Reborn as a Tamer

Reborn as a Tamer

Reborn in a Fantasy world as a Tamer

Chapter 1 by Switchchris Switchchris

Author's Note: Hello, I don't know how often this story will be updated, since this is a story im writing partly while taking a break from my other one since I have hit a bit of writer's block with it, but I will try to update it frequently. I had a brain blast of ideas for things I wouldn't be able to do with my other MC, so im gonna do them with this story.

Sacrificed by a Cult... not the way I thought I would die that's for sure.
I was just minding my own business, living my life as best I could, next thing I know im being pulled into a black van and blindfolded. These crazy assholes kept talking about how with this last sacrifice the reckoning would begin and they would finally meet their god, fucking lunatics. If I knew that the reward for living my life being as good and kind as possible, paying my dues and being a "Productive member of society", would be for me to be chained to the floor on top of some weird chalk lines, I would have probably indulged more. Thankfully it was a mostly painless **** at least, after the first few seconds bleeding out on the floor I just kinda went numb and passed away.

And now im here standing in a white void with a person bowing towards me.
"I'm so very sorry about what has happened, I am somewhat at fault for your ****..." The man says, his head still on the ground.
"What's going on, and what do you mean your at fault?" I say with a bit of anger mixed in with my curiosity. The man sits up and looks me with a sad and apologetic look on his face. If it wasn't for the single crescent shaped horn coming out the side of his head I would say this man looked Angelic.
"To be exact, the people who sacrificed you... worship me, or at least what they Think is me anyway. A few hundred years ago people who worshiped me did good things throughout the world, some of them started major charity organizations, but now... very few of my followers seem to know what I want them to do. I'm a Good God dammit, but thanks to this damned horn sticking out of my head, the new people who found my temple think im some demon, they see the text that talks about sacrifice as to mean they need to sacrifice other people for some reason." A extremely tired, almost manic looks covers his face. "Do you know how hard it is to see people parroting my name while killing hundreds of people? I try to save as many souls as I can, like I did yours, but since they arnt actually doing any of the divine rituals correctly I can't tell them to stop."
"So your telling me... they killed me for no reason? These idiots are just grabbing people off the street and sacrificing them for no reason?" I say, almost dumbfounded.
The man simply nods and apologizes again. A few moments of awkward silence pass as I taken in the fact that everything I did was for nothing. As if reading my mind the god speaks up.
"It wasn't for nothing. Because your soul is clean and you were kind in life, your soul can be reincarnated if you wish. Not into your world of course, since Recycling souls back through the same divine gate can be disastrous, but you can have another life, a potentially more enjoyable one at that." He says with a small smile.
"Really? what kind of world are we talking?" I say, getting a little excited at the prospect.
"Its one that's not nearly as advanced as your old one, I believe that the people in your world would call it a "Fantasy" world, which is hilarious because that would be the same thing that world would call your world if they knew about it. It has Magic, Swords, Monsters, Dragons, and everything else that comes with your world's meaning of the word, and more. You would be going into the world with what Blessings I can give you as well, so life should be easier for you there. Once your soul is put into the world, I can only partially direct where it goes, to make sure your safely put into a suitable situation, but who you are born from and where is essentially random sadly, can't purposefully put you into any royal families or anything, but no matter what the situation is, with my blessings it will be made significantly easier as you grow up."
"While it sucks that I can't choose to live the wealthy life, what kind of Blessings can you give me?" I ask
"Well you get to choose 3 from a list of hundreds, almost every skill that exists in that world has a Blessing connected to it. You would be Naturally gifted with those skills and get a few other perks along with them based on which Blessings you choose. Ill just pull up the list and you can pick from them."

What's next?

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