Princess Rozi

Princess Rozi

A stuck up bratty princess has a plan to take over the kingdom, unless...

Chapter 1 by raiien raiien

Turkey, a country that still lives and thrives by old tradition. Where woman are expected to be wives and mothers and men are expected to fight and die for the crown. In a world where woman are nothing more then a prize for the winner, a queen is seen as an object. And that is exactly how Rozi's soon to be husband see's her. An object, a trophy, a doll to fuck when ever he pleases.

Rozi is no different from any other girls. She doesn't want to be married to someone she does not love, but her opinion is not important. Her life is no longer her own. Her future is no longer in her hands. Her freedom has been taken away.

Rozi is the last heir to the throne. Without her, the Aziz family is doomed to lose everything they've built over the centuries. The many Aziz kings and queens over the 500 years have accomplished much. They've ruled with an iron fist, and conquered all the countries in the middle east.

Rozi is very spoiled, arrogant, and stubborn. Her life revolves around her beauty and her body, and she is proud of her beauty. She is used to having her way and gets upset if something isn't done to her liking.

She has a plan, a plan to rid of the new king and retain her family's name and pride. She has a plan to kill him and rule the kingdom alone. A queen without a king, a true and proper Queen.

Once she is the sole queen, she can marry a noble, have them take her name and bear a child, keeping her great family line going. She is a true royal and is determined to do what it takes to keep her family's legacy and traditions going.

As marriage has not taken place yet, Rozi continues her role as acting queen to the throne. This involves regular meetings with the royal advisors. The Royal advisors are men of great status, high ranking nobles who are the closest thing to royalty. They have served the royal families for generations.

Rozi walks in to her throne room, ready to get this meeting over with. She takes a seat at the meeting table and crosses her legs. The Royal advisor, an older man in his 60's, bows down to Rozi. He stands up straight and gives Rozi a warm smile.

"I must say, you look stunning my dear"

Rozi looks down at him, her eyes roaming up and down his body. "I always look stunning. And don't forget it" she says in a snotty tone.

"Yes yes, your highness" the advisor chuckles.

"What do you have for me today?" she asks, crossing her arms.

"Ah yes, the matter at hand" he opens a file and lays the papers out on the table.

"Nothing out of the ordinary. Our troops are doing well. They've secured the borders from the west and east and the people are happy. We have a surplus of funds in our bank and trade agreements are up to date" he finishes.

The rest of the advisors finally join the meeting room. They all take their seats around the table and look at Rozi.

"Your majesty, there is one more thing we need to discuss"

"And what is that?" she asks.

"It's the matter of your marriage. You will be wed in a week. There are preparations that need to be made"

"A week? I thought we had months?" she asks.

"Unfortunately not your highness, the king is eager to have you as his wife and has pushed the wedding up"

"How dare he! How dare he change MY plans!" she stands up, her temper rising.

"Calm down, your majesty, the king has his reasons"

"Oh I bet he does. That filthy pig has no right to change my wedding. This is not his decision, this is my life. I am the heir of the Aziz bloodline. My marriage will happen when I decide it will happen, not when that disgusting bastard decides it will"

"Your highness, you are not thinking about the people. You are their queen, their leader. They need you. It's your duty to marry him. We all have a part to play in the great game."

"Don't speak to me about duty. You, a mere mortal, do not know what it means to be an Aziz. You have no right to talk to me about duty. I am a born and raised Queen. You were not. Don't speak to me as if you are my equal. Know your place"

"As you wish" the advisor bows and sits down.

"Leave me. I have had enough of you imbeciles for the day"

The advisors all leave the room. Rozi sighs, taking a deep breath. She sits back down in her chair, placing her face in her hands.

"What am I to do. This marriage cannot happen"

Rozi takes out a dagger from her thigh holster and examines it.

"The king must die, there's no other way"

Rozi twirls the dagger in her hand, her eyes fixated on the blade.

She smirks, standing up. "This will be quite easy, and once I have the crown, no one will stop me"

"I will become the queen of all queens, and my name will live forever in history"

Rozi heads out the meeting room, her hips swaying as she walks down the hallway. She makes her way to her personal quarters.

"You there, girl, come here" she calls to a male servant.

"Yes, your majesty?" the man kneels.

"Prepare my bath, I'm feeling dirty" she orders.

"Right away" the servant gets up and leaves the room.

Rozi goes into her private bathroom and closes the door. She takes off her dress and admires herself in the mirror.

Her caramel skin wrapped around her petite figure glisten in the light of the bathroom.

She takes off her panties and tosses them aside. She turns around and admires her plump, round ass.

"So perfect, just like the rest of me"

She turns around and looks at her b-cup breasts. She smiles as she cups her hands under her chest.

Rozi gets into the bath, letting the water engulf her.

The water washes away her makeup and reveals her natural beauty.

Her long, silky, black hair flows down her back.

"Ahhhh" she moans, laying her head back and closing her eyes.

Rozi relaxes for a moment, enjoying the hot water on her skin.

After a few minutes, she gets up and washes her body with soap. She takes a deep breath, the scent of lavender filling her lungs.

She gets out of the tub and wraps herself in a towel. She sits down in front of her mirror and dries her hair.

"My beauty is truly unmatched"

Rozi stands up and puts on her nightgown.

"That pig of a king thinks he can me to marry him. He doesn't know what's coming"

"I will be the sole queen of Turkey, and no one will stop me" she says as she slips the dagger under a strap in her night gown.

"My beauty is only rivaled by my intellect"

She smiles to herself. "No one will be able to stop me. This world is mine for the taking"

Rozi quietly leaves her quarters to not alert any of the guards and makes her way to the kings chamber.

"There is no turning back"

She slowly pushes open the kings chamber door.

"He's sound asleep, this will be easy"

Rozi makes her way over to the king and stares at him.

"That pig will never get the chance to lay a finger on me"

She slowly slides the dagger out from under her strap and raises her arm, ready to strike.

She hears a door creak behind her just as goes to strike.

Does Rozi stop?

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