Mind Over Body

A Bodyhopper Tale

Chapter 1 by paperclip12321 paperclip12321

The briefing room was a stark contrast to the sterile laboratory beyond its doors. A cold, small, room with an unyielding concrete floor. Set up with four beige walls, one a chalk board, and single projector screen opposite the podium where Dr. Jessica Yuri was preparing her presentation. The room was empty except for her. With her dark hair tied back in a neat ponytail, she stood at the front of the room preparing her briefing. Her deep brown eyes held a glint of determination, as if she knew the answers to her questions lay just beyond the veil of uncertainty.

She looked up at the door, waiting for her trusted companions to join her. A feeling of nervous anticipation washed over her as she checked her notes once again. All of the hard work she's put in had thus far produced basically no results. At the sametime, it wasn't like she could go public with this research anyway. Sure she was one of the top neuroscientist in the country but that was for work any hard working woman could have done. No this research was what she was really interested in. She had a personal motive behind this research. But James, her primary source of data, made it very clear that he'd only help her if she promised to never publish any results they found. Of course that was way back when they started, back when they thought they might actually discover the science behind James's strange ability.

She knew what she was getting into when they started. Bodyhoppers are notoriously secretive, their world hidden behind veils of mystery and intrigue. Their existence known only to a select few, moving through the world unseen and unheard. Their presence masked by a carefully crafted illusion of normalcy. Bodyhoppers ability to possess anyone at will allows them to use anyone to further their own agendas whatever they might be. The bodyhopper is an elusive creatures, moving in the shadows which is why Jessica was so thankful when she finally found a bodyhopper like James. He was not only a bodyhopper but one who seemed to have a higher moral compass than others. He did his best to control his bodyhopping urges. Avoiding mounting anyone without their consent first. Most bodyhopper simply just mount whoever they want without even a second thought. But James seemed to be different. He seemed like a good person. But even still it took a lot of time before Jessica grew to trust him. Having delt with her own bodyhopper nightmare, he had to prove his trustworthiness over the time. But from what she could tell he'd never mounted her in all the years they've known each other. That's not to say, he doesn't have his moments. Usually once a month James will show up late to the lab because he's been out on one of his late night "adventures." God, hopefully he's not on one of his adventures tonight, Jessica thought. Late evening was the only time the lab was empty enough for them to perform their experiments without drawing too much attention. But now she sat in the briefing room along waiting on both James and her assistant Samantha.

At least she knew why Samantha was late. Sam told her that she needed to run a last minute errand before meeting back at the lab this evening. Sam was her most loyal and dedicated assistant. She's been there for her through thick and thin. Not only that, she's also a close companion. Someone who understands the depth of her research, someone who can relate to her most experiences. It was Samantha who helped Jessica piece her life back together after a bodyhopper had ransacked it. It was only with her help that Jessica had fixed everything and become as successful as she was. And somehow Sam continued to be a loyal friend when Jessica had approached her about studying bodyhoppers with James. Jessica knew she needed a willing mount for James and it couldn't be her because she needed to be there to record all of the data. So logically Sam had become the the next option. Sam was hesitant at first but agreed to be the guinea pig for the research because she trusted Jessica and James turned out to be a pretty normal guy. Of course, Sam's beauty made it an easy yes for James. Sam was beautiful. A symphony of curves and angles that danced in perfect harmony. Her skin was a flawless canvas, a creamy ivory hue that seemed to glow from within, as if lit by an inner flame. Her eyes were pools of liquid mercury, shimmering with a depth that reflected the complexity of her soul. Her lips were full and sensual. Her hair was a cascade of golden waves, a radiant crown that framed her face like a halo. Her figure was an hourglass and her scent was intoxicating, a blend of jasmine and vanilla that lingered in the air. Any bodyhopper would literally jump at the opprotunity to mount Sam. And lucky for James he got to do it regularly with her permission.

"Hey Doc, sorry I'm late. I got caught in traffic." James said causing Jessica to jump in surprise. She hadn't heard him enter the room yet. Her heart fluttered slightly, but she managed to maintain her composure. She nodded at him and gestured toward the seats.

"Oh James, no worries, were still waiting on Samantha. I've already downloaded her on the plan for tonight's experiment but I'd like to run through it with you since we have some time anyway." Jessica said looking at James.

What's next?

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