Monster Motel

Chapter 1 by CpnMidnight CpnMidnight

You run a small bed-and-breakfast, far off the beaten track, that caters to an unusual clientele: men and women who have been touched by the supernatural. You offer vampires, werewolves, and other such beings a place of solitude, where they can relax without fear of being discovered. You ask only that your guests respect each others’ solitude - and that they pay their bills promptly.

On one particular evening, you are about to retire, but first you plan to check in on your current guests to see if there’s anything they need. Tonight, the guests upstairs include the following:

Alexis is a 400-year old vampire, and one of the richest individuals on the planet. She has used her long life and experience to build a substantial financial empire, which she rules from the shadows, by way of e-mail and text messages. She claims that she came here to get away from it all for a few days, but you think she’s been glued to her laptop the entire time. In demeanor, Alexis is polite, but formal, and carries an aura of unshakable confidence and control

Fiona was a college cheerleader when an explosion in a school science lab apparently killed her, but instead trapped her in a kind of living ****, preserving her body and her nervous functions even though her heart and lungs had ceased to function. Now, in order to sustain her existence, she requires only the occasional electrical jolt to recharge her nervous functions, and protection from those who would seek to label her an aberration and destroy her. Despite her curse, Fiona is cheerful and playful, even flirty at times.

While Zoe was jogging through the woods, she was attacked and clawed by a wild panther. Ever since then, when the moon is full, she transforms into a bloodthirsty panther. She has come here to take advantage of the wards and charms built into the walls of your bed-and-breakfast, which will keep her held within her room during the height of her madness, thus ensuring that no innocents come to harm. Personality-wise, Zoe has an intense, driven quality, and she delights in satisfying all five of her unusually-keen senses.

Which of these guests do you check on? Or there is another guest present?

Who do you check on?

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