The Path of Most Resistance

The Path of Most Resistance

A semi sensical pornographic adventure.

Chapter 1 by JustDarkjazz JustDarkjazz

Hey there, dear reader. It is me, your friendly neighborhood degenerate author and the guide of your journey, here to take care of the housekeeping and inform you of the things you need to know before jumping on your adventure. We will be talking again in the future, but for the most part, I’ll try to let you do the talking through your actions. I hope you won’t miss me too much ;)

There are a few things to keep in mind before venturing forth with the good stuff. Don’t worry, I won’t make it too long. First of all, the story is set in a fictional world of my own creation. I’ll try to introduce you to it naturally, through the story, but I want you to know that while the world is primarily medieval in theme, it is not the real world. If things that seem out of place in the setting pop up, try not to think about them too much. More often than not, I will explain or go deeper into them later.

Second, you play as an already existing character with an established history and relationships. Despite that, pay attention to the choices you make. Nothing is set in stone, you are in control of your experience. The choices you make vary in importance, some won’t affect things at all while others will radically change the direction of the story, but you won’t know which one is which until it's too late.

Thirdly, the game operates under a simple but important mechanic. Health and spirit. You begin at three points for each, can only lose points by one, and cannot gain points, outside of them resetting every day. They will affect your experience, but in subtle ways, locking or unlocking different choices depending on the situation. There will be no stat checks, so feel free to not think about your stats too much. Keep in mind that the stats are for my benefit, so I can keep track of what's happening between chapters easier. There is no correct way to play the game, whether you want to think with your head or your genitals is up to you.

Finally, this story is just a story. The point of it is having fun, not completing it, not getting every ending, not speedrunning, or anything else. Do not be afraid to make dumb decisions, do not be afraid to fail, do not be afraid to try again. Do not be afraid to drop out midway if the direction of the story doesn't suit your fancy. There is no shame in quitting, as long as you are having fun.

That will be all from me for now. Feel free to leave comments or reach out to me personally, I will do my best to read and respond to


Ι am at peace.

I’m floating in a dark, warm nothing. I feel it surrounding me from every side, silent and serene, drowning out every thought, every sound. I sink into it deeper as everything seems so distant, so pointless. No more pain, no more anger, no more struggle. Just quiet, an overwhelming and absolute silence. Peace, unlike anything I’ve ever felt.

My body is numb. I can feel its existence; my bones holding me together, my muscles relaxing as if they are about to fall apart, my skin embracing me. Strong legs and wide hips, a flat stomach with chiseled abs, a modestly large pair of breasts, a little saggier than they used to be but what can you do? Petitte shoulders and toned arms; calloused hands, two halves of a deep scar running perpendicularly across each of their backs, and the Marks, carefully carved on the right. Sword, Fire, and Hunt, their burning has saved my life more times than I can count. But all of it is senseless, memories of someone else, dying embers of a nightmare. I feel my limbs itch, they want to move. But I don’t. I want to let go, once and for all. To give in to this feeling, this peace. I want to be okay.

Am I okay?

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