When VR goes too far...

A journey into the depths of depravity

Chapter 1 by arimyidol arimyidol

When I had first received the email, I couldn't believe my eyes:

"Wanted - young adults (18+) with a strong interest in video games. Must have 10+ years of gaming experience. Must be willing to embrace challenging scenarios and able to adapt quickly to difficult situations. Requires creativity, durability, and bravery.

Compensation - free access to an upcoming virtual reality game being touted as the 'Game of the Century', certain to revolutionize the gaming industry. All expenses paid trip to our facility in order for close maintenance of game play. Due to the time lengthy time commitment, a $100,000 payment will also be received.

Warning - this game is not for the weak of heart. You will be challenged in ways that you can never have imagined. Entry into this competition is accompanied with the relinquishment of responsibility by the game producer. Any damages that may be associated with the game are the responsibility of the participant and the participant alone.


Vivid Gaming"

Having been a gamer my whole life, this sounded like my dream job! Not only would I get to be one of the first people to play a revolutionary game, but I would be making a hell of a lot of money doing it! All I had to do was click the attached link and I would be rich in no time.

What do you do?

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