The Seductive Spider-Harem

The Seductive Spider-Harem

Peter Parker has a djinn of lust -- so why does he still have problems?

Chapter 1 by Rubicon Rubicon

Forked from Ovyah Discovered, True Believers!

In Marvel Universe-254616, Peter Parker had spent some fifteen years as the Amazing Spider-Man. But, despite hundreds of victories and lives saved, his life lay in ruins -- his photojournalistic career was in ruins after he faked a photograph to help a man accused of a crime he didn't commit. His academic and editorial career was in ruins after it turned out that his Doctoral thesis plagiarized the work of Otto Octavius -- hardly a surprise, since Octavius, aka the villainous Doctor Octopus, had been inhabiting the body of Peter Parker and took whatever means were necessary to further his agenda. His business and engineering careers were in ruins after he had to intentionally implode his company Parker Industries and destroy the Webware system he had developed to prevent the Carrion virus from propagating across the world. His relationships had all failed because of Peter's dual life. His list of regrets and guilt only grew over time.

But still, Peter did his best. He knew that great responsibility came with great power, and with his spider-powers Peter knew he couldn't give up or rest. He couldn't. His failures had cost too much. Family. Friends. Lovers. Good men and women. He had to do everything he could to make sure that no one else would die because of his own shortcomings.

But what happened when the most responsible man in the world gained unlimited power? Didn't that also come with unlimited responsibility? Could anyone handle such a thing?

Oh, and what if it involved sex. Because it totally did. Involve sex. My name is Ovyah, and I have existed throughout time and space, in every universe going back aeons. I am a djinn of lust -- if my lamp appears and is opened, then I am incarnated to be the epitome of desire for my new master. I grant unlimited wishes, but only where desire and lust can be led. And I am bound not to my lamp, but to the master who released me, for the duration of his lifetime.

This is the story of my lamp coming to Marvel-254616. And the story of what happened when Peter Parker, the Spectacular Spider-Man, kept my lamp and power out of the hands of his worst enemies by releasing me himself....

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(Rubicon/Kimberly Dale)

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