QOS Society

The greatest weapon in the war against men, is women.

Chapter 1 by dm67281 dm67281

In the near future of a not so dissimilar world, women are increasingly more likely to be in positions of power and decision making, and less dependent on men for anything other than reproduction, and sexual pleasure.

The QOS Society is a loose knit collection of social, business, and community organizations with a common goal, to allevieate the world of men who no longer have purpose. In their eyes women are now the dominant sex, and black men are the only men worth having sex with, either for pleasure or for offspring.

The society has an ever-growing membership, though it is not neccesarilly well known to the general public. With ties to nearly all sectors of life up to and including goverent officials, each year the QOS society grows in numbers and efficiency.

Where do you start?

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