Sph on the beach

Sph in public.

Chapter 1 by OwnerOfAnIttyBittyPenis OwnerOfAnIttyBittyPenis

I woke up to a phone call across my apartment. I left my phone in my pants last night which were still in the bathroom. Taking off the covers I'm greeted to the cold morning air hitting my skin, I was so tired last night I skipped putting on pajamas and went straight for bed leaving me completely naked. Getting up I head over to the bathroom and pick up the phone only to get greeted by the voice of my friend Rosa.

Rosa: "Hey Sammy I was just calling to see if you wanted to come to the beach with me." As she said this I could here some waves in the background

Sam: "Hey Rosey I'm flattered you asked but I ordered a swimsuit online and it still hasn't gotten here yet." As I say this I hear a knock on the door which I choose to ignore.

Rosa: "Well you don't have to come in wearing one since it has a nice bar, volleyball court, and technically-"

* Knock knock knock *

Sam: "Hey Rosa I'm gonna put you on hold for a second someone's knocking on my door." After setting my phone down I rush over to the door letting the cold air in and greeting the attractive female UPS driver.

UPS worker: "Hello sir I've got a pack...age for you. Pfft hehe so you need to sign here to confirm you got your, hehe, package." As she's saying this she's trying to hold back laughter. Turning around I go to grab a pen from my entryway table but I accidentally knock it onto the floor. Bending over to pick it up I hear the UPS worker burst out laughing. Picking it up I sign the paper on her clipboard and hand it back.

UPS worker: "Ok "big" guy thanks for the full moon but I've got to get going so see you around little dick." She says this walking away leaving me momentarily confused before looking down and realizing I never put any clothes on. Against the cold air my penis shrank down to a measly half an inch. Grabbing the box I slammed the door shut and set it down in the living room while trying to ignore my newly sprung boner. Picking up my phone I continue my chat with Rosa.

Sam: "Hey Rosa sorry about cutting you off earlier you were saying."

Rosa: "Hey Sammy I was just saying that technically clothing is optional before you cut me off I was gonna tell you how they implemented that rule to make sure kids weren't able to come in. Although I wouldn't recommend it since it's basically clothing optional in name only. They only added it to make sure no kids are allowed so only a real pervert would come to the beach completely naked. Anyways I sent you where it's at in Google maps make sure you come." Before I could refuse she hung up and true to her word sent me the location. Thinking about what I should do I opened up the box and realized that the swimsuit I ordered online finally arrived. Texting Rosa back I sent her a message saying I'll be on my way soon and go to get ready.

How does he go to the beach?

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