Orcs vs Elves - Elf World

Orcs vs Elves - Elf World

The Sentinel Guild

Chapter 1 by TVWintergreen TVWintergreen

Delaryn fumbled with a few items as she approached the counter.A yawning sin’dorei barista blew an errant bang up and away from her face as she regarded the kaldorei with a bored, unenthusiastic expression. Delaryn was keeping her sword under one arm as she searched her purse for her phone, then hastily thumbed the device open to get to the payApp.The elf across the counter rolled her eyes shallowly.

“Uh, do you need more time, Miss?”

“No! No… I got it.” She placed her phone under the scanner.

“I’ll take an iced coffee, please.” She asked quietly. She was conscious of the stares of a human man behind her. She was not sure if he would be frustrated, or staring at the way her butt looked in the skirt she was given. The outfit was something given to those who were allowed to try-out for the Sentinel’s Guild. A short purple skirt with silver threading around the hem. Over her torso she had a white blouse with a purple and silver vest. She forgot the belt to hold her sword, only having the strap to keep her quiver and bow at her back. It was why she fumbled with it all at the counter. It was a faux-pas to put the sword down where any normal citizen could grab it.

“Name?” The sin'dorei asked, holding a black marker to a little white cup with the Elunebucks logo on it.


“Too long. I’ll write Rin down. You’ll remember that.” The girl stated.

“Uh.” Delaryn hastily collected her things. Before she knew it, another girl had locked arms and began pulling her away from the counter.

“They’re not very enthusiastic, I know. But the drinks are good.” The other kaldorei shrugged. She was wearing the same try-out uniform as Delaryn.

“If you say so…”

Once they were out of the way the girl presented a strong and calloused, yet still slender and womanly hand with manicured silver nails with little purple moons painted on the thumb and pointer finger. They were surprising for a girl that basically announced to everyone that she was a warrior with her appearance and aura.

“Shandris!” The barista shouted.

The other elf smiled awkwardly. “Oop. I was about to introduce myself, but… well.” She shrugged.

“That’s my name.” She bounced towards the pickup counter and took her large tea.

Delaryn stood in stunned silence for a few moments. “Shan… dris…” She muttered.

“Shandris!?” She pointed.

“That’s me.” The girl blew into the opening of her store mug.

“But…” Delaryn stared at her apparel. The same tryout clothes that she was wearing.

“Your sister is the-”

“My ‘half-sister’ is the Guild Leader. Yeah. But I still gotta try out. It’s important. I’m confident in my skills, anyway. I know I’ll get in.” She said confidently.

“Rin!” The barista shouted hoarsely. Delaryn walked to the counter swiftly, grabbed her drink and walked back. She did not want to miss her chance.

As Delaryn walked back she noticed Shandris eying her weapons. “A Moonsword and a Longbow? Which do you favour?”

“Both.” Delaryn explained, revealing the dagger that was stuffed into her purse. Shandris blinked, then covered her mouth and laughed.

“Forgot the belt, huh? That’s fine. So you’re an ambusher.” The girl nodded slowly, thinking.

Dalaryn blushed. “You’re pretty good at everything, right?”

“Not magic. That’s the only thing.” Shandris was being humble. Delaryn knew that she was first in her class for both bows and swords. An excellent warrior and an excellent archer. Though, Delaryn could pick up a sense of shame, of all things, as Shandris mentioned not having magic.

“My older sister’s the strongest priestess in the world and the leader of one of the biggest guilds, so even if I can be the best at this it’s still not enough to shine.”

“You shine, plenty!” Delaryn gushed.

“I know about you! Most girls probably do, too.”

Shandris blushed, pulling Delaryn under her arm. “Stick with me during the tests. I’ll see you through.”

“Huh?” Delaryn, surprisingly found the prodigy to be fairly simple-minded. She was complimented, so immediately wanted to repay the compliment even though she did not know Delaryn at all. Not only that, Delaryn felt like she had made a very useful connection just from a few kind words. It was both scary and endearing.

“Because I need an ambusher in my squad. Someone that’ll be able to do both, like me. I don’t want a blanched group, I wanna have girls at my back that can do all the things I can do, more or less. Then we can solve problems easily as a team.”

Delaryn blinked. “A team of… Ambushers?” It was a strange concept, because typically the META was to have a tank, a healer and some others around who could pick off enemies. Since the tank and healer role was typically the most important it felt strange to want to make a group without either. But, then she saw the value in a whole team who was able to sneak into the enemy’s lines, attack, then escape without being found.

“It’s a good idea. Very new strat. Innovative.” She was being genuine, not just saying so to endear herself more to Shandris.

Shandris beamed at Delaryn happily. “Glad you think so, Vice-Leader.”

“J-just like that!?” She gawked at Shandris’s bashful, blushing expression. She was grinning ear to ear, and both long ears were wiggling up and down and also turning red near the ends.

“Scary… You shouldn’t give away important positions to people that compliment you!”

“See? You’re already having the important thoughts you need to have to be my vice-leader.” Shandris patted Delaryn on the shoulder, sealing her fate.

Delaryn sighed. “Okay. I surrender.” The two walked out towards the testing grounds. Suddenly she had a thought. A question that Shandris may have actually been able to answer.

“Hey… For the test do they have an actual gate?”

“I get the confusion. For a smaller guild there’d be no shot. But, since it’s Sentinels it’s doable. From what I’ve been able to gather it’s a low-rank gate that stabilised a long time ago. It used to be an extremely active Orc-Gate that spewed out those nasty bastards but then my Sister and her own party cleared it. Now it’s just a hunting ground for the guild.” Shandris explained.

“Woah…” Suddenly she felt a little disappointed.

“Hah! I can see you’re thinking it’s gonna be a cakewalk.”

“Sort of?”

“Well, it’s still a gate. There’s orcs. They’re an opponent that normal people can’t handle. But, if it’s just stragglers we can handle them, even with just the two of us. The point of the test is to survive in the Gate but I got a bit of insider info.” She grinned.

Dalaryn’s ears twitched. “Insider… info?”

Within the Plains Gate there was quite a bit of preparation going on. It was due to a recent change. The errant tribes were sending missives back and forth, but the groups were too small to pose a threat, even if they combined.

“Are you sure about this?” Cordana asked.

“Of course.” Maiev nodded.

“The leader is recommending a pause. The first instance where events like this occurred was when gates first began to multiply and open around the city.” The invasions began from singular portals. After those were under control, people thought things would quiet down but eventually a multiplication even happened and Gates started to open up all over and spew forth just as many invaders.

“The leader isn’t in charge of the test. I am. The Warden’s oversee the ascension of new recruits into the Guild. She can worry about her own problems.” Maiev stared at the map of tribal orc villages within the Gate.

“The unique situation is exactly why we need to press on. The test has already been changed. We will award those who are able to gather the most information about the messages being sent back and forth without being found. This should suffice.”

“I see your point.” Cordana nodded.

“Are all the proctors in position? I need to go out to greet the applicants. We have a celebrity this time…”

“Sira, Lyani and Saynna and of course myself are all in position around the testing grounds. I have seen to it myself that everything is proceeding as planned.” Cordana reported dutifully.

“Good. Then I leave it in your hands.” Maiev left for the open portal. Once she was gone, Cordana turned off her communicator and stared across the planes towards the distant orc villages while clutching her sword tightly.

Lyani panted as she ran from the encroaching orc warriors. She desperately tapped her communicator to no avail. The only channel available was the one that patched them into Cordana, and it was not working.

“Dammit, pick up!” She rasped, glancing back over her shoulder. The orcs were gaining on her. Elves and humans tended to be more dexterous than orcs, but contrary to popular opinion it was muscle that actually lent itself best to speed and the orcs had more of it. They also had more stamina so they were sprinting towards her with no way for her to outrun or outlast them.

“Fine.” She gritted her teeth and turned around. The Warden Squad member drew her moon glaives. The orcs slowed and chuckled as they closed in around her. Lyani smirked.

“Not sure why you’re laughing. I wasn’t running because I thought I’d lose.” Her silver eyes lit up with hatred.

One of the orcs shouted something in their foul, tribal language before lunging forward. The woman merely sidestepped the attack and in a spinning, dancelike motion she cut through him with her glaive. At the height of her swing she threw it. The circular blade made a whistling sound as it felled another orb before returning to her. But, before she even had to catch it she spun again and cut down another optimistic orc warrior.

Lyari clarified. “I’m only running because you all are valuable hunting targets for the new recruits. Can’t have the animals thinning out before the test!” She shouted, lunging towards two more warriors, killing them instantly. She was unhappy to get blood on her suit. The Warden Squad’s apparel was heavier than most others. A tight flexweave suit with some plates over it for extra protection; it was all in green and gold. The tight armour showed off their bodies as they fought, making them quite famous among the Sentinels. Maiev herself was someone with an action figure of herself with… against her wishes, removable armour.

“I’m actually kind of glad you all came so far to attack me. Now I can’t be scolded by the leader.” She chuckled cruelly, looking around for more to kill. There was just one. An orc in tattered furs, but not armour. More like robes. He had green eyes.

“Weird… Shaman? Whatever. Better to kill these, regardless.” She darted towards him only to skid to a stop as he threw something down in front of him very suddenly.

“Heh heh.” The orc pointed to the item, then to her. He made a taunting, beckoning motion and licked his lips crudely. It annoyed her to no end, but what annoyed her most of all with the image of the totem. She gritted her teeth.

“Disgusting!” Orcs were known to become shamans and shamans were known to use totems to great effect. However, what was most unusual was the image carved into wood of an attractive, curvaceous elf body. It was wrapped around the totem as if chained to it, but it was all made of the same material. A sacred kind of wood to the orcs.

“You’re just making it worse for yourself.” She uttered, staring cautiously at it. It was still a totem. She did not know what it did. Typically they could wrap anyone in range in roots or spit fire and other elements. In other cases they were merely to ward the shaman against danger. The simplest and most effective way to deal with them was to break them from afar. Lyari tossed one of her glaives at it. Before the glaive could reach, the orc stepped forward and channelled green energy through his hands and into the ground. The totem jumped up over the spinning glaive. As it was returning it plunged down into the earth near her.

It’s in range!

She expected to be wrapped in vines or attacked by it in some way. What she did not expect was for wisps of blue to be pulled from her eyes and mouth into the totem, leaving her feeling a bit cold.

“What… was that?” She blinked, failing to catch her thrown glaive. It whistled next to her ear as it flew over her shoulder and embedded in a tree behind her. She darted back out of range of the totem towards her glaive. She stared at it, watching in horror as the wood became smooth and purple.

“The hell?”

The orc chuckled, picked the totem up in his hands and licked from between the thick thighs, up the smooth stomach before rolling over the defined breasts of the totem. Lyari felt a full body shudder as a warm, wet feeling assaulted the front of her body, like a bumpy cloth rubbing up the entire length of her. Her legs, between her thighs, over her stomach and breasts, moving them up before letting them fall. All of that happened beneath the suit and armour that were supposedly impervious to tribal orc magic and weapons. She did the only thing she could think of. She ran. She grabbed her glaive from the tree and bolted away from the peculiar shaman and his totem.

“What the hell was that?” She wondered out loud. As she felt like she had lost him and was on her way to the portal she had to stop. She fell, doubling over in pain as something began to burn her skin beneath her suit. She screamed and pulled at the plates to tear them off.

“A-acid!?” She pulled at the untouched suit, pulling it up where she felt the sensation. Lyari gulped, watching and feeling the pin pricks as a green tattoo began to form on her belly, just above her pubic area. She desperately tried to wipe at the tattoo, but it was being carved without any input from her. It was a jagged, curved symbol with a dot in the centre, like one of their foul runes.

“Dammit. I have to tell-” Her eyes rolled back. She clenched her thighs and stuffed her hands between them but it was as if she was trying to block something intangible. She felt her sex being rubbed, She fell forward onto the ground, shaking as something was pushed in, pulled over, pulled out, rubbed over, licked. Her breasts quickly joined in with her feeling the jarring sensation of them being groped by invisible hands.

“F-fuuuug…” She moaned, staring down as the tattoo completed. She mewled, her back arching as something rubbed between her rear cheeks. She blushed deeply as something rubbed her from as to cunt mercilessly until finally her body collapsed in a twitching heap of her own drool and juices and tears. She tried to lift a hand but again the feeling assaulted her anew again and again, weakening her and bringing her to collapse.

“I-I’m actually gonna go crazy…” She mumbled. As she inhaled, she swore even though she was alone in the field, that she could smell the putrid scent of sweat from an orc.

A few minutes later the shaman strolled into the field, blocking the sun with his hand as he looked around. He finally spotted the twitching mass. The Kaldorei had all her clothes torn off with a crazed grin on her lips. She was rubbing and groping herself while giggling and begging for more. Her expression before she saw him was a mask of shame and pleasure. Then she saw him and immediately hopped up, ready to kill.


The orc laughed and flicked the totem between its thick purple thighs. Lyari’s eyes rolled up into the back of her head as she squirted again onto her inner thighs. She fell to her knees, panting and lamenting her position. She watched him place the totem back down, attached to his belt so that it fell facing his crotch.

Th-the smell… That smell… It was all she could breathe, even though he was still too far away. The odour surrounded and enveloped her as if she lived in it, and she suddenly could put together why.

The totem is linked to me, somehow. My… spirit? Her golden eyes widened.

“Spirit link!?” She exclaimed.

The orc walked forward, ignoring her. He casually lifted his loincloth in front of her. “No. Never!” She spat on the ground. She knew it was a foregone conclusion as he revealed his cock to her. She could not have guessed what he would do next. She watched as he took the totem in his hand and allowed his cock to fall over the thighs, belly and between the breasts. She looked down, feeling the warmth of it. It was not just warmth but almost burning heat falling over her body. Her breasts spread apart as it felt like something was actually between them. She gulped and twitched, throwing her head back as he used the totem’s soft body to rub over his cock.

“Mas- I’m being used as a masturbation tool? My soul… Me? I don’t understand what this is… It’s too strong.” She shuddered and came as the intense warmth rubbed over her sex, between her breasts and over her face as well. She was not just washed with the smell anymore but an ever present, slick, sticky and sweaty feeling over her skin where the cock was rubbing on the totem. She cracked a mad smile.

“S-sweat…” She rubbed over herself, trying to get it off but despite the feeling of it, it could not be grasped or washed. She was soaked in sweat, in her mind, in sensation but not in reality. It could not be changed or handled. It was the same with the smell. The mind-numbing scent that slowly became a part of her without her ever intending it to. As the pungent scent of cock soaked into the wood it felt like it was soaking into her very soul.

“My soul… Heh… M-my soul is being soaked in orc sweat.” She covered her mouth.

I- I really am going crazy… What’s going to happen to me? The stories of what happened to orc captives were never pretty. She was soon to join the long line of them. Or so she thought.

The shaman groaned, pulling the totem in front of his throbbing member. It came roped over the purple, wooden effigy of her. She slumped down, staring in mad disbelief. She cracked a smile.

“Ah…” she tried to wipe her face. She felt globs of sticky warmth soaked over her face and seeping into her mouth, but she could only taste and feel it. Such a thing could not be wiped from her because it was not there. She shifted, rubbing over her body as a sickly, thick feeling oozed over her skin.

“Aaaah…” She threw her head back. The thought of being covered in orc cum with no way to remove the smell or the feel of it soaking into her skin and seeping into her mouth, nose and ears…

“Hahaha! It’s over! It’s over…” She stuck her tongue out lewdly. “

“I’m done, just take m-” She gulped. He was gone. She was just left with the feel of it. The smell of it. It was so vivid and clear. She clutched her head in her hands.

“How am I supposed to live like this!?”


Thank you for reading! If you enjoyed this story and want to read more of it, more Chapters are currently available to read at https://www.patreon.com/TVWintergreen By Subscribing you also gain access to my extensive backlog of content and uploads of new chapters daily! Hope to see you soon~

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