

“Probably off to fuck with his noxian buddys,” Akali murmured to herself and clicked lazily through the cameras. As expected she found nothing interesting in half the rooms. It was still breakfast time and Akali expected that most of the champions just enjoyed a meal.

But then she clicked to the second floor of the east wing and for a very short moment, she hesitated. Her mouse hovered over the options to see the live-footage of room 232 – Kayns room.

Akali stared at the letter for quite a moment, cursing herself for this childish behaviour. Kayn had been exhausted and if Sett slept through until noon, Kayn also had to be this tired. She just wanted to check if he still was sleeping. She just wanted to see how he was. She just wanted to see him, sleeping and resting…

She clicked on the live-footage for Kayns room and her eyes widened disbelievingly.

Kayn had slept until noon, and he hadn’t slept well. The exhaustion had been one thing, but being called out a threat for champions at breakfast had been something he clearly should have avoided. As he woke up, his thoughts still circled around Akali’s words she had said to him after Vayne exhausted him.

'Cheat on you? We were close last year, but not in a relationship, pal!'

Yes, they had been close. But Kayn seriously had thought that there was something else. By the thought of her angry face, he felt an itch in his stomach. He knew it was guilt.


A dark whisper in the back of his brain whispered; subtly but clearly.

'I would be more satisfied, if you were the Kayn, I grow to like last year. The Kayn who made me feel good and didn’t behave like a child, when I went to Zed and fucked with him. The Kayn, who worshipped my body and not just went with his pleasure to fuck off to another woman afterwards. The Kayn, I like.'

He had been too rude. He knew he had been, but he always thought, Akali liked that about him. She wasn’t the kind of woman who liked lovey-dovey-sex. She liked it passionately, fiercely…but maybe he truly had been to incentive.

Incentive? She was the one who called Vayne. She is the one who is been too rude to you…

Kayn sighed and tried to ignore the evil whispers in the back of his brain. The raw power of the entity inside him, he thought he locked away during vacation. It was so easy to blame Rhaast for all this. His impatience, his anger, his rudeness…but Kayn knew it was too easy.

Show her strength, show her you don’t get pushed around by her…

Not knowing exactly what he should do, he stood up from his bed and got outside his room. He kind of wanted to see Akali and apologize to her…even if he doesn’t like that idea in particular. But as he came to her room, she didn’t open.

Kayn frowned and hesitated for a second. Then he closed his eyes and all the shadows of the corridor seem to flow through him for a second. The next moment, he was nothing more than a shadow himself and **** himself through Akali’s door without a sound.

He looked around and didn’t saw her at all, so he went to the live-footage and clicked through the rooms. A dark premonition told him where to search and as he clicked at Sett’s room, he knew it, before he saw them.

Sett, Nidalee and Akali all naked on the bed and certainly enjoying themselves.

A bag of ice seems to fall into Kayn’s stomach, followed by a wave of hot anger and jealousy that almost blinded him. He clenched his fists and the whispers in the back of his brain intensified again…

She is not annoying you…she is showing you that you mean nothing to her…show her you are no weakling…show her strength…be a man…

“Quiet…” Kayn snarled to himself. He didn’t want to hear these words, but the truth of them hit him too hard and the dark voice in his head just got more prominent with every second:

She rather goes to Sett and Nidalee instead to you…she wants to have other men than you…you lost her…

“I didn’t…” Kayn said with a strained voice, but the next words came out of his mouth in the same dark tone, as the voice in his head: “She needs to be told a lesson. She needs to see that you are strong and very capable of being…SHUT UP, RHAAST!”

The last words Kayn screamed with his normal voice and turned around from the screen that still showed Sett’s room. He switched the live-footage to an empty room and tried his best to not give in the anger, he felt boiling in his whole body. He wanted to ignore Rhaast, but it was too much truth in those words and Kayn knew he couldn’t ignore it.

Jealousy made his body tremble in anger and all the remorse he had felt before was gone.

Show her you can do the same, Rhaast’s voice echoed in Kayn’s head. Show her you can do the same…call Sarah…

“Sarah is not enough,” Kayn growled and felt how good it was to accept Rhaast’s suggestions once again. “It is not crazy in this mansion to have sex with her…”

Talking about crazy…

Kayn stared into nothingness and nodded very subtly. “Yes,” he said slowly. “You’re right.”

You know, I always mean the best for you, Kayn. Rhaast’s voice sounded almost fatherly. Now call them. You don’t need me to be charming…you just need me for the best ideas…

Kayn took out his phone and quickly searched for the first number.

“Captain Fortune, what do you want?” Miss Fortune answered the call after a second.

“It’s Kayn,” Kayn said with his friendliest tone

“Oooh, the bad boy,” Miss Fortune giggled. “Feeling lonely?”

“Just wanted to ask you the same,” Kayn replied.

“Hmmmm…” Miss Fortune made. “Convince me.”

“You won’t be the only one in the room,” Kayn said boldly. He didn’t know that for sure yet.

“Aha?” Miss Fortune said interested. “And who else is gonna join this squeaky bed of yours?”

“Don’t wanna spoil the surprise, Captain,” Kayn said with a laugh. “Now. You’re with me or not?”

Miss Fortune said nothing for almost twenty seconds, but Kayn kept silent and let her decide.

“Fine,” she finally said. “I’m on board. No pun intended. I’ll meet you in your room, Kayn.”

“Thanks, Sarah,” Kayn said with a grin. “Captain.”

He hung up the phone and smiled satisfied. No matter what now happened, to have Sarah Fortune in your bed would ease his frustrations already…

Kayn called the second person as he walked back towards his room. This time it needed a bit longer until his call got answered, but it got answered:

“I’m in the middle of something, sky-blue-Scythy, you better have a damn good reason for me to have a conversation with you.”

“Sorry to interrupt you, Jinx,” Kayn said calmly. “But Sarah Fortune will be in my room in a minute and I want you too to be there.”

“Huh…” just as Sarah, Jinx clearly thought about this for a second, before she said. “Alright. I’ll be there in no time.”

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Please log in to view the image

Akali stared at the screen and cold hatred seem to wash over her like a hot wave. Kayn was there, kneeling on his bed and had grabbed the long blue braids of Jinx, pulling her head back so hard, that her back arched and showed off her perky tits, while their hips met in a constant rhythm. Jinx was clearly enjoying this harsh treatment, she smiled devilishly and bit her lower lip, while Kayn drove his cock into her from behind.

But she wasn’t the only one in this room. Under Jinx, her head buried in Jinx’s snatch and probably on Kayn’s balls as well, was Miss Fortune. He legs were spread on the bed and Jinx used this circumstance to penetrate her exposed pussy with an enormous dildo.

Akali stared at this display for a minute with open mouth, while thoughts whirled around her head. She didn’t know why this hit her so hard, but it doesn’t matter. All that mattered was, that Kayn was a stinky, foul, and greasy boy, a blithering idiot, to go out and whore around the moment he could stand on his legs again.

Sarah okay. She was the easy solution. A woman with the sex-drive of Ahri and Evelynn combined, willing to even share a bed with the greatest idiots of the league.

But Jinx? How hard did Kayn got hit on the head as Vayne exhausted him? Did he lose his mind completely? Why wouldn’t he even consider having sex with this giggling, psychotic, manic woman, who loved nothing more than to bomb this mansion to the ground every now and then? Who else than Ekko would be dumb enough to get involved with Jinx at all?


A sudden thought flashed through Akali’s head and with trembling fingers, her eyes still fixed on the screen of the security cameras, she got her phone and called the number of Ekko.

“Hey, Kali, what’cha doing?” Ekko lazily answered the call.

“You got time for me, Ekko?” Akali said with a toneless voice.

“He-he,” Ekko snorted. “For you? You seem to have luck; my plans are currently not working. Your room or mine?”

“Mine,” Akali said, and her fingers closed the live footage of the cameras. “And you better be enduring.” Before Ekko could answer, she hung up.

She stared at the empty screen of her computer with a feeling of righteous anger inside her.

Kayn wanted to play this game? Good. Akali could play it too.

What’s next?

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