Virus: Survivor of Days

Chapter 1 by darkphoenix011 darkphoenix011

It started off slow - just like a light trickle of water before the onslaught of a rushing river. A few cases here and there, quickly shushed up by the government but still, the rumors spread - people were talking.

A new virus, possibly a type of bioweapon, capable of deterioting a person's mind to such a point that they are debased to primal instincts - feed, fuck and kill. After the first few weeks more people began to take notice and the cover-up fell through - everyone knew it.

Zombies began to roam the streets, uncontained by the struggling military which was slowly falling to the disease as well.

You are a simple high school student, mere months away from graduating, in a little secluded town far from the cities where talk of zombies ran amock. You've heard the rumors, sure, but no one really believed.

One night you woke up to odd sounds outside your window - I almost sounds like a low moaning and scratching! Being the inquisitive sort you pull on a hoodie and step outside.

You see a rustling in the bushes on your room's side of the house...

What happens next?

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