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Chapter 2 by MonsterBox MonsterBox

Updates! And a brief bio/methodology summary.

08/31/2019, Minotaur

Let’s talk minotaurs! While dangerous in a great deal of ways, as we will discuss, minotaurs are nominally being of strength and virility. Demigods, meaning offspring of gods and mortals, they have tremendous auras of such traits, meaning they are often kept captive or worshipped by cults who wish to benefit from this. These cults are usually very male-centric, but some bull-headed gods such as Apis have been known to produce minotaurs who attract cults that tend to be run by women. These are usually very focused on fertility and power, with the high priestess being mated to their minotaur and performing ritual intercourse with him to increase the intensity of his powers.

Minotaurs stand between 7’ and 12’ on average, even the smallest towering above most humans. They are universally strong thanks to their ancestry and symbolic meaning, as well as universally male. Minotaurs breed true with human women, an increased chance for successful impregnation resulting from their heritage. All sons will be born as minotaurs as well, while direct daughters of minotaurs will also give birth to them if she gives birth to any male baby. After that, the power does not carry through and daughters of daughters of minotaurs have human children, though with a slight affinity for farm life. They are immediately recognizable, size aside, by their bull legs and head. While it may seem impossible for them to stay balanced on two bull legs, don’t let logic get in the way of the fact that they can and are quite fast. A minotaur’s most unusual trait, far and away, is his genitals. Actually very small and human at first, minotaurs possess an unchained libido that sends them into breeding frenzy when they see a potential mate. Cult leader minotaurs often suppress this through a selection of concubines to ensure he remains satisfied, but captive minotaurs show this trait in a dramatic fashion. As a minotaur becomes more aroused, its genitals grow, including sizes too great for human women to bear without pain, damage, or even . We will discuss ways to mitigate this, of course.

Brief History-

Although Asterion of Crete is far and away the world’s most famous minotaur, they have existed as long as bull-gods have taken an interest in human women. Asterion was exploited by his stepfather to grant him power and ego, locked away in a labyrinth. Sacrifices sent to the minotaur sometimes survived long enough to get out, some even with child, but most fell victim to Asterion’s lust and hunger. While he was killed eventually, the legacy of Asterion is alive and well in Greece, minotaur capital of the world. Unfortunately for minotaurs, Grecian cults are also far more likely to imprison them rather than allow them to lead. Tradition is a real bitch that way.

Middle Eastern minotaurs tend to have the best opportunities at being cult leaders themselves and thus retaining a certain amount of intellect instead of being hounded by their supernaturally-charged sex drives. Egyptian minotaurs settled there after the collapse of the Egyptian Empire, where a fortunately-benevolent view came to be the traditional norm. Ba’al, often misidentified as a demon by Abrahamic faiths, adopted many Egyptian minotaurs when Apis retreated from the mortal realms due to his faith’s slow . Minotaur cults are largely what allows Ba’al to operate as he does today.

It is unclear when minotaurs came to the Americas precisely, but it was after the arrival of the Jamestown colonists in 1606. These minotaurs were relatively weak in power to their old-world counterparts thanks to a lack of faith, regarded as natural beasts and often conflated with bulls or bison when slain. (few settlers enjoyed making records of cannibalism even when it most certainly occurred, so this habit likely masked a few here and there as well) However, as the 18th century crested, surviving minotaurs found some popularity in more hard-scrabble frontiers, able to provide the strength to resist the elements and predators as well as fertility to not die out in the face of poor survival conditions for children. Some of these were captured by wealthy landowners for their own purposes, most notable example being Andrew Jackson’s minotaur. While Jackson remained infertile despite his exploitation of the creature, his adopted sons were all the result of its powers, a factor that irked him to no end. It is believed by scholars that his health’s failure coincided with the minotaur’s escape, robbing him of its borrowed power.

In modern days, minotaurs tend to be in cults or stay in remote locations where they are unlikely to encounter humans. Though the latter has many disadvantages, a great many of their people simply want to be divorced from man entirely, a hard point to argue against given the legacy of slaying and enslaving them to our own ends. This does not make these minotaurs harmless, quite the contrary. Isolationist minotaurs must be approached far more cautiously than ones familiar with human contact, for it is highly unlikely they are anything but blinded by hunger and horniness. The best places to find minotaurs are in the Middle East in mountainous terrain, where many independent minotaurs or prosperous cults still live, and subterranean Grecian ruins, mostly housing extremely feral specimens. For my part, I found my subject in an American mountain range, but will not indicate which one due to the tremendous effort I had to expend to locate it and its desire to be left alone.

Physiology and Supernatural Abilities-

Being bull-headed giants, minotaurs demonstrate notable morphological differences from humans right away. They are powerful in the , though fueled by deep hungers and sexual urges unless kept thoroughly satisfied. If being attended to by humans, whether captors or congregation, they also emit a powerful aura of strength and virility that increases health, potency, and validity of pregnancies. While a minotaur’s penis is human in design, its aforementioned ability to expand to massive sizes can make mating with one safely challenging.

Minotaurs have no weaknesses, per se. They are to physical trauma, but grow tougher and heal more readily the more humans gather around it and benefit from its power. Even without worshippers, they are notably sturdy and have redundancies of every vital organ save the brain and, oddly enough, the liver. As a result, minotaurs dislike and will never accept a fermented drink. That said, there is a critical tool for safe interaction: an Asterion charm. These are usually necklaces to ensure the minotaur sees it, but can also be rings, bracelets, etc. Crafted by daughters of minotaurs and blessed by a bull-god, their presence removes the intense hormonal haze most minotaurs operate under, including isolationist hermits for whom it must surely be entirely all-consuming for. Some more erudite minotaurs keep Asterion charms on their person or hung in their lair to ensure clear thought, but they are relatively rare due to the requirement of a god’s direct blessing. This will not make a minotaur safe to interact with, mind, as they are still horrifically strong and may wish to kill you anyway to protect the secret of their location, but I wanted to also contrast our first two entries: vampires are a beginner-level monster to fuck, minotaurs are strictly experts-only.


Propositioning a feral minotaur is simple: be near one. Congratulations.

Finding one is a different problem altogether. For my part, I had to scour areas for the slightest signs of minotaur activity: odd fertility increases, missing cattle, considerable property damage in remote areas without causal natural disasters. Most of these yielded no results, and I was using the help of a colleague who specializes in divination. I have sadly little advice here, but I only did so in the first place to demonstrate the full risks a person undergoes in this pursuit. I do not recommend anyone but the most advanced monster-fucker tries to find and engage in intercourse with a feral minotaur. Your is all-too-likely.

Civilized minotaurs are different beasts altogether. If you can make the trip, cult leaders are usually the most restrained and have very little issue engaging in casual sex with men or women to satisfy its needs. Even controlled, they tend to markedly hornier than humans on average and have few hang-ups about gender. Agreeing to carry a child to term, join their cult, or offerings of meat and gold are other ways to gain their favor. Cult leading minotaurs tend to appreciate forthrightness and will rarely be offended by the admission sexual curiosity is the reason you sought them out. The main difficulty here is locating such a cult, as they are increasingly scarce in the modern world. If you go wandering into Middle Eastern mountain ranges looking, you’ll likely die of dehydration or an accident well before even seeing the vaguest sign one has passed through. The most reliable means is to find areas with few resources and not just high birth rates, but unusually low rates of child mortality. These areas sometimes owe this to hard work and community, of course, but some will instead admit to making offerings to a horned god who walks among stones. If you can find such a community, they will be your best bet for locating the cult.

Safe Sex-

For a baseline human, even with an intelligent and satisfied specimen, there is no such thing as safe sex with a minotaur. Contraception most effective tends to be yarn, soaked in beer, then wrapped around the hand and in between the fingers. This is, I would say, 70% effective. Arcano-chemical solutions have much higher success rates, but tend to be unstable, such as the Falbrook Solution philter, meaning they will not travel well, or require a great degree of education in the field and thus expense to a non-practitioner, like my own answer, the Empty Cradle philter. Unless measures are taken, a woman who has successful sexual relations with a minotaur risks a 65% chance of impregnation regardless of ovulation. Absolutely infertile (not just extremely poor, absolutely) and any men are exempt from this risk. Carrying a minotaur’s child to term is actually slightly safer than a human child’s birth, so if you don’t mind or even find the idea appealing, feel free to disregard this advice and have a good time.

The reason there is no safe sex with a minotaur is physical trauma. Simply put, they are powerful and, if not approached correctly, extremely destructive in their appetites. An Asterion charm is your only safe bet, and even then, it is wholly possible to sustain damage requiring medical treatment to your genitalia or whatever cavity the creature occupies depending on how hot and heavy you get all the same. With a charm, risk of actual is highly unlikely, but damage can lead to infections or internal bleeding that can be tricky if not dealt with immediately. Do not assume your charm renders you immune to harm, it does not, but it is possible to approach, mate with, and safely walk away from a minotaur with one if the both of you are careful and mindful of your bodies.

Without a charm, chance of survival is vanishingly low. When in the throes of its mating lust, a minotaur’s genitalia can utterly destroy the inside of a human body without sufficient protections. I have seen cases of exit wounds, explosions, suffocation, and critical bleeding, for example, caused simply by their size and . These risks cannot be overstated, it is very likely having sex with a feral minotaur without an Asterion charm will outright kill you. If you are not comfortable with that, seek a cult minotaur or forget about this particular non-human as a lover.

Additionally, feral minotaurs are driven by lust first, but hunger is a close second. After slaking one craving, they usually will not hesitate to satisfy the other. Some minotaurs will not even wait, devouring sexual partners mid-coitus. Aftershaves with heavy components can disincentivize this behavior, and if you survive the sex, they will likely look elsewhere for food due to their aversion to liquor. This is not a guarantee, however, and I recommend any baseline human work in a group. The upside of their total abandon is that minotaurs will utterly ignore whatever they aren’t fucking or eating if feral, meaning a partner can stand by with a high-caliber weapon or, if a true expert of the craft, a blade meant for decapitation. This is still risky, of course, but again, that’s the point: this is not for beginners.

For practitioners, my usual array is advised and should adequately protect you. Mercury Contingent elixirs are very durable and should activate to remove you from harm’s way even if you are physically rendered insensate before you become your lover’s meal. An Achilles fortifier is not optional here. You need to be basically indestructible to ignore the warnings stated above, so these are a great answer. Some supernaturally durable non-humans feel fine entering into this arrangement with only escape covered, but this greatly depends on their exact limitations. A Dionysian Fog elixir should also ward off a horny or hungry minotaur and can be called upon at-will, far more affordable to purchase than a Mercury Contingent, but it does not protect the body alone and requires you to keep your wits about you in case your monstrous partner decides they want to start snacking early.

And with that, I have a cave to explore! The transcription I expect to be very brutal, but my proclivities just mean that’s exciting for me. Just wanted to warn any readers who might not like seeing body distortion, because I guarantee that’s going to happen to me when I find my subject. Wish me luck!

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