The Ixlutani

Best friends revisit a childhood hangout and are changed.

Chapter 1 by lloyd irving lloyd irving

Chapter 1: The Cave

“I can’t believe you let her chop off part of your dick,” Ben grumbled as he climbed over a particularly large log lying across the creek bed the two of us walked down.

“Hey, I’ve got dick to spare, unlike some people in these woods,” I say with an exaggerated look at Ben’s crotch.

“Hardy har har, I’m being serious,” he responded, taking my jibe in good humor.

“Olivia didn’t cut anything off, it was a doctor that did the circumcision,” I replied with more than a hint of exasperation, as I easily vaulted the same piece of deadfall.

“She may as well have been holding the scalpel to your dick, she paid for it!” Ben retorted, becoming increasingly agitated.

“In my defense, Olivia and I have fucked more in the three months since I’ve healed than I would’ve in a year with my foreskin.”

“Come on Kyle, are you saying you agree with those bullies now, cut cock is superior?”

“That’s not what I’m saying at all, there are definite drawbacks to being cut. That first month with my dickhead rubbing unprotected against my underwear nearly drove me insane. Not to mention I pretty much have to schedule jerkoff sessions now, you have no idea how much of a hassle it is to need lube anytime you need to rub one out. Truth be told, if it wasn’t for Olivia I’d hate being circumcised. I remember what it was like to have a foreskin, unlike those assholes from gym class.

“However, it’s hard to complain about jerking off when Olivia demands a good fucking practically every night. She was even wearing me out for a while! Even she admits she kind of misses my foreskin occasionally, but it’s this weird power trip for her. She gets off knowing she had me surgically altered to her whims. She calls it her ‘early wedding present’. She can’t get enough of my dick now, and that’s turned our average-to-boring sex life into a kinky adventure basically daily,” I offered in my defense.

“I don’t know man, I’m not sure there’s any amount of kinky sex that’d make me let someone mutilate my dick,” Ben mused. “If we’d been cut as kids we’d have probably never become friends.”

“’Mutilate’ is a bit of a strong word isn’t it?” To which Ben would only snort derisively in response.

We continued hiking up the dry creek in silence for a few minutes as I thought about what he’d said. I must concede that Ben isn’t wrong, if not for our shared experience of being the only two guys who were uncut in school we probably never would have become friends. Not just friends, Ben is my best friend and is going to be the best man in my wedding in three months.

I first spoke to Ben in the showers after our middle school gym class when we were thirteen years old. My family had just moved across the country to the eastern United States and it was my first day at a new school in the suburbs. Ben was a late bloomer and only about four and a half feet tall, six inches shorter than most of our classmates. He was scrawny with tiny stick limbs and, whether it was from fear or the cold of the locker room, a shriveled little dick that looked like little more than a pucker of foreskin. In short he was an easy target for bullies. One asshole in particular named Liam, who wasn’t exactly blessed in the dick department himself, had Ben backed into a corner of the showers. Liam was overweight, and had a small dick, combine a hefty dose of insecurity over those issues, add a few flunkies willing to laugh at his cruelty, and you’ve got all the ingredients for a grade-A bully. Liam and his cronies had Ben cowering in the corner with their favorite, if not terribly creative, taunt of “Turtle Dick”. Noticing Ben was different than everyone else in their class and too weak to physically defend himself, they took great joy in harassing him mercilessly. They particularly enjoyed calling him a freak and telling him his parents didn’t love him enough to get him circumcised and give him a “normal” dick.

That all stopped the day I started at the school. Ben was no longer the only guy with a foreskin in that locker room and I was certainly able, and willing, to stand up to Liam physically. In contrast to Ben I’d hit puberty early and was almost 5’6” with a big swinging dick. At a casual glance I had the biggest cock in the entire room. Once I saw what was happening in the corner I grabbed Liam by the shoulder and slammed him up against the shower wall. I don’t remember exactly what I said but it was something along the lines of, “Hey acorn dick, you want to pick on someone with a foreskin why don’t you try me?” Standing nearly a head taller than him with a fair bit more muscle than he had, Liam was too focused on not pissing himself to even consider fighting back. I let Liam go and turned to Ben, paraphrasing again I told him, “Let’s shower over here, away from the mutilated dicks,” gesturing toward the least occupied section of the shower. For several minutes, if not for the water cascading from the shower heads, you would have been able to hear a pin drop in that locker room. After that Ben and I became the best of friends, I had sort of put a bit of a distance between me and the other guys in the class after my comment on their dicks. The other big consequence of that day was that Liam never lived down the nickname Acorn Dick, he ended up changing schools and that name was no small part of the reason.

Ben and I have been practically inseparable ever since, Ben used to joke we were, “Bonded by our common foreskin.” Maybe not the way I would have put it, but not entirely inaccurate. We stayed close through high school and even attended the same university, becoming roommates in a nearby apartment complex. We lived together there even after we graduated until I’d moved in with Olivia a little over a year ago.

Ben eventually did hit his growth spurt, but never became what would be termed physically intimidating. At 5’7” he isn’t exactly short, but definitely below average. Even today the description of scrawny is the most apt. Ben is really your stereotypical “Nerd” with thick glasses under his mousey brown hair, pasty skin, no muscles to speak of, and intelligence to back up the look. He got his bachelors in computer science before founding a startup of some kind. He sold it two years ago at 25 to some tech giant and made it onto more than a few magazine covers. He refuses to tell me exactly how much money he’s got, all he’ll say is he’s “comfortable”. He’s basically retired now at 27, but still spends most of his time indoors behind a computer screen to maintain his ghostly pallor.

I on the other hand am much closer to your average “Jock”, at least in physical appearance. My thick blond hair, and blue eyes have always made me someone women find attractive, or so I’m told. I’m no model, but I’m above average. Combine that with my 6’0” height, broad shoulders, and reasonably muscled frame I’ve never had much trouble with women. On top of all that I’m not bad when it comes to endeavors of the mind. While I’m not quite at Ben’s level I’m no slouch in the academic field myself. Where Ben’s passion was computers, I got a degree in anthropology. I’m currently a few years into my PhD studying Native American cultures. Even if my new studies have kept me away from the gym more than I’d like, leaving me with abs closer to pudgy than rippling.

“Kyle, I’m sorry for giving you such a hard time about your operation. I really am happy for you and Olivia, but I’ve barely seen you for the last six months and I don’t want to spend our guy’s weekend away arguing,” said Ben interrupting my introspection.

“Don’t worry about it man, you’re my best friend no matter what our dicks look like,” I replied trying to inject some humor into a mood I’d allowed to sour. “I’m sorry about neglecting our friendship lately, it’s just with the wedding coming up and everything else going on…” I allowed myself to trail off, “but I promise to make more of an effort going forward.”

Ben was right, I’ve been a shitty friend lately and this weekend was supposed to bring us back together. Olivia has had a huge effect on every aspect of my life. Before we met, two and a half years ago, I was a bit of a playboy but all of that ended when I met her. I’m a one woman kind of man, even if there were a lot of women in a row in my younger days. It was a little over a year ago that I moved into Olivia’s apartment. It’s too big for one person, but as a successful contract lawyer Olivia could more than afford it. Even now she doesn’t want me contributing to rent. I joke that I’m a kept man, the poor PhD student surrounded by my rich lawyer girlfriend and rich tech genius best friend. But even more than that these past six months I’ve become increasingly withdrawn. Over the past year I’ve gone from seeing Ben every day, to a couple times a week, to once a month, to once every couple of months, and he’s still easily my closest friend outside of Olivia. This weekend was supposed to be a pseudo-bachelor party combined with an attempt to get our friendship back to where it used to be. It was with that in mind that we were hiking through the woods near where we grew up.

Seemingly reading my thoughts, with a smirk on his face Ben turned back to me and said, “Alright that’s enough feelings for one day, we’ve walked this far and you haven’t started the lecture yet. I know you’re dying to tell me about the Ichebs or whatever so go ahead.”

“They’re the Ixlutani and you know it! Icks-Lew-Tawn-Ee!” I yelled back with faux indignation, to which he just laughed. “I know you’re mispronouncing years of my research just to bug me, and I’ll have you know it’s working!” I said as I trailed off into laughter.

I’ve explained the basics to Ben before so I know he’s messing with me, but this dry creek bed and what lay at the end of it has probably had a larger impact on my life than anything save my friendship with Ben itself. We found this creek exploring the woods outside the suburb where we grew up, the creek terminating only a few minutes’ walk from either of our childhood houses. At the end of our journey lay a cave system that inspired my love of anthropology.

“Alright Ben, you just signed yourself up for Ixlutani 101.”

To which Ben saluted me with a barked reply of, “Yes professor!”

“I don’t have my PhD yet. And why would you salute a professor?” I asked with a quizzical look on my face, which only got a shrug and laughter in response.

With a dramatic clearing of my throat I jumped right into Ben’s lesson. “The Ixlutani were a mysterious and now extinct First Nations tribe that lived in this area for thousands of years. They were known for their peaceful ways, and fearsome warriors when provoked. They maintained permanent settlements as opposed to the nomadic lifestyle typical of other groups living in this area. Virtually all that is known about them comes from legends of other neighboring tribes and fragmentary oral history passed down among early settlers.”

“Why do you have legends from other tribes, but nothing from the Ixlutani?” interjected Ben.

“That would be because of those early American settlers I mentioned. The Ixlutani were peaceful, generally content with the land they lived on and rarely tried to expand past their established borders. However the Ixlutani wanted to be left alone and protected those borders fiercely. Legends tell that the warriors of the Ixlutani were favored by the Ixlu. While there’s no direct translation for the word Ixlu it’s believed to be a proper noun for a local plant they ingested. Contemporary scholars believe this plant acted as a sort of intoxicant that caused a type of berserker rage allowing their incredible combat proficiency. Other scholars disagree with this translation, insisting within the context of the legends where it’s found that the Ixlu are a type of “Grand Spirit” bestowing blessings upon the Ixlutani people. No matter the context the Ixlu formed a fundamental part of the Ixlutani culture, forming the root of the word they used to refer to themselves. Regardless of the true nature of the Ixlu, a single warrior of the Ixlutani was regarded as equivalent to ten warriors of any other tribe.”

“That’s all fascinating, but doesn’t come close to answering my question.”

“I would get to that if you’d stop interrupting!” to which Ben responded with another salute. “As I mentioned the Ixlutani had encounters with early American settlers. If there was one thing early Americans didn’t like it was xenophobic First Nations living on fertile land and which refused trade or contact of any kind. It wasn’t long before the colonists marched in with their guns and superior military technology to try and wipe out the Ixlutani. To their great surprise, the colonists were summarily defeated by the warriors of the Ixlutani. For the Ixlutani they considered the matter closed, but the colonists got creative. The settlers gave the Ixlutani an offering of peace hoping that they could live as neighbors without any further hostilities. This was all a ruse. The American settlers had infected the blankets and various other gifts offered to the Ixlutani with small pox and diseases the Ixlutani had no defense against. Once the population was weakened by plague the colonists marched in and exterminated every man woman and child living in the Ixlutani settlement.

“Whatever they saw there made the colonists go beyond the usual genocide they visited on the native peoples. The leader of the expedition made reference in his logs to the “Blasphemies and crimes against God committed by the savages” but refused to write in any detail of what he had seen there. They felt it necessary to burn, smash, or otherwise destroy any physical remnant of the Ixlutani. Due to this concerted destructive effort basically no physical evidence of the Ixlutani exists today, and due to the literal genocide no survivors were able to pass on oral traditions.”

“That’s brutal, what could they have possibly found to make them react so strongly? And why didn’t we hear about any of this in school around here?”

“Well the American school system isn’t big on covering the atrocities that founded our country, but more than that the Ixlutani aren’t very well known in even academic circles. As for what they found in the Ixlutani settlement, that’s one of the greatest anthropological mysteries about them. What we do know is that they had numerous radical cultural and societal differences compared to contemporary groups. One of the big things we know about them is that the Ixlutani had three genders, distinct from male and female. In fact, male and female was seen as a childish construct that people grew out of in adulthood. Upon reaching adulthood individuals underwent a ritual of some sort where they chose their gender for the rest of their lives. An Ixlutani adult was either considered a warrior, a mother, or a third term without an exact English translation but is usually translated as “companion”. Furthermore a person’s birth sex didn’t restrict their final gender, males could become mothers, and females could become warriors.”

“As fascinating as all this is Kyle, what does it have to do with our little trip and why are you having us lug all this camera equipment out here? Seriously, I think this backpack may kill me.”

“My backpack weighs twice what yours does, and we’re more than halfway there. And the reason for our trip and camera equipment is that I think I’ve matched samples of the writing on the walls of the cave to fragments of destroyed Ixlutani artifacts from a recent dig site. We’re going to record the walls of the cave and compare. There I see Wolf Head Rock we’re practically there,” I exclaimed, pointing at a weather worn rock that only bore the barest semblance to a wolf’s head but it’s what we’ve called it since we were kids.

As teenagers we spent hundreds of unsupervised hours exploring these woods that bordered the subdivision we grew up in. It took a few months of deeper and deeper exploration before we found the cave system about an hour’s hike from the nearest houses. We established a set route through the woods to take us there without fail. Even now we follow the exact same path. We’ve completed the walk along the dry creek bed until Wolf Head Rock, a boulder smoothed into roundness when water once flowed down the creek. It’s not the most obvious description but with a little imagination the rock could have looked like a wolf’s head before all the hard edges had been worn down. From there we began hiking North West up a steady incline.

We continued our journey mostly talking about inconsequential things, really just catching up after spending more time apart than we had since we first met. Before long we reached Vee Tree, an old oak split down the middle of its trunk by a lightning strike dividing it neatly in two, which somehow managed to continue to thrive despite its traumatic past. From here we divert to due north for several minutes of travel. Conversation has started to die off and I can see Ben is really starting to struggle with his pack, focusing more on breathing than speaking. Thankfully our final landmark quickly comes into sight at the base of the hill we finally crested, Broken Boulder. Creative name, I know, but it can’t be said it wasn’t accurate. It’s a giant roughly spherical boulder which was about seven feet in diameter. The thing had to weigh more than 10 tons. Some event in it’s past had caused it to split in half revealing the mouth of a cave leading deeper into the hill it rested against. We had reached our destination.

“Finally!” muttered Ben breathlessly before rushing down the hill before disappearing into the opening with me a few steps behind. Ben wasn’t the only one to be happy to at our destination, while I wasn’t struggling with my breathing like he was I had a more intimate reason to me grateful. I haven’t spent much time hiking since I got cut and my unprotected dickhead has been chafing against my underwear pretty badly. It’s nowhere near as bad as the first month’s daily activities, but stomping through these woods has been a little bit more strenuous than my usual daily life.

We’d finally made it back to our childhood secret hideout. This cave represented some of the best times I’ve had in my life. Ben and I had vowed to never come here alone and to never show it to another living soul, nor even speak of it. A vow that to this day, as far as I knew, neither of us had broken. It took quite a bit of convincing to get Ben to agree to the recording equipment. It was only after impressing upon him just how much this could do to advance my academic career, and agreeing that we do this together before he relented. The opportunity to study an intact Ixlutani site with undamaged writing and pictographs could revolutionize my entire branch of anthropology. I ducked my head and stepped into, in my opinion, the most exciting archeological find of my generation.

This passage had clearly been worked by human hands, there were stone stairs leading higher and deeper into the hill, and the walls were carved with intricate pictographs and characters I recognize as symbols of the Ixlutani language. They bore many similarities to other written languages of other First Nation’s cultures but with several key differences that have made translations extremely difficult. It’s my hope that the abundance of language in this cave could act as a sort of Ixlutani Rosetta Stone, giving us a more complete idea of the Ixlutani language.

“Let’s get set up further in and we can come back and record the entrance later,” I said gesturing to Ben to head up the stairs. Together we bounded up the stairs excited to be coming back here after years away. Reaching the top of the stairs revealed a sight that took my breath away even after seeing it all these times. Sunlight trickled down from the ceiling through crystals set into the stone of the roof casting rainbow hued light that scattered around the chamber. The floor sloped downwards into a rectangular pool of water in the center of the room bubbling up from a natural spring in the far wall forming a large basin about four feet deep. The light from above reflected off the ripples on the water, dancing over the walls and illuminating the elaborate carvings upon them. In the center of the room a stone dais pushed ten feet forward out into the center of the pool before rising above the water surrounding it forming a platform 5 inches above the water level. The entire room was about 40 feet long, 30 feet wide, and 20 feet above the water level.

Every time I entered this chamber in the past I was immediately overcome by a sense of wellness and joy. I could still feel the energy coursing through this place but now it had an electric undercurrent to it, a sense of anticipation. I suppose my excitement for what this is going to mean for me and the academic community was affecting me more than I expected. I couldn’t wait to get images of this place back to the university!

“I’ll get started on the video footage, you grab the camera and get started on the still images. Go wall by wall photographing the entire surface at once, then go back section by section and get high detail images of individual passages and pictographs,” I instructed Ben, who once again gave me a mock salute before diving into the backpack he’d set against the wall of the entrance.

“You explained this before we left, I may not have a graduate degree but I think I can handle some pictures,” he replied sarcastically as he rummaged through one of the packs pulling out a camera. Ben made sure the first picture he took after turning the camera on was me flipping him off. After making sure he had a good clear shot I headed over to the other pack to retrieve the video camera to begin my own survey.

While Ben got started just to the left of the entrance, I began the video survey. I started with a sweep over the stairs leading up to the central dais, recording the words inscribed on each step leading to the top. These words were interspersed with symbols seemingly flowing towards the top of the dais where a large pictogram was carved taking up the bulk of the area of the dais itself. This image depicted two life-size human figures carved into the stone of the platform. Around these figures are flowing lines connecting these figures and flowing outwards over the edge of the dais and into the water around it.

After finishing with the central area I panned my camera to cover the back wall of the chamber, the only other section covered in a single large pictogram. The majority of the back wall was covered in both deep grooves in the rock and raised sections carved in relief providing a fantastic depiction of depth. Where the figures carved onto the dais were simple silhouettes, carved onto this wall were dozens of incredibly detailed and lifelike figures along the bottom of the wall with their arms raised in supplication towards a central figure. Lines of swirling energy seemed to lead to and from the worshiping figures connecting each other but mainly leading towards the central image. This central object was put in a place of honor over the rest of the image taking up more space than any other object. It was comprised of hundreds of these swirling strands of energy intertwined, flowing and looping around each other. It was the strangest thing, glancing at it from the corner of my eye it would look like the lines were moving around one another, but when I fixed my full attention on them they were perfectly still. It must be some weird optical illusion. Even looking at it directly my eyes had a tough time following any individual stand, it was seemingly impossible to figure out where any part of the image began or ended. It was slightly disturbing to look at but also possessed a strange beauty making it hard to look away.

I don’t know how long I’d been staring at it when Ben interrupted my thoughts, “Isn’t it hot in here? I think I need to take a break.” Turning to look at him I could see he had covered almost a quarter of the left hand wall, progress that should have taken at least half an hour. Just how long had I been staring at that swirling image?

“Yeah it’s hotter in here than I ever remember it being. A break sounds nice,” I said wiping the sweat from my brow. I hadn’t even noticed but I was sweating even more than Ben, my clothes were well on their way to drenched. The caves had always had a temperature moderating effect when we were young, warm in winter and cool in summer, but nothing like this. I hadn’t noticed it when I came in but now the air in here felt more like a steam room than the slight warmth I was expecting. I walked back to my pack and tucked the camera into its case before pulling my shirt over my head and started to undo my belt.

With over exaggerated horror Ben covered his eyes before exclaiming, “Whoa! What are we doing, naked anthropology now!?”

“Come on, you just said you were hot and I can see the sweat dripping off you from here. Doesn’t a swim sound great right now?”

“I thought this was a research expedition, I didn’t pack any swimwear,” replied Ben blushing slightly.

“This wouldn’t be the first time we’ve gone skinny dipping. You don’t have anything I haven’t seen before, though the reverse is no longer true. Besides you don’t get to spend that much of the hike out here talking about my dick just to get squeamish when it’s time to whip it out.”

It was Ben’s turn to flip me off in response before pausing a moment before saying, “…Fine. It is hot and a dip in the water sounds amazing,” as he walked to his pack turned around and began stripping off his clothing.

After safely tucking my clothes into my pack I stood with hands on hips behind Ben’s turned back doing my best superman pose in all my naked glory. It took him a moment to finish undressing and turn around, but as soon as he turned around he groaned at me in mock disgust with a smile on his face his laughter ruining his attempt at seriousness. “Go on soak it all in. I know you’ve been dying to see my new dick.”

“You wish! Just get in the water so I don’t have to look at your ‘Mutilated’ dick anymore,” Ben said, calling back to the insult I used on the other boys in our class the day we met, before walking down the shallow slope into the pool.

I waited a moment for Ben to get a little further into the water before taking a running leap into the water next to him, carefully directing the splash right at him and away from the electronic equipment. When I came up for air I could see him spluttering from the water that hit him in the face, peering at me from behind his glasses I had just drenched. “What? You wanted me in the water,” I claimed with mock innocence. Ben stood there dripping silently in shock for a moment before tossing his useless glasses onto the dais and splashing me right back. We splashed back and forth for a couple of minutes before calming down and taking a moment to just enjoy the cooling temperature of the water floating in silence.

I allowed myself to just drift in the water for a moment luxuriating in the gentle currents of the cool water. The calming aura that normally suffused this place had seemed to ebb even further than when we first arrived. The undercurrent was growing stronger. There was still this sense of anticipation but it had intensified into almost an electric tingling under my skin. Between this feeling and the currents of the water caressing my body I felt myself become aroused, my dick beginning to plump towards erection. Before things could progress any further towards tumescence I got out of the water and quickly put my underwear and pants back on. Trying to act casual I called back over my shoulder, “We’d better get back to work before the light fails.” I looked back towards Ben who was now floating in the corner of the pool as I tried not to make eye contact as my dick pressed against the inside of my jeans.

“Yeah that’s probably a good idea. Just give me another minute to cool off in the water. I’ll be right out to help,” called back Ben who seemed to be focusing intently on something in the corner of the room.

I pulled my shirt out to put it back on, but stopped before pulling it over my head. Even now I could feel the oppressive heat of the room begin to almost press down upon me once again. I couldn’t bring myself to put my shirt back on. As it was the heat was only just bearable, more clothing would make it entirely intolerable.

While I was considering my shirt Ben had scurried out of the pool after reclaiming his glasses and had already put his underwear back on. Throwing my shirt down I said, “I don’t think I can take another moment wearing that! Of course, everyone knows some of the best scientific discoveries were make shirtless.” To which Ben gave a bit of a distracted laugh.

“Yeah, this heat is ridiculous,” he replied as he buttoned his pants, remaining bare chested. Looking to distract myself so my dick could fall back to flaccidity I grabbed my camera and directed all my attention to surveying the walls. Ben seemed to be equally intent on getting back to his photography, probably hoping to get things done sooner in order to get away from this heat.

I got to work and in short order I had the distraction I was looking for. The heat became so oppressive it was like a physical pressing down on me. I was far too uncomfortable to even think about my dick. I could feel the sweat running down my back and hear the occasional drop hit the stone of the ground. The strangest thing was that all of the heat seemed to be coming from my lower half. With a groan of discomfort I started unbuckling my pants. “I can’t take another second in these jeans!” I yelled at an equally uncomfortable looking Ben.

I could see him visibly relax at my words. “Thank you for saying something! I feel like I’m dying, but I didn’t want to be the weird one to suggest stripping,” he sighed with obvious relief as his hands shot to the button on his jeans.

With my pants piled up next to my bag I hesitated for a second in just my underwear. I knew it was kind of odd to strip fully nude but the hesitation lasted only a moment. Even now I could feel the smothering heat everywhere the cloth of my underwear was in contact with my skin. I couldn’t take it a second longer, slipping the garment off my legs and adding it to the pile of my other clothes. Immediately it felt like a breath of fresh air, almost as if a physical weight had been lifted from my body. Looking over at Ben he must have shed his clothes even faster than I, pulling his underwear off with his jeans in the first place. Not that I could begrudge him the impulse standing naked now myself and luxuriating in the relative coolness.

Ben glanced over his shoulder and caught a glimpse of me looking at him. Almost as soon as he saw me he blushed and turned quickly away. “We’d better get this done quickly before it gets any hotter in here. We might not even be able to spend the night like we planned if this keeps up,” he spoke into the far wall refusing to look at me even as he spoke.

“You’re right, I’ll finish with the video survey and then I can help with the still images,” I said picking my camera back up and diving back into my work even as my body began to flush for a reason that had nothing to do with the heat. I threw all of my attention into getting the images of the walls recorded to try and distract from the arousal coursing through my body. I completed most of the remaining areas of the site before I was fully erect and maintaining focus was becoming harder and harder. Soon I found my attention straying from the walls of the cavern to Ben as he conducted his work.

Glancing over at him I could see he was just as hard as I was, cock jutting forward as he continued to take pictures. I tried not to make it obvious that I was staring, only stealing quick glances at Ben’s body. We’d been in our fair shares of locker rooms and other situations where we were both naked but it had never felt like this, and we’d never both had raging erections. I felt like I was looking at Ben’s body with fresh eyes. There was something deeply arousing about the slim body I’d once considered scrawny. Ben wasn’t as muscled as I was, I don’t think he’d ever spent a minute in a gym, but the muscles he did have were well toned unlike the small layer of fat that had started to form over my own. Even his below average height of 5’7” had a certain proportionality to it, fitting the scale of his body perfectly. Finally the part of his body that I had the hardest time tearing my eyes away from was his solid cock.

Ben and I were close enough that we had talked about just about everything at one point or another. Years prior he had confessed to me that he was worried about the size of his dick, so I knew it was five inches long. At the time I’d reassured him that a five inch dick was perfectly average and nothing to be ashamed of. He’d eventually gotten me to admit that mine was seven inches long, which only set off more insecurity. Truthfully, I’ve always been pretty proud of my dick, I’ve had more than one girlfriend tell me I was big enough to go into porn. Despite what the internet might say seven inch dicks are not a dime a dozen. On the other hand Ben’s dick really is average, even a bit on the low end, but He’s my best friend and I’ve always done what I could to buoy up his self-esteem.

Standing here now I don’t know what I thinking, seeing his hard cock made me finally see the truth. Ben’s dick was perfect. The perfect ratio of length to girth, any bigger would have been unseemly. The way his foreskin pulled halfway off the glossy head allowing it to tantalizingly peek out to the open air. In comparison my dick was gargantuan and out of proportion with my body. The freshly healing scar halfway down its length only served to emphasize how out of place it looked. I don’t know how anyone could find me attractive when a dick as perfect as Ben’s existed in the world.

Ben turned toward me and we both quickly looked away to focus on our work. I finished the video recording and switched over to the second camera to begin on the still images. I’d only be able to make it a few images before I couldn’t stop myself from looking over at Ben’s naked flesh. More and more frequently he’d be looking back at me and we’d both be to quickly look away. Between the two of us we’d covered the entire cavern with wide shots but still had a few close-up images left to take, when I couldn’t my attention back to the camera.

“We need to talk about this,” I said packing my camera back in the bag I’d taken it from. “I’ve never been this hard in my life and I can’t go more than a few seconds without staring at your cock.”

“I’m so glad you said something, I was freaking out over here. It’s all I can do to not run my hands over your body right now,” Ben said as he packed his camera away.

“It’s got to be something in this cave affecting us somehow. I’ve never felt like this before,” I said as I walked over where Ben was standing.

“Yeah, maybe we should get out of here before we do something we can’t undo.” Ben said huskily as he stared deeply into my eyes.

“Probably for the best…” I trailed off as I pressed Ben into the wall and kissed him deeply. Our hands roved over each other’s bodies pressing, rubbing. The lightest touches felt like electricity dancing over my skin and the deeper caresses sent bolts of pleasure right to my very core. Ben pressed back into me pushing the both of us toward the cooling pool in the center of the room. Neither of us could bear to break physical contact for even a moment as we moved as one into the water. There were no words, only moans of absolute bliss as our mouths were all over each other. Once we were fully in the water Ben began kissing me over my neck and chest causing explosive bursts of pleasure as his hands and tongue ran over my nipples.

I pushed my hands below the surface of the water and grabbed Ben by the hips. I pulled him upwards as he wrapped his legs around my waist pressing our raging cocks against one another. My longer thicker cut cock obscured his smaller cock below. I felt his foreskin slide up and down against my rigid pole as we gyrated against one another. I pressed my lips into his neck as he moaned my name in bliss. We stayed locked in each other’s embrace pressing back and forth in the water for untold minutes lost to pleasure.

I took a moment to come up for air, taking a moment to pant huskily and look down at Ben where he stood as I held him to my body. I pressed a hand into the center of Ben’s chest pushing us apart. I suddenly turned and walked out of the water pausing to seductively look back over my shoulder making sure Ben was following close behind. I quickly scaled the few step leading onto the central dais before getting down on my hands and knees before looking back and Ben and moaning in my most seductive voice, “I need you in me Ben.”

And I did. I needed it more than anything I ever had before. There was an aching emptiness inside me that I knew only Ben could fill. In that instant I would have given anything for Ben’s cock. Thankfully I didn’t need to wait long before I felt Ben’s weight settle on my back as he took a moment to line his turgid cock up to my waiting hole. The moment he thrust inside I saw stars, pleasure like I’d never felt before. Ben’s cock pressed directly into a knot of pleasure right inside my body radiating waves of bliss into my extremities and straight to my head. The ecstasy was overwhelming and within only a few powerful thrusts my untouched cock was spraying onto the rock below me.

Even after the most powerful orgasm of my life my cock didn’t soften for a second. Normally after an orgasm I was overcome with a sense of lethargy and satiation. This was the absolute opposite, I was overcome with a new wave of lust making me want more and more. I couldn’t get enough, I found myself arching my hips and pressing back into every thrust from Ben. It was mere minutes before I felt orgasm rise within me again blasting the rocks below me adding to the pool of cum already cooling there as it ran into the grooves engraved in the rock.

Even still this didn’t reduce my ardor by one iota, I was just as eager for each new thrust as the last. At this point the quivering of my insides must have been wearing at Ben’s resistance, I felt his jackhammer thrusts slow into a smaller grinding motion. This grinding renewed his attack on my prostate setting off a new wave of pleasure. With a final powerful lunge I felt his cock pulse within filling me with white-hot heat, as Ben writhed on my back squeezing his arms around my chest. This set me off once again tightening my ring around Ben and blasting my third load into the already sizable puddle under me.

We collapsed to the ground, my arms and legs no longer able to support us after that last orgasm. Ben laid on top of me not moving, with the both of us breathing heavily, as his cock slowly softened inside of me. After a moment he rolled off of me to lie on his back panting on the cool stone. I couldn’t muster the energy to move other than to look over to where Ben lay and smile weakly at him. He too turned his head to look at me with a smile that made me wish I had another round left in me. As it was, I was overcome with exhaustion deeper than I had ever felt. I let my eyes go closed and within moments I was asleep.

I don’t know how many hours I slept, but I was already screaming in agony when I awoke. There was a crushing pressure pushing down on my body from all directions and my skin was so cold I felt like it would shatter at the smallest movement. It was as if I was being picked up by a giant icy fist that was crushing the life of me. At the same time I was overcome by a scorching fiery pain, as if magma had been injected into the very marrow of my bones and it was straining to get out. In panic I started flailing blindly reaching out for Ben. I could feel the pain overcoming my senses and was able to only weakly utter the name “Ben…” before the agony overwhelmed me and I was lost to darkness once more.

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