Tricked for a Treat

Tricked for a Treat

A Halloween 2021 Short Story

Chapter 1 by SirKata SirKata

* Warning: Cum inflation *

Halloween has always been Julie’s favorite holiday growing up. She would always go trick-or-treating, even if she needed to sneak out when she’s grounded. Every year, without fail. And every year, like clockwork, she would always get a huge bag of candy thanks to her very generous neighbors handing it out like… okay you get my point.

It was a wonder Julie didn’t put on a lot of weight, to be honest. Then again, being pretty active in sports and a *mostly* balance diet the other 364 days of the year – 363 days when she couldn’t stuff herself silly with chocolate some years – any weight she would put on was short lived. That, and she felt like she could always count on her high metabolism. Even then, a little pudge liked to stick around in her teenage years.

Not a problem, who didn’t these days?

Going into college, though, a second puberty seemed to hit, and Julie’s extra weight went places she only wished for. Her boobs grew bigger, heftier. Her ass rounding out her tight jeans, thigh fat surrounding her well-toned muscles. Sure, she had a pinch’s worth for a layer of fat on belly, a fact she personally enjoyed, but no one else seemed to be looking at her stomach. Not with tits and an ass to die for, at least. Besides, having a soft tummy made her look even sexier. At least to herself, and that was the only opinion she valued.

Growing up and going to college didn’t stop Julie from continuing to celebrate Halloween, either. Sure, college parties would always be fun, but the trick-or-treating continued to be what she would look forward to the most. Julie did keep it respectful, mostly, since she’d be wandering the streets with kids, though she would still modify out costumes to fit her presence. The “sexy” insert-character here would be made more modest, given half the time she thought it could pass for lingerie with a theme. Other more conservative costumes she could make herself, or modify it to be more sexy.

It’s all a fine line, to be sure, but the creative process for Julie made it a fun one to walk. Especially when the costume could have pieces added, or taken away, to adjust the “maturity,” if you will, of the entire look. Not that it would stop her more perverted neighbors from looking anyway. But even when parents or other adults would roll their eyes at seeing a 20 year-old woman flirting with the occasional neighbor, or just laughing, she still managed to get a great amount of chocolate.

Even if some of the looks she got were a little… weird sometimes.

“Trick or treat!” Julie excitedly announces, holding out her nearly full pillow case of candy. This year didn’t need much for modifications, her Wonder Woman outfit hugging her curves in all the right ways while still covering a good amount of skin. Her deep cleavage still bulging out of the top of her loosely-fastened corset top. The man who opened the door apparently stopping cold as soon as he saw her, and just… stared.

“Um, sir?” she prods him verbally, causing the slightly older man to shake his head, his cheeks turning pink as he sheepishly smiles.\

“Haha, I’m so sorry. You’re trick or treating huh? Good for you, keeping the Halloween spirit alive!” he says, one hand reaching off to one side in the usual gesture of grabbing a bowl with candy. His eyes had a strange look to them, as his gaze turned to where his hand was going. When he pulls back, the candy in there looked the same, though she still wondered what his issue was.

“Heh, well it’s getting pretty late. Would you mind taking the rest of this chocolate off my hands? I don’t think anyone else is going to be coming by,” he smiles warmly, all the way up to his eyes. Certainly a change in his demeanor from only a moment ago, but Julie shrugged it off, returning his smile with her own.

“Sure!” she happily replies, holding her bag up and letting him simply tip the large bowl into her bag. “Thanks, mister! Happy Halloween!” she cheerfully bids farewell as, like he said, it was getting a little late and she didn’t want to be late to the party.

Quickly making her way back to her dorm room, she looked to the clock. Only 7 pm, and the party didn’t start until 8, great! Just as planned, she had plenty of time to enjoy some sweets now before heading to the party.

Booting up her PC, Julie chose to stay in costume for her short candy binge. Popping a couple into her mouth, she boots up the WeTube site to watch random videos to help pass the time. A few more follow, followed by some subconscious swallowing. Julie rubs her stomach, not realizing what she just did, grabbing another handful of candy.

“Hahaha, silly cat,” she mutters to herself, as she continues to munch. Another random candy makes it into her mouth, and again she finds herself swallowing. This time, however, she noticed. It was warm, almost salty, and a lot more of it than there should have been. Her stomach bulges out a little now, slightly rounded out as if she’d been stuffing herself for a while now. Her fingers traced the small swell as she looks down at it out of a mix of curiosity and confusion. Made worse by the slow warming feeling between her thighs.

“That’s weird… maybe I’m just bloated, though,” Julie says aloud to herself, as she pops in some more chocolates between her lips. A couple of the magical chocolates found their way info the handful this time, causing her to stop again as a small torrent of hot thick cream pours down her throat as she swallows again and again. That same heat of arousal flaring up harder now around her crotch. The taste all too familiar, but impossible at the same time.

It was cum.

It doesn’t take her very long to realize it was the chocolates from that weird man, but something wasn’t adding up. With the way the cum was pouring out in pints, that made it impossible for some pervert to be making hollow chocolates and.. no, this was something else. Especially since it was hot, like it was fresh.

And it was turning her on more and more, to her surprise, as she grabbed another handful of candy. Nothing. Another… 3 this times.

“Mmm!” Julie moans, her hands moving to her belly as she begins to swallow the magic cum pumping into her as it swells out bigger, fully. Her top feeling entirely too restricted, prompting her to remove the only modified portion of the costume around her midsection. As the Velcro pulls apart, her swollen gut quickly swells out into the open space. Looking almost 6 months pregnant now, the cumflated chocolate addict is left panting and blushing, her hand squeezing down to light finger her soaking wet pussy as she was right on the edge of climax at this point.

“Oh fuck… mm, I want more… I wonder if there’s any cute guys at the party tonight.” she idly muses aloud, throwing her head back as she pushes herself over the edge into orgasm.

Part two:

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