The Sorcerer's Bride

A Pact Forged in Magic, Love, and Shadows

Chapter 1 by synnworld synnworld

A/N: Allow me to admit my blunder – it appears I made a rather foolish mistake. The version initially uploaded did not represent the final iteration of this chapter; in fact, it was missing nearly a thousand words. I've corrected it and now the current upload now presents the complete chapter.


Chapter One - The Fateful Handshake

In the heart of the vast continent of Arcania lies the Kingdom of Melianor, a realm defined by its precarious position and the ever-looming threat that surrounds it. To the north, a formidable mountain range separates Melianor from the desolate expanse known as the Dead Lands, where and monstrous abominations stretch as far as the eye can perceive. A solitary sorcerer's tower stands as a haunting sentinel on the border between the living and the damned.

To the south, the Empire of Saloris extends its dominion from the shimmering seas. It is locked in a relentless, centuries-old conflict with Melianor, a feud steeped in blood and history.

In the western reaches, the enchanted land thrives with elves, fairies, and fae, mystical beings who fiercely guard their territory against the intrusion of outsiders, allowing access only to those who share their ethereal heritage.

Eastward, the land is a wild and untamed expanse inhabited by barbarians, home to beastfolk, orcs, goblins, and giants. Here, primal forces and untold dangers shape the rugged landscape.

At the heart of it all, Mediator, the ancient and enduring human kingdom, holds sway over the majority of the continent, a beacon of civilization and diplomacy amid the tumultuous tapestry of Arcania. Within its borders, intrigue, alliances, and conflicts intertwine, as this land teeters on the precipice of countless possibilities.

Our tale unfolds in the heart of the Kingdom of Melianor within the opulent confines of the king's castle.

"Announcing the entrance to the throne room, the esteemed Captain of the Royal Guard and the radiant First Princess, Princess Elenor Silvorcote!" The herald's proclamation rang through the grand chamber, resonating with the weight of tradition and authority.

Down the resplendent crimson carpet, a vision in her twenties emerged, a paragon of beauty and martial prowess. Her lithe, athletic form was clad in armor that hugged her figure, reflecting the promise of battles yet to be fought. The alabaster perfection of her skin formed a striking contrast to the unyielding strength embodied by her attire.

A formidable shield adorned her left arm, its surface an intricate canvas, each mark telling tales of past victories. Twin short swords dangled at her hip, glinting like distant stars in the night sky. Slung across her back, a colossal claymore rested, a symbol of unrivaled strength.

With each resolute step toward the throne, she emanated an aura that commanded reverence and admiration.

Princess Elenor Silvorcote's piercing ice-blue eyes swept across the grandeur of the throne room, her gaze unwavering as she approached her father, mother, and younger sister seated in a familial triad.

As the princess halted just before her family, she lowered herself to one knee in deference. "Father! I have heard unsettling whispers that our forces suffered another grievous defeat, and the marauders from the south have encroached further into our lands." Her words were tinged with urgency as she rose to her full height again.

The king, bearing the weight of the crown etched into the lines of his face, closed his eyes briefly, as though in contemplation, before delivering his response. "Indeed, my daughter. I knew this day would come when you would seek answers from me regarding this matter."

A heavy silence descended upon the room as the eyes of the assembled aristocracy bore into the monarch, awaiting his decree.

"It has been brought to my attention that our adversaries have unleashed unholy creatures and harnessed powers bestowed upon them by devils and demons," the king stated with unwavering resolve, his steely gaze settling upon his eldest daughter.

"Yes, the situation to the south has indeed turned dire," the king responded, closing his eyes.

"So, will you finally let me take the front lines?" she asked.

"No, your duty has always been the head of the royal guards and protection of both the capital and the royal family, and now you must continue such duties in a different manner."

"In a diff... no, Your Highness, FATHER, YOU CAN'T POSSIBLY BE SERIOUS!" the 1st princess yelled.

"Mind your tone; I am your king and father!" the king reprimanded.

She flinched, looking down at the ground. "Am I just to be sacrificed after everything, father?"

"You, of everyone, understand how dire the situation is. I did not make this decision lightly. This isn't a punishment or out of ire. You are my daughter, and I love you dearly, but you understand more than anyone that our people are suffering. While the capital city may be safe, much of the country is fighting for its survival, and it's sacrifices like this that the people expect from the royal family in times of dire need to save them."

The entire court remained silent before the court wizard stepped forward with an iron box sealed with a steel lock. The king touched the lock, and it reacted automatically, unlocking and falling to the ground.

The box opened by itself, revealing an air elemental shard.

"Are we sure about this, dear?" the queen asked, gently placing her hand on his bicep.

"Right now, I see no other choice. Perhaps there's an alternative I've overlooked, but this will provide immediate results," the king responded, touching the shard, causing a maelstrom of wind to envelop the entire court.

When the wind ceased its whispers, a figure materialized in the heart of the court. Flanking the enigmatic presence stood two elemental creatures, corrupted by the tendrils of dark magic—ethereal entities composed entirely of shadowy energy.

"Well, well... this is quite an unexpected summons," the figure remarked.

Standing at a formidable six feet, their face concealed by a plain white mask, leaving only the eyes visible. A black hooded cowl enshrouded their head and draped over the majority of the upper body. The dark and light-absorbing robes held a subtle sheen hinting at otherworldly enchantments woven into the fabric.

Adorned with silver runes meticulously stitched into the material, the robes crackled with dark energy pulsating with every step. Though beautiful, the runes emanated an aura of foreboding power and ancient arcane knowledge.

Gloved hands, seemingly crafted from the essence of darkness, seamlessly blended with the robe. Silver cufflinks, each engraved with a sinister sigil, glimmered ominously as the wizard raised a hand to cast spells.

A pendant hung around the wizard's neck—a red gem cradled in an intricate silver setting. The gem, reminiscent of blood, radiated an internal glow mirroring the pulsating magic within the robes. Beneath the cloak, polished obsidian boots reflected a distorted, dim image of the surroundings.

"So, to what do I owe this... unwelcome summons," the figure declared, fixing their gaze directly upon the king.

"I've called you to inform you that... I've decided to accept your deal," the king asserted, displaying neither hesitation nor fear, unlike the other nobles in the throne room.

"Denied, is that all," the dark figure responded, catching everyone in shock.

The air in the courtroom grew tense as the dark figure's words echoed through the grand chamber. The hooded enigma maintained a steady gaze on the king, his eyes gleaming with an unsettling intensity from behind the plain white mask.

"Denied, is that all," he repeated, his voice carrying an air of indifference that sent shivers down the spines of those present.

Unfazed by the unexpected response, the king met the figure's gaze with stoic resolve. "I expected as much. I knew you would hold a grudge after last time."

The dark figure remained silent, the elemental creatures beside him emanating an eerie stillness. The courtiers exchanged uneasy glances, caught in the suspense of the unfolding confrontation.

Breaking the silence, the figure finally spoke, his voice a low murmur that seemed to resonate within the very walls of the chamber. "The deal proposed last time was one made out of kindness and respectful memory of your grandfather. Yet you threw it back in my face, insulted me by calling me what was it again, oh ya 'i good for nothing piece of trash that is nothing but a scar no a curse on this country' and now here you all expecting the same deal? Laughable! Dont waste my time again, or the invades from the south won't be your biggest worries." He threatened ominously before preparing to open a rift.

The second princess rose abruptly, swiftly advancing before the figure could vanish into the shadows. "A new deal," she declared with a rapid determination, "I offer myself in addition to the original terms!" Her words flowed with urgency, a brave facade attempting to conceal any traces of fear.

The court, caught in the unsettling aftermath of the figure's ominous departure, watched as the second princess bargained for an unforeseen accord. The air crackled with tension, waiting for the mysterious response that would dictate the fate of both princesses and the kingdom itself.

The figure halted, his form partially concealed in the lingering shadows. Despite her attempt to appear fearless, the second princess couldn't entirely hide the subtle tremor in her voice as she awaited the dark sorcerer's response.

A moment of stillness gripped the chamber, the weight of uncertainty hanging heavy in the air. Finally, the figure turned slightly, his obscured gaze fixating on the courageous princess. "A bold proposition," he mused, his voice a chilling echo

"Absolutely not!" bellowed the king as the queen swiftly rose, grasping the second princess in a protective hold.

"Was demanding our first daughter not enough for you!? Now our second," the queen cried out, her voice a mix of anger and desperation.

"I demanded nothing! The king discarded the first deal, and I pursued it no further. Your king summoned me here, resurrecting the deal from the depths. Your second daughter, my price," the sorcerer replied with an icy detachment.

"Mother, Father, please... you said it yourself, Father. In times like this, the people expect us to make sacrifices for those we rule over when needed. Besides, the original deal was for my big sister... I'll be with her, and this isn't permanent, only until his power is no longer needed," the second princess said, summoning strength in her words.

"Besides, I'm not strong like my sister. She can at least protect the people with her sword... I can't even do that," she continued, extricating herself from her mother's grasp and stepping in front of her elder sister.

She extended her hand to her sister, still locked in a gaze, "Shall we, sister?" The gesture held a poignant mixture of bravery and sisterly solidarity, a silent promise to face the unknown together.

The elder sister, with a mixture of pride and sadness in her eyes, clasped her younger sister's outreached hand. The two princesses stood side by side, facing the dark sorcerer and the uncertain fate that awaited them.

The queen, torn between motherly concern and realizing the dire circumstances, whispered, "My daughters, be strong."

Though visibly distressed, the king nodded in acknowledgment of his family's sacrifice for the kingdom.

"Very well, Second Princess Alexandra Silvorcote. I accept your deal in accordance with and mirroring the original arrangement. I shall bestow my powers upon King Fredrick Silvorcote the Third, and in return, he must relinquish his two daughters, Princess Alexandra and Elenor Silvorcote, to me. They shall remain in my custody as long as he continues to wield my powers. If you agree to these terms, then seal the pact with a handshake," the figure declared, stepping towards the second princess. He extended his hand in a gesture that held the gravity of an unspoken contract.

Though with a steely determination, Princess Alexandra hesitated for a moment, grappling with the weight of the decision. She glanced back at her family, her father's conflicted gaze, her mother's tearful eyes, and her elder sister's silent encouragement.

Taking a deep breath, she stepped forward, meeting the dark figure's outstretched hand with a firm shake. The moment their hands clasped, an otherworldly energy pulsed through the air, sealing the ominous pact.

"A deal is struck, and a geas is made." As he spoke, a green flame enveloped both the princess and the sorcerer's hand before spreading all the way up to the elbows of the hands that were now shaking. On the right arms of the princess, the sorcerer, and the king, all parties involved in this deal in one way or another, complex and intricate sigils burned into their arms. Etched in a mystical script, the design pulsed with an otherworldly glow, weaving and dancing beneath the skin as if alive.

The lines of the geas radiated an ethereal energy, creating an illusion of depth that seemed to extend into the very core of the recipients's being. The colors shifted subtly, ranging from deep azure to a fiery crimson, reflecting the nature of the magical compulsion. The burning sensation lingered as the geas took hold, a constant reminder of the binding magic at work.

"Now, Your Majesty, you wield a fraction of my magical prowess. Command a legion of elemental beings to bolster your military might strategically—deploy them in pivotal positions or drown your foes in an endless army. However, heed this caution: should you turn this magic against me, you shall forever forfeit your daughters." As he uttered these words, ominous voids enveloped the princesses, and when they dissipated, the royal daughters had vanished.

"When you decide to release this power, raise the geas-bound arm high and speak such;

My deed is done, the geas is neat,

I relinquish this power, what I borrowed, discreet.

A binding spell, now rendered obsolete,

Returned with grace, in this act complete!

After which the geas will vanish completed along with mine and theirs, then they will return home." As a rift opened, he stepped one foot in it.

"W...wait, please! I ask this not as a queen but please as their mother! Give me a way to communicate and speak with them...please!" The queen asks, breaking into tears.

"I'll work on it.' Was all the figure said before stepping into the rift, and it closed behind him

"Afterward, the geas will dissipate entirely, both mine and theirs, and they shall be returned home," he declared, stepping into a rift that materialized before him.

"W...wait, please! I implore you not only as a queen but as their mother! Grant me a means to communicate with them...please!" The queen pleaded, tears streaming down her face.

"I'll work on it," the enigmatic figure replied before vanishing into the rift, which promptly sealed behind him.

"Well, that went well!" The sorcerer said to him as he walked over to a nearby rack and removed his mask and cowl before turning to look at the room. A stone-walled chamber forms the first floor of the sorcerer's tower. At its heart, a pedestal stands, crowned by an ethereal white flame flickering just above its surface. Doors of mystery lead to various rooms and sections of the towering structure, revealing glimpses of arcane studies and magical experimentation. Intricate runes and seals adorn the floor in one corner, serving as a nexus for swift, direct gateways to distant realms. The air is thick with the palpable energy of magic, setting the tone for the mystical pursuits within this enigmatic space.

On the opposite end of the room stood two female figures: Princesses Elenor and Alexandra, two sisters observing the unfolding scene.

"Oh, right... they're here too," he thought nonchalantly, proceeding to shed his robes, revealing an unexpectedly athletic build. He casually placed the garment on a rack before strolling shirtless toward the center.

"Well, this is interesting." His tone shifted dramatically, shedding the grandiosity of a powerful dark sorcerer for an unexpectedly normal, conversational demeanor.

Elenor positioned herself in front of her sister, hand firmly gripping the hilt of her sword, poised to strike at the slightest hint of danger. In a hushed tone, she whispered to her younger sibling, "Stay behind me. I'll shield you, no matter what." Her commitment echoed through the quiet space, a promise of unwavering protection in the face of any potential threat.

Elenor, the elder sister and captain of the royal guards, possessed a striking beauty forged in the crucible of battles. Beneath the armor, her features exhibited a compelling blend of strength and regality. Raven hair cascaded in waves, framing a face marked by determination and a gaze that held the intensity of a seasoned warrior princess.

In contrast, the younger princess, Alexandra, was a vision of ethereal beauty. Her gown, a masterpiece of opulent design, accentuated her every movement with grace. Soft curls framed a face adorned with innocence, untouched by the trials of combat. In the mystical ambiance of the sorcerer's tower, Alexandra's beauty radiated with timeless elegance, starkly contrasting her elder sister's battle-hardened allure.

"In this sinister realm," the elder sister hissed, fixing her gaze on the sorcerer, "pray, what dark designs do you entertain for us?"

A sinister smile crept across his face as he replied, "Ah, for you two, I plan to breed you thoroughly, weaving through generations. A future heir, born of my blood, destined to inherit the kingdom's arcane legacy," his words, dripping with malevolence, hinted at a fantastical yet foreboding twist in their fates.

The sorcerer's proclamation hung heavy in the mystical air, casting an eerie spell over the room. Elenor, the elder sister, tightened her grip on the hilt of her sword, defiance flickering in her eyes.

The sisters stood in stunned silence, disbelief etched across their faces as the weight of the sorcerer's words settled in. Elenor, the elder sister, furrowed her brow, her mind racing to decipher a strategy to escape this dire situation. In the hushed stillness, the air itself seemed to crackle with uncertainty, leaving the royal siblings suspended in a moment of fantastical dread.

A pause lingered, the stillness broken only by a solitary, stifled chuckle. After an enduring minute, the sorcerer's restrained laughter erupted into a full-blown cascade.

"Haha, I've always yearned to say something dramatic like that! The looks on your faces are truly priceless," he chortled, striding towards one of the myriad doors, revealing a passage leading to a kitchen.

"I could use a drink after all that... perhaps some ale or mead. What about you two?" he asked nonchalantly, the tension of the previous revelation dissipating into an oddly casual atmosphere, leaving the royal sisters to grapple with the abrupt shift in tone.

"Wait, no, you're princesses, so you're probably more partial to wine..." he mused, closing the door with a flourish. As the door swung open again, a wave of his hand later revealed a flourishing vineyard bathed in sunlight.

"Any requests?" he asked, turning to the still-confused sisters. Elenor maintained her guard, her expression cautious. At the same time, Alexandra's curiosity began to mingle with bewilderment at the unexpected turn of events. The sorcerer, seemingly unburdened by the recent tension, awaited their preferences with an air of whimsical hospitality.

The older sister, Elenor, narrowed her eyes suspiciously. "What game are you playing at?" she demanded, her hand still on the hilt of her sword, not entirely convinced that the sorcerer's sudden shift was without ulterior motives.

Alexandra, the younger sister, gazed around at the vibrant vineyard with a mix of confusion and fascination. "What... What is happening?" she murmured, her bewilderment deepening. The surreal blend of threat and hospitality left both sisters navigating a landscape where reality and fantasy intertwined, their journey unfolding with each unexpected twist.

The sorcerer turned to face Elenor, offering a placating gesture. "Fear not, dear princess. I mean you and your sister no harm," he explained, his tone sincere. "I simply thought a change of scenery and a bit of refreshment might diffuse the tension."

He extended an open palm toward the vineyard, emphasizing the genuine intent behind his actions. "Now, as for the drinks, any preferences? It's not every day I have royalty in my abode," he added with a wry smile, attempting to lighten the atmosphere.

Elenor's skepticism deepened as she eyed the vineyard, still unwilling to lower her guard. "This seems like another one of your dark sorcerer tricks. What awaits us if we enter—or exit, whatever it is you're orchestrating here?" she demanded, her hand gripping the hilt with determination.

The sorcerer chuckled, a disarmingly genuine smile softening his features. "My reputation precedes me, I see. But, my dear princess, the whole 'evil sorcerer' persona is just a role I play to deter those who seek power recklessly. Kings and rulers can be quite insistent, you know," he explained, his tone almost conspiratorial.

"As for the stipulation about you," he gestured towards Elenor, "it was a test of the kingdom's resolve. I never anticipated they'd willingly part with their princess, let alone both," he confessed, the facade of darkness momentarily lifting to reveal a more nuanced reality.

Elenor's skepticism deepened further, her gaze unwavering. "And what about your talk of breeding us? Was that just another twisted jest?" she questioned, a steely edge in her voice.

The sorcerer burst into laughter again, shaking his head. "Oh, that was purely a jest to see the reactions on your faces. I do enjoy a good theatrical moment," he admitted, the dark humor fading. "However, the reality is, having you both here puts me in quite a bind. I need to create suitable quarters for you in the tower, make accommodations—I hadn't planned on such inconveniences," he mused, rubbing his chin in contemplation.

He looked back at the sisters. "Perhaps I should have considered bringing your handmaidens along as well," he pondered aloud.

The younger sister, Alexandra, couldn't contain her excitement. "Handmaidens? Oh, that would be wonderful!" she exclaimed, imagining the comfort of familiar faces in this surreal situation.

As the sorcerer prepared to close the door to the vineyard, the sisters were left to grapple with the unexpected turn of events and the peculiar reality of being guests in a sorcerer's tower.

After shutting the door to the vineyard, it vanished altogether. He starts leading the way up the mysterious stairs that seem to materialize out of thin air, beckoning the sisters to follow. "First things first, we need to arrange suitable chambers for you," he declared, his steps confident and the air around them tinged with a hint of magic.

As they ascended, he explained, "I'll have to attune the tower to respond to your presence, allowing you to move freely between its floors." The elder sister, Elenor, listened with guarded skepticism, her eyes scanning their surroundings. In contrast, Alexandra's curiosity blossomed with each step, her gaze exploring the ethereal architecture.

After a brief journey, the sorcerer announced, "We're currently on the second-highest floor. This space shall be dedicated entirely to your personal use as you see fit." The younger sister's eyes widened in excitement, envisioning the possibilities. At the same time, Elenor remained reserved, grappling with the idea of personal quarters within a sorcerer's domain.

Ascending through the mystical tower, he elaborated, "I must attune the structure to recognize your presence, granting you unrestricted movement across its various levels." Elenor, the elder sister, absorbed his words with a discerning gaze, scrutinizing the surroundings with cautious skepticism. Meanwhile, Alexandra's curiosity flourished with every step, her eyes dancing across the enchanting architecture that unfolded before them.

After a brief journey, the sorcerer announced, "We're currently on the second-highest floor. This space shall be dedicated entirely to your personal use as you see fit." The younger sister's eyes widened in excitement, envisioning the possibilities. At the same time, Elenor remained reserved, grappling with the idea of personal quarters within a sorcerer's domain.

The vast expanse of open space greeted them as they stepped onto the designated floor. Confusion etched across Alexandra's face, she turned to the sorcerer and inquired, "Where are our rooms?" Expecting structured chambers, she found only an open canvas of magical potential.

The sorcerer smiled, explaining, "You have the power to create your rooms here. This space is yours to shape as you desire. Envision it, and with my guidance, you can manifest it."

He extended his glowing hand, ready to channel the magic that flowed freely within his domain. The elder sister, Elenor, immediately pulled her younger sibling back, a protective barrier against the so-called "evil sorcerer."

Alexandra, however, grew visibly upset. "Elenor, what if everything we knew about the dark sorcerer of the north is wrong? What if he's not what everyone says?" she questioned, her trust in the sorcerer's intentions slowly overshadowing the tales of his malevolence. The tension in the room hung thick, and the sorcerer patiently awaited their decision.

The chamber resonated with the tension of the sisters' argument, their voices clashing like opposing tempests. Elenor, the older sister, stood firm, her tone edged with skepticism. "We've only just arrived, and you're ready to trust him without hesitation? You don't even know his true nature, Alexandra."

In response, Alexandra's eyes sparkled with defiance. "And you, Elenor, are quick to condemn him based on stories. These stories we've heard countless times, retold, and reshaped. Who's to say they're accurate representations?"

The debate intensified, and both sisters locked in a verbal dance of conflicting viewpoints. Elenor's concerns stemmed from a cautious instinct honed through years of guarding the royal family. "We can't ignore the tales that speak of his malevolence. We should proceed with caution."

Alexandra, however, urged for a fresh perspective. "Maybe the stories are exaggerated. People love embellishing things. How can we judge someone we've never truly known?"

As the verbal spar continued, the sorcerer stepped into the dialogue with a playful demeanor. "Ah, my esteemed guests, both of you bring valid points to this spirited discussion. Yet, how about we leave the past behind and forge our own understanding from this moment forward?"

He bowed gracefully, a gesture that seemed to bridge the gap between their differing views. "Welcome to the Tower of Olorun. You are now honored guests regardless of the circumstances that brought you here. Let's embark on a journey free from the shackles of preconceived notions and explore the possibilities that lie ahead." The sorcerer's words introduced a new chapter, inviting the sisters to unravel the tower's mysteries with an open heart.

Princess Alexandra's response came in the form of an audible "eep," her eyes widening as they sparkled with a newfound excitement. Meanwhile, Elenor, after fixing Olorun with a stern gaze for several seconds, finally relented. Crossing her arms and turning her head away, she huffed, "Hmph, fine, but at least put a shirt on now. And just so you know, I still don't trust you!" Her cheeks betrayed a subtle blush.

What's next?

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