Street Racing Princess

Street Racing Princess

Are you man enough to dress like a chick?

Chapter 1 by OathkeeperPath OathkeeperPath

After that loss I couldn't belive Alex wanted me to wear panties until our next race, and then only get to go back to boxers if I win, if I lose the bet only gets 'worse'. But I'm too proud to back down. "If that's the prize you want, a bet is a bet. I'll order some online tonight and wear them when they show up."

"Nope that's not what I said, you need to start tonight, I'm not going to let you use delivery as an excuse to skip the first few days, go to a store tonight, if not I'll know your not a man of your word." Alex responded.

"Alright alright, you saw right through that, I'll pick some up on the way home, the Walmart one town over is 24 hrs. I'll send you a Pic of the receipt. " I admit.

"Send me a Pic of them peaking out your pants so I know you actually did it, I know how tricky you can be, learning your tricks is how I started winning these races."

That was an hour ago, now I'm walking into Walmart to grab the first set I see and head to the self checkout as fast as I can before anyone sees me.

Phycing myself up I fast walk in, go to the I own that divines men and women's section, grab a pair of men's socks and when I'm sure no ones around turn and grab the first pack of panties I see, some brand I've never heard of, and get out of the store ASAP.

Later at home my heart rate has slowed back down, I can drive 140mph weaving between cars just fine, but buying panties has me out of breath.

'phone ping'

Its a text from Alex asking me to hurry with the proof so he can head to bed, of course he would stay up to make sure I followed through.

I finally get inside and take the panties out of their box getting my first look at the.

I flush when I realize what I bought, these weren't the run of the mill fruit of loom panties, these were lace rimmed silk panties, the likes of which I'd only seen in nicer pornos.

I decide to procrastinate and screw with Alex a bit, I take my shower first and ready for bed.

Now fresh, standing in my room in only a shirt, panties in my hand.

Gulpping and regretting my approach to buying them, I pull the tags off the panties, take a deep breath, and pull them up my legs.

How does it feel

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