The Book Of The Damned

The Book Of The Damned

Corrupted souls

Chapter 1 by Gensixx Gensixx

The library is empty, only the three of you, and the librarian, are left in the building. Thanks to the permission of the dean, you are allowed to stay all night researching for the assignment. The sky is full black, no stars, and a bright half moon. The three of you are in the first floor, in three different tables, with different mountains of books, a few tables in front of you is the librarian.

The three students don't get along, they are very different from each other. But they have to work together, because each one of them didn't found a partner for the assignment. Previsouly, the three has splited and search for books to do the essay, and collected three heaps of books.

The three students are: Ash, he have failed a serious amount of courses, he is the elder (30) of the three students, normal body, tall with thick black beard and his head shaved; he is very smart, and interested in sciencies, but is a lazybones. Mary, a readhead goth girl, he has no interest in nothing, she has big boobs, and slender figure; if it was up to her, she'd been in her house smoking cigarettes all evening. And Stan, the sports man, he is a jacked up dude, with short brown hair, stupid as a brick; he is only there because he doesn't want to be expelled.

The three of you are tired, and you watch as the heaps of books grow all over you. The librarian is sleeping on his desk. She must have fall asleep about an hour ago.

You don't want to fail your assignment, and you have to submit it tomorrow, early in the morning. The three of you doubt that the work can be done today. Even so, the three are so determined to finish every book they have picked, that they won't surrender unless they have read every book. One of you picks up a book. This book is different than the rest. Its cover is black leather and has no title.

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